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Last active May 22, 2019 16:33
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Implementing L-System examples from the "Algorithmic Beauty of Plants" with Meander
{:paths ["src"]
:deps {org.clojure/clojure {:mvn/version "1.10.0"}
org.clojure/clojurescript {:mvn/version "1.10.439"}
org.clojure/test.check {:mvn/version "0.10.0-alpha3"} {:mvn/version "0.3.0"}
meander/delta {:mvn/version "0.0.85"}
quil/quil {:mvn/version "3.0.0"}}
:aliases {:test {:extra-paths ["test"]
:extra-deps {org.clojure/test.check {:mvn/version "0.10.0-alpha3"}
com.cognitect/test-runner {:git/url ""
:sha "1d0cb97a14152959cdb7c1e8539a1759a1663f5b"}}
:main-opts ["-m" "cognitect.test-runner"]}}}
(ns topiary.core
(:require [ :as r.match]
[ :as r]
[clojure-turtle.core :as turtle]))
;; F Move forward drawing a line.
;; f Move forward without drawing a line.
;; + Turn left by angle δ.
;; - Turn right by angle δ.
;; ( Push turtle state
;; ) Restore turtle state
(defn interpret [d δ instruction]
(r.match/find instruction
(turtle/forward d)
(do (turtle/penup)
(turtle/forward d)
(turtle/left δ)
(turtle/right δ)
[_ ... :as ?instructions]
(fn [?instruction]
(interpret d δ ?instruction))
(!instructions ... :as ?block)
(r.match/match (deref turtle/turtle)
{:angle ?angle
:color ?color
:fill ?fill
:x ?x
:y ?y}
(do (interpret d δ !instructions)
(if ?fill
(do (turtle/end-fill)
(turtle/setxy ?x ?y)
(turtle/setheading ?angle)
(turtle/color ?color)
(do (turtle/setxy ?x ?y)
(turtle/setheading ?angle)
(turtle/color ?color)))))))
(defn l-system [s n]
(if (= n 0)
(apply r/pipe (repeat n (r/bottom-up s)))))
(def koch-island
{:axiom '[F - F - F - F]
:n 3
:δ 90
:productions (r/rewrite
F [F - F + F + F F - F - F + F]
?X ?X)})
(def example-a
{:axiom '[F - F - F - F]
:n 4
:δ 90
:productions (r/rewrite
F [F F - F - F - F - F - F + F]
?X ?X)})
(def example-b
{:axiom '[F - F - F - F]
:n 4
:δ 90
:productions (r/rewrite
F [F F - F - F - F - F F]
?X ?X)})
(def example-c
{:axiom '[F - F - F - F]
:n 3
:δ 90
:productions (r/rewrite
F [F F - F + F - F - F F]
?X ?X)})
(def example-d
{:axiom '[F - F - F - F]
:n 4
:δ 90
:productions (r/rewrite
F [F F - F - - F - F]
?X ?X)})
(def example-e
{:axiom '[F - F - F - F]
:n 5
:δ 90
:productions (r/rewrite
F [F - F F - - F - F]
?X ?X)})
(def example-f
{:axiom '[F - F - F - F]
:n 4
:δ 90
:productions (r/rewrite
F [F - F + F - F - F]
?X ?X)})
(def plant-a
{:axiom 'F
:n 5
:δ 25.7
:productions (r/rewrite
F [F (+ F) F (- F) F]
?X ?X)})
(def plant-b
{:axiom 'F
:n 5
:δ 20
:productions (r/rewrite
F [F (+ F) F (- F) (F)]
?X ?X)})
(def plant-c
{:axiom 'F
:n 4
:δ 22.5
:productions (r/rewrite
F [F F - (- F + F + F) + (+ F - F - F)]
?X ?X)})
(def plant-d
{:axiom 'X
:n 7
:δ 20
:productions (r/rewrite
X [F (+ X) F (- X) + X]
F [F F]
?X ?X)})
(def plant-e
{:axiom 'X
:n 7
:δ 25.7
:productions (r/rewrite
X [F (+ X) (- X) F X]
F [F F]
?X ?X)})
(def plant-f
{:axiom 'X
:n 5
:δ 22.5
:productions (r/rewrite
X [F - ((X) + X) + F (+ F X) - X]
F [F F]
?X ?X)})
(def sierpenski-triangle
{:axiom '[F - G - G]
:n 6
:δ 120
:productions (r/rewrite
F [F - G + F + G - F]
G [G G]
?X ?X)
:post-productions (r/rewrite
?X ?X)})
(defn make-window
(make-window 1))
(turtle/new-window {:size [(* scale 1024) (* scale 768)]})))
(defn run-specification [specification]
(let [X specification
d 3
n (:n X)
δ (:δ X)
system (l-system (:productions X) n)
system (if-some [post-production (:post-productions X)]
(r/pipe system (r/bottom-up post-production))
(turtle/setxy 0 -380)
(interpret d δ (system (:axiom X)))))
(comment (run-specification plant-e))
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