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Last active April 22, 2020 17:59
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Z Algorithm
(defn longest-prefix-at
[s i]
(let [max-k (. s length)]
(or (last (for [j (range 1 max-k)
:let [k (+ i j)]
:when (<= k max-k)
:let [s1 (subs s 0 j)
s2 (subs s i k)]
:while (= s1 s2)]
;; z-box = [z l r p]
;; where
;; z is the length of the prefix
;; l is the left endpoint of z-box
;; r is the right endpoint of z-box
;; p is the prefix
(defn z [s]
(let [length (. s length)]
(loop [i 1 ;; Our location in the string.
boxes []]
(if (< i length)
;; Continue scanning.
(let [pᵢ (longest-prefix-at s i)
zᵢ (count pᵢ)]
(if (zero? zᵢ)
;; ♢ No prefix, move foreward one character.
(recur (unchecked-inc i) boxes)
;; ♥ Prefix found, compute l, r, i
(let [lᵢ i
rᵢ (+ lᵢ zᵢ)]
;; ♥ Since we know zᵢ > 0 we can infer that any previous
;; box βⱼ with an right endpoint rⱼ, such that rⱼ < zᵢ,
;; is a substring of pᵢ. Thus βⱼ can be collected into
;; our results and avoid repeated work.
(let [box [zᵢ lᵢ rᵢ pᵢ]
boxes′ (conj boxes box)
boxes′ (into boxes′
(comp (take-while
(fn [[_ _ rⱼ _]]
(<= rⱼ zᵢ)))
(fn [[zⱼ lⱼ rⱼ pⱼ]]
;; Update βⱼ with new coordinates to make Βₖ.
[zⱼ (+ lᵢ lⱼ) (+ lᵢ rⱼ) pⱼ])))
rⱼ (nth (peek boxes′) 2)
no-previous-results? (= rⱼ rᵢ)]
(recur (if no-previous-results?
(unchecked-inc i)
(defn z-boxes [s search]
(let [s-size (inc (. search length))]
(for [[z l r p] (z (str search "$" s))
:when (= p search)]
[z (- l s-size) (- r s-size) p])))
(= (z "aabaabcaxaabaabcy")
;; =>
[[1 1 2 "a"]
[3 3 6 "aab"]
[1 4 5 "a"]
[1 7 8 "a"]
[7 9 16 "aabaabc"]
[1 10 11 "a"]
[3 12 15 "aab"]
[1 13 14 "a"]])
(= (z-boxes "foo bar baz foo bar baz" "foo")
[[3 0 3 "foo"]
[3 12 15 "foo"]]))
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