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Nathan N noproto

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MIFARE Classic

Here are the steps to follow in order to read your cards. Your goal is to find as many keys as possible. The keys unlock sections of your card for the Flipper to read them - you must have a card. Once you read enough sections, you can use an emulated or cloned card at the original card reader to unlock it (sometimes even without finding all of the keys!).

Reading the card


  1. Dictionary attack: Try to scan your MIFARE Classic card with NFC -> Read. It will try a dictionary attack of default keys to unlock your card, as well as any keys you may have found through other methods. Do not interrupt the dictionary attack, it may take a while! If it finds 32/32 keys (or 80/80) with 16/16 sectors (or 40/40), congratulations and proceed to "Emulation". If not, continue to step 2.
  2. Mfkey32 attack (): If you have only a few keys found or no keys found, you can get mor
noproto /
Last active May 26, 2023 04:34
Serge+Guanaco 65B setup guide (local ChatGPT)

Serge+Guanaco 65B setup guide (local ChatGPT)

  1. Ensure you have at least 64 GB of RAM and 90 GB of free disk space
  2. Run docker run -d -v weights:/usr/src/app/weights -v datadb:/data/db/ -p 8008:8008
  3. In a browser, open http://localhost:8008/ and press the "Download Models" button
  4. Scroll down to Guanaco-65B and press "Download"
  5. When it has finished downloading, start a new chat

There used to be more steps involved, now it's easy!

noproto /
Created September 29, 2020 03:18
Terraform Quickstart Template Config (Local Docker DEV, AWS ECS Fargate+AWS Route53 PROD)
// This Terraform config is a working template for a simple infrastructure pipeline
// You'll need the AWS v2 CLI and the ECS CLI
// First, make a basic directory structure: mkdir -p ~/terraform/example/hello/data
// Files to be placed in the 'data' directory: requirements.txt
// from flask import Flask
// app = Flask(__name__)
// @app.route("/")