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This article discusses the benefits and workings of virtual credit cards, offering a secure alternative for online and over-the-phone transactions by generating temporary card numbers linked to one's primary credit account.


  • Virtual card numbers provide a secure layer for online transactions, protecting the primary account details.
  • They can be immediately issued, customized, and revoked as needed, offering flexibility and control over online spending.
  • Virtual cards reduce the risk of fraud by allowing transaction-specific controls and immediate deactivation.
  • They are cost-effective and operationally efficient compared to physical credit cards.
  • Virtual card numbers are generated instantly and can be used for one-time payments or multiple transactions.
  • They differ from smartphone payment apps by being platform agnostic, usable across various online merchants and payment processors.
nopslip /
Created March 22, 2024 16:54
ZMBPM1➜ fabric : np4k_helper ✘ :✭ ᐅ np4k --file house-privacy-bill.txt | fabric --pattern extract_article_wisdom >


The U.S. House of Representatives unanimously approved the Protecting Americans’ Data from Foreign Adversaries Act, aiming to restrict data brokers from selling Americans' data to adversarial nations.


  • The unanimous approval of the bill by the House signifies a rare bipartisan agreement on the issue of data privacy.
  • Privacy groups remain skeptical about the bill's effectiveness in curbing the broader issues within the data broker industry.
  • The bill is seen as a significant step but not sufficient without a comprehensive privacy bill.
  • Critics argue that the focus on foreign adversaries overlooks the domestic misuse of data by brokers.
nopslip / _output_1710960943.json
Created March 21, 2024 18:04
Example of np4k `--output json` for an blog post
"title": "One Simple Tip To Avoid Tax Identity Fraud",
"keywords": [
nopslip / _output_1711043163.txt
Created March 21, 2024 18:02
Example of np4k fabric helper --output kvp
title: GUEST ESSAY: A DIY guide to recognizing – and derailing – Generative AI voice scams
keywords: guest, essay, diy, guide, recognizing, derailing, generative, voice, ai, scams, real, information, alexander, cloning, person, scammers, konovalov, google, impersonate, laugh, sounds, there’s, end, love, listen, unusual, you’re, verify, don’t, caller, urgency, co-founder, technologies, e-commerce, americans
authors: bacohido, Jeffrey Burt, Richi Jennings, Michael Vizard
summary: By Alexander Konovalov Americans lost a record $10 billion to scams last year — and scams are getting more sophisticated.\nRelated: Google battles AI fakers Recently used to impersonate Joe Biden and Taylor Swift, AI voice cloning scams are gaining momentum — and one in three adults confess they aren’t confident they’d identify the cloned voice from the real thing.\nGoogle searches for ‘AI voice scams’ soared by more than 200 percent in the course of a few months.\nHere are a few tips how to not fall prey to voice cloning scams.
nopslip / generate-biscuit-sxtcli-v0.0.2.MD
Created May 3, 2023 15:29
reference for generating a biscuit with Space and Time CLI v0.0.2
  1. Generate your biscuit keypair:

sxtcli biscuit keypair

  1. Generate your biscuit token: sxtcli biscuit generate table --privateKey=$b_priv_key --resources="SE_PLAYGROUND" --operations="SELECT"

Please note, the command above assumes you put your private key from step one into an env variable like:

export b_priv_key="biscuit_private_key_from_step_one"

nopslip / query-sxt-with-cl-functions.js
Last active April 14, 2023 13:45
This is an example of the JS config file used to make a request to the Space and Time API using ChainLink Functions.
// Import our variables from Functions-request-config.js
const sqlText = args[0]
const resourceId = args[1]
// Make a POST request to the SxT API
const response = await Functions.makeHttpRequest({
url: "https://<SxT-API-URL>",
method: "POST",
timeout: 9000,
# from
import csv
import json
import time
def csv_to_json(csvFilePath, jsonFilePath):
jsonArray = []
#read csv file
with open(csvFilePath, encoding='utf-8') as csvf:

Spark level 001

Basic NFT mint. Create minimum viable NFT.


You wake up hazy and unsure where you are. There is a creek headed up from the road. You head up the creek into the jungle, hoping it's safer than whats below.

As you ascend the creek you notice gem glistening in the sand below the water.

nopslip / ChainLinkRandom.sol
Created September 3, 2021 02:50
Random sequence from one Chainlink VRF
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.6.6;
// forked from
import "@chainlink/contracts/src/v0.6/VRFConsumerBase.sol";
# python 3.9.0
# web3py 5.19.0 -
# This script is sample of how to get deterministic address of a contract based on nonce
# adapted/modified from
import rlp
from web3 import Web3
base_address = "0x6ac7ea33f8831ea9dcc53393aaa88b25a785dbf0"
nonce = 1