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Last active May 4, 2016 09:02
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( ノ╹◡◡╹)ノ OCaml の Test::Simple 目コピってみた
all: test-builder.dll test-simple.dll
test-builder.dll: test-builder.fs
fsharpc --nologo -a $^
test-simple.dll: test-simple.fs
fsharpc --nologo -a $^
module Test.Builder
type status =
| NotOk
| Ok
type directive =
| Todo of string
type diagnostic =
| Diag of string list
type node =
| TestCaseNode of status * int * string * diagnostic option
| TodoTestCaseNode of status * int * string * directive * diagnostic option
| DiagnosticNode of diagnostic
| PlanNode of int
type test_document =
| Document of node list
let rec count_test_nodes nodes count =
match nodes with
| [] -> count
| TestCaseNode(_, _, _, _)::xs
| TodoTestCaseNode(_, _, _, _, _)::xs -> count_test_nodes xs count + 1
| DiagnosticNode(_)::xs
| PlanNode(_)::xs -> count_test_nodes xs count
let count_tests (Document nodes) =
count_test_nodes nodes 0
let count_test_failures (Document nodes) =
let rec loop nodes count =
match nodes with
| []
-> count
| TestCaseNode(Ok, _, _, _)::xs
| TodoTestCaseNode(Ok, _, _, _, _)::xs
| DiagnosticNode(_)::xs
| PlanNode(_)::xs
-> loop xs count
| TestCaseNode(NotOk, _, _, _)::xs
| TodoTestCaseNode(NotOk, _, _, _, _)::xs
-> loop xs count + 1
in loop nodes 0
let create_failure_footer test_count failure_count =
Diag(["Looks like you failed "
+ failure_count.ToString()
+ " tests of "
+ test_count.ToString()
+ " run."])
let create_count_footer test_count plan_count =
Diag(["Looks like you planed "
+ plan_count.ToString()
+ " tests but "
+ (if test_count < plan_count then
("only ran " + test_count.ToString())
("ran " + ((test_count - plan_count).ToString()) + " extra"))
+ " ."])
let init_document doc =
let count = count_tests doc in
let failures = count_test_failures doc in
match doc with
| Document(PlanNode(plan)::nodes) ->
(if count = plan then [] else [ (create_count_footer count plan) ] )
(if failures = 0 then [] else [ (create_failure_footer count failures) ])
| Document(nodes) ->
[ PlanNode(count) ]
(if failures = 0 then [] else [ (create_failure_footer count failures) ])
let string_of_status status =
match status with
| OK -> "ok"
| NotOk -> "not ok"
let string_of_diagnostic (Diag lines) = (fun line -> "# " + line + "\n") lines
|> List.fold (+) ""
let string_of_directive (Todo s) =
"# TODO " + s
let string_of_node node =
let emit_diagnostic diag =
(match diag with
| None -> "\n"
| Some diag -> "\n" + (string_of_diagnostic diag))
match node with
| TestCaseNode(status, num, desc, diag) ->
(string_of_status status)
+ " "
+ num.ToString()
+ " - "
+ desc
+ (emit_diagnostic diag)
| TodoTestCaseNode(status, num, desc, dir, diag) ->
(string_of_status status)
+ " "
+ num.ToString()
+ " - "
+ desc
+ (string_of_directive dir)
+ (emit_diagnostic diag)
| DiagnosticNode(diag) ->
(string_of_diagnostic diag)
| PlanNode(count) ->
"1.." + count.ToString() + "\n"
let string_of_document (Document nodes) = string_of_node nodes
|> String.concat ""
#read "Test.Builder.dll"
module Test.Simple
let current_plan = ref (None : int option)
let running_tests = ref ([] : (int -> Test.Builder.node) list)
let run_isolated_test_suite plan test_suite =
let backup_tests = runnting_tests ()
let backup_plan = current_plan () in
running_tests := ([] : (int -> Test.Builder.node) list);
current_plan := plan;
let document = assemble_test_run () in
running_tests := backup_tests;
current_plan := backup_plan;
let plan count test_suite =
let document = run_isolated_test_suite (Some count) test_suite in
Test.Builder.string_of_document document
let no_plan test_suite =
let document = run_isolated_test_suite None test_suite in
Test.Builder.string_of_document document
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