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Last active October 2, 2023 14:15
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CUDA-enabled logistic regression with CV
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
import torch
from torch import Tensor
from torch.nn.functional import (
binary_cross_entropy_with_logits as bce_with_logits,
from torch.nn.functional import (
class RegularizationPath:
"""Result of cross-validation."""
penalties: list[float]
losses: list[float]
def best_penalty(self) -> float:
"""Returns the best L2 regularization penalty."""
return self.penalties[self.losses.index(self.best_loss)]
def best_loss(self) -> float:
"""Returns the best loss."""
return min(self.losses)
class Classifier(torch.nn.Module):
"""Linear classifier trained with supervised learning."""
def __init__(
input_dim: int,
num_classes: int = 2,
device: str | torch.device | None = None,
dtype: torch.dtype | None = None,
self.linear = torch.nn.Linear(
input_dim, num_classes if num_classes > 2 else 1, device=device, dtype=dtype
def forward(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor:
return self.linear(x).squeeze(-1)
def fit(
x: Tensor,
y: Tensor,
l2_penalty: float = 0.001,
max_iter: int = 10_000,
) -> float:
"""Fits the model to the input data using L-BFGS with L2 regularization.
x: Input tensor of shape (N, D), where N is the number of samples and D is
the input dimension.
y: Target tensor of shape (N,) for binary classification or (N, C) for
multiclass classification, where C is the number of classes.
l2_penalty: L2 regularization strength.
max_iter: Maximum number of iterations for the L-BFGS optimizer.
Final value of the loss function after optimization.
optimizer = torch.optim.LBFGS(
num_classes = self.linear.out_features
loss_fn = bce_with_logits if num_classes == 1 else cross_entropy
loss = torch.inf
y =
torch.get_default_dtype() if num_classes == 1 else torch.long,
def closure():
nonlocal loss
# Calculate the loss function
logits = self(x).squeeze(-1)
loss = loss_fn(logits, y)
if l2_penalty:
reg_loss = loss + l2_penalty * self.linear.weight.square().sum()
reg_loss = loss
return float(reg_loss)
return float(loss)
def fit_cv(
x: Tensor,
y: Tensor,
k: int = 5,
max_iter: int = 10_000,
num_penalties: int = 10,
seed: int = 42,
) -> RegularizationPath:
"""Fit using k-fold cross-validation to select the best L2 penalty.
x: Input tensor of shape (N, D), where N is the number of samples and D is
the input dimension.
y: Target tensor of shape (N,) for binary classification or (N, C) for
multiclass classification, where C is the number of classes.
k: Number of folds for k-fold cross-validation.
max_iter: Maximum number of iterations for the L-BFGS optimizer.
num_penalties: Number of L2 regularization penalties to try.
seed: Random seed for the k-fold cross-validation.
`RegularizationPath` containing the penalties tried and the validation loss
achieved using that penalty, averaged across the folds.
num_samples = x.shape[0]
if k < 3:
raise ValueError("`k` must be at least 3")
if k > num_samples:
raise ValueError("`k` must be less than or equal to the number of samples")
rng = torch.Generator(device=x.device)
fold_size = num_samples // k
indices = torch.randperm(num_samples, device=x.device, generator=rng)
# Try a range of L2 penalties, including 0
l2_penalties = [0.0] + torch.logspace(-4, 4, num_penalties).tolist()
num_classes = self.linear.out_features
loss_fn = bce_with_logits if num_classes == 1 else cross_entropy
losses = x.new_zeros((k, num_penalties + 1))
y =
torch.get_default_dtype() if num_classes == 1 else torch.long,
for i in range(k):
start, end = i * fold_size, (i + 1) * fold_size
train_indices =[indices[:start], indices[end:]])
val_indices = indices[start:end]
train_x, train_y = x[train_indices], y[train_indices]
val_x, val_y = x[val_indices], y[val_indices]
# Regularization path with warm-starting
for j, l2_penalty in enumerate(l2_penalties):, train_y, l2_penalty=l2_penalty, max_iter=max_iter)
logits = self(val_x).squeeze(-1)
loss = loss_fn(logits, val_y)
losses[i, j] = loss
mean_losses = losses.mean(dim=0)
best_idx = mean_losses.argmin()
# Refit with the best penalty
best_penalty = l2_penalties[best_idx], y, l2_penalty=best_penalty, max_iter=max_iter)
return RegularizationPath(l2_penalties, mean_losses.tolist())
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