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Created February 10, 2014 02:55
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var RANK_ORDER = "A2345678910JQK";
function combination(ary, n) {
if(n === 0) {
return [[]];
} else if(ary.length === 0) {
return [];
return combination(ary.slice(1), n - 1).map(function(xs) {
return [ary[0]].concat(xs.slice());
}).concat(combination(ary.slice(1), n));
function collectRanks(cards) {
return { return c.rank }).join("");
function isStraight(cards) {
var ranks = collectRanks(cards);
return "A2345678910JQK".indexOf(ranks) !== -1 || ranks === "A10JQK" || ranks === "AJQK";
function isFlash(cards) {
var suit = cards[0].suit;
for(var i = 1; i < cards.length; i++) {
if(suit !== cards[i].suit) return false;
return true;
function isRoyal(cards) {
return "A10JQK" === collectRanks(cards);
function getHand(cards) {
return (isStraight(cards) ? 1 : 0) + (isFlash(cards) ? 2 : 0);
function parseCards(input) {
return input.match(/[0-9AJQK]+[shdc]/g).map(function(match) {
return {
rank: match.slice(0, -1),
suit: match.slice(-1),
}).sort(function(a, b) {
return RANK_ORDER.indexOf(a.rank) > RANK_ORDER.indexOf(b.rank)
function solve(input) {
var cards = parseCards(input);
switch(getHand(cards)) {
case 3: return isRoyal(cards) ? "RF" : "SF";
case 2: return "FL";
case 1: return "ST";
case 0:
var fourHands = combination(cards, 4).map(getHand);
switch(Math.max.apply(Math, fourHands)) {
case 3: return "4SF";
case 2: return "4F";
case 1: return "4S";
case 0: return "-"
function test(input, expected) {
var result = solve(input);
if(result !== expected) {
console.log("-------------\ninput = %s\n\nexpected = %s\nresult = %s", input, expected, result);
test( "Qs9s3dJd10h" , "4S" );
test( "KdAdJd10dQd" , "RF" );
test( "QhJhKhAh10h" , "RF" );
test( "10dAdJsQdKd" , "ST" );
test( "Kd10dAdJd3d" , "FL" );
test( "4d3d2dAd5d" , "SF" );
test( "5d5d2d3dAd" , "FL" );
test( "4d2sAd5d3d" , "ST" );
test( "As10dJdQdKd" , "ST" );
test( "10d10dQdAsJd", "4F" );
test( "AcJd10dQdKd" , "ST" );
test( "Kd2sJdAdQd" , "4SF" );
test( "JdAdQcKd2s" , "4S" );
test( "KdAdKdJd2s" , "4F" );
test( "As2dKdQdJd" , "4F" );
test( "AsKdQd2dJh" , "4S" );
test( "QhAd2s3dKd" , "-" );
test( "Ad4dKh3s2d" , "4S" );
test( "3d2dAh5d4s" , "ST" );
test( "QcKdAs2dJd" , "4S" );
test( "2dQcJdAs10d" , "-" );
test( "4d7d5s3c2d" , "4S" );
test( "7d5s4dAd3c" , "-" );
test( "3s8s10sQs6s" , "FL" );
test( "6hAh3h2h8h" , "FL" );
test( "3h4hJh9hQh" , "FL" );
test( "3s6s5s2sQs" , "FL" );
test( "9d3cKdQc2c" , "-" );
test( "5sKs7hQcKh" , "-" );
test( "Ad6d7h7c9h" , "-" );
test( "10h4cAh6s10c", "-" );
test( "9sKsJcQs10d" , "ST" );
test( "5d3c2cAs4c" , "ST" );
test( "KcQs9c10sJs" , "ST" );
test( "9d8s10hJdQd" , "ST" );
test( "6c5s10h7d4c" , "4S" );
test( "QhJcKsAh8c" , "4S" );
test( "JsQc3h10cKs" , "4S" );
test( "10c9h7hAd8d" , "4S" );
test( "3d4dKd8d5c" , "4F" );
test( "10h3hQh9h2s" , "4F" );
test( "Qh5h7h9h6c" , "4F" );
test( "6s8s7s3sKc" , "4F" );
test( "10h8h9hJhQh" , "SF" );
test( "10h9hQhKhJh" , "SF" );
test( "6d4d7d5d3d" , "SF" );
test( "6h9h7h5h8h" , "SF" );
test( "Ac6s4s3s5s" , "4SF" );
test( "3c9d2c5c4c" , "4SF" );
test( "Kh2sQh10hJh" , "4SF" );
test( "4h5h2h3h4s" , "4SF" );
test( "Js10sAsQsKs" , "RF" );
test( "10dKdQdAdJd" , "RF" );
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