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Forked from mikeblakeuk/AddCerts.cmd
Created June 9, 2016 12:39
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Getting HTTPS to work on TeamCity Agents with a self cert pfx
echo For my cloud agents, I had to get the pfx alias, Import the CARoot.cer, merge the pfx, and then change the password.
echo Based on and
cd %~dp0
set JAVA_HOME=C:\BuildAgent\jre
set KEYTOOL=%JAVA_HOME%\bin\keytool
set KEYSTORE=%JAVA_HOME%\lib\security\cacerts
set PASSWORD=changeit
echo "Importing StartSSL certificates into %KEYSTORE%" > run.log
rem C:\BuildAgent>jre\bin\keytool -list -keystore .\conf\ssl\ -storetype pkcs12
"%KEYTOOL%" -import -trustcacerts -keystore "%KEYSTORE%" -storepass %PASSWORD% -noprompt -alias caroot -file ./conf/ssl/CARoot.cer >> run.log
"%KEYTOOL%" -importkeystore -srckeystore ./conf/ssl/ -destkeystore "%KEYSTORE%" -alias {get using list} -destalias build -srcstoretype pkcs12 -srcstorepass {youpassword} -deststorepass %PASSWORD% -noprompt >> run.log
"%KEYTOOL%" -keypasswd -alias build -keypass {yourpassword} -new %PASSWORD% -keystore "%KEYSTORE%" -storepass %PASSWORD% -noprompt >> run.log
"%KEYTOOL%" -list -keystore "%KEYSTORE%" -storepass %PASSWORD% -noprompt >> run.log
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