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Last active June 30, 2022 09:07
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Nord's bash script cook book
# Copyright 2022 Nordin Rahman
# [@nordinrahman](
# [@nordinrahman](
# [@nordinrahman](
# find files with pattern "*.cs" on current directory and sub directories recursively, then emit relative path to each found file, one file per line
# Use `find` command
# `.` refers to current directory
# `-name` is options flag to denote file name pattern
# `"*.cs"` wild card patterns to match files we are looking for
find . -name "*.cs"
# find which lines from given input which is NOT matching seek text
# Use `grep` command
# `-v` is options to denote negative matching, ie, to list lines not matching seek text
# `"text"` is text to match
echo "$MULTILINE_VARIABLE" | grep -v "text"
# Loop through all line from given multi line input
echo "$MULTILINE_VARIABLE" | while read LINE; do echo $LINE; done
# Convert given file in FILEPATH variable to be converted to UTF-8 (with BOM) to target path
# Create empty temporary file and assign path to temp file to variable
# Move file and override target file if exist
mv -f "$PATH_FROM" "$PATH_TO"
# This is full example of how to look for all file with extension `cs` and conver all the files to be encoded to UTF-8 (with BOM), except files under `bin` and `obj` directories
find . -name "*.cs" | grep -v "/obj/" | grep -v "/bin/" | while read CSFILE; do CSTEMP="$(mktemp)"; iconv -t UTF-8 "$CSFILE" > "$CSTEMP"; mv -f "$CSTEMP" "$CSFILE"; done
# Trim starting/trailing whitespaces in a variable
echo "$VAR_WITH_STARTING_AND_TRAILING_SPACES" | sed -e s/^[[:space:]]*//g | sed -e s/[[:space:]]*$//g
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