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Created April 29, 2013 16:49
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" File Name: removeTrailingSpace.vim
" Author: Sudipta Ghorui <>
" Credits: Bitan Kundu <>
" who always suggested me to do this manualy
" Last Modified: 05 May 2006
" Description: removes the trailing space from the file when user will save
" any changes.
" To force the time stamp to be not updated, use the command:
" To change it back, use
" Things To Remember: nothing
" Initialise the variables: {{{1
let s:searchString = ' \+$'
let s:newString = ''
" Main Function: {{{1
function! FindAndChange()
if exists('b:nomodsp') && b:nomodsp
let pos = line('.').' | normal! '.virtcol('.').'|'
let searchPos = search(s:searchString)
" Find and replace the trailing spaces {{{1
while searchPos > 0 && &modifiable
exe 's/'.s:searchString.'/'.s:newString.'/e'
call s:RemoveLastHistoryItem()
let searchPos = search(s:searchString)
exe pos
" Call the function: {{{1
augroup LastModified
au BufWritePre * :call FindAndChange()
augroup END
" Remove history: {{{1
function! <SID>RemoveLastHistoryItem()
call histdel("/", -1)
let @/ = histget("/", -1)
" Modify the commands: {{{1
com! -nargs=0 NOMODSP :let b:nomodsp = 1
com! -nargs=1 MODSP :let b:nomodsp = 0
" vim:ts=4:sw=4:noet fdm=marker
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