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Last active October 18, 2023 00:15
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Custom geometry with UV texture mapping
// It works now, but theres some things that I don't get it yet
// like the texture faces in the UV mapping, theres no logic order (at least that I can understand)
// Texture image
let texture = #imageLiteral(resourceName: "texture")
// Half geometry size
let halfSide: Float = 0.5
// Geometry vertices
let vertices: [SCNVector3] = [
SCNVector3(-halfSide, -halfSide, halfSide),
SCNVector3( halfSide, -halfSide, halfSide),
SCNVector3(-halfSide, -halfSide, -halfSide),
SCNVector3( halfSide, -halfSide, -halfSide),
SCNVector3(-halfSide, halfSide, halfSide),
SCNVector3( halfSide, halfSide, halfSide),
SCNVector3(-halfSide, halfSide, -halfSide),
SCNVector3( halfSide, halfSide, -halfSide),
// repeat exactly the same
SCNVector3(-halfSide, -halfSide, halfSide),
SCNVector3( halfSide, -halfSide, halfSide),
SCNVector3(-halfSide, -halfSide, -halfSide),
SCNVector3( halfSide, -halfSide, -halfSide),
SCNVector3(-halfSide, halfSide, halfSide),
SCNVector3( halfSide, halfSide, halfSide),
SCNVector3(-halfSide, halfSide, -halfSide),
SCNVector3( halfSide, halfSide, -halfSide),
// repeat exactly the same
SCNVector3(-halfSide, -halfSide, halfSide),
SCNVector3( halfSide, -halfSide, halfSide),
SCNVector3(-halfSide, -halfSide, -halfSide),
SCNVector3( halfSide, -halfSide, -halfSide),
SCNVector3(-halfSide, halfSide, halfSide),
SCNVector3( halfSide, halfSide, halfSide),
SCNVector3(-halfSide, halfSide, -halfSide),
SCNVector3( halfSide, halfSide, -halfSide),
// Geometry Indices
// Don't know if the order of the faces is important
let indices: [Int16] = [
// Bottom
0, 2, 1,
1, 2, 3,
// Back
10, 14, 11,
11, 14, 15,
// Left
16, 20, 18,
18, 20, 22,
// Right
17, 19, 21,
19, 23, 21,
// Front
8, 9, 12,
9, 13, 12,
// Top
4, 5, 6,
5, 7, 6,
// Tile width
// because the width of the texture is 1
// and we have 6 tiles inside.
// I just imagine that the texture coords will be applied
// in the order of the faces was added,
// so it starts with top, bottom, front, back, left, right.
// I separate them by group of 4,
// thats why is a new line between each group
let width: CGFloat = 1 / 6
let coordinates: [CGPoint] = [
CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0),// Bottom
CGPoint(x: width, y: 0),// Bottom
CGPoint(x: width, y: 1),// Bottom
CGPoint(x: 0, y: 1),// Bottom
CGPoint(x: width * 5, y: 0),// Top
CGPoint(x: 1, y: 0),// Top
CGPoint(x: 1, y: 1),// Top
CGPoint(x: width * 5, y: 1),// Top
CGPoint(x: width * 4, y: 0),// Front
CGPoint(x: width * 5, y: 0),// Front
CGPoint(x: width, y: 0),// Back
CGPoint(x: width * 2, y: 0),// Back
CGPoint(x: width * 5, y: 1),// Front
CGPoint(x: width * 4, y: 1),// Front
CGPoint(x: width * 2, y: 1),// Back
CGPoint(x: width, y: 1),// Back
CGPoint(x: width * 2, y: 0),// Left
CGPoint(x: width * 3, y: 0),// Right
CGPoint(x: width * 3, y: 1),// Left
CGPoint(x: width * 4, y: 1),// Right
CGPoint(x: width * 3, y: 0),// Left
CGPoint(x: width * 4, y: 0),// Right
CGPoint(x: width * 2, y: 1),// Left
CGPoint(x: width * 3, y: 1),// Right
// Create the sources
let sources = [
SCNGeometrySource(vertices: vertices),
SCNGeometrySource(textureCoordinates: coordinates)
// Setup the indices
let indicesData = Data(bytes: indices, count: MemoryLayout<Int16>.size * indices.count)
let elements = [
SCNGeometryElement(data: indicesData, primitiveType: .triangles, primitiveCount: indices.count / 3, bytesPerIndex: MemoryLayout<Int16>.size)
// Create the geometry
let geometry = SCNGeometry(sources: sources, elements: elements)
// Add the texture to it as the first material content
geometry.firstMaterial?.diffuse.contents = texture
// Add the geometry to the node and scene
let node = SCNNode(geometry: geometry)
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Solved the UV mapping with this stackoverflow answer

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