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Normen Hansen normen

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suapapa / record.go
Created April 19, 2020 08:20
raw audio recording with portaudio and golang
package main
import (
/* From */
#define GET_CAN_EXPAND "sudo raspi-config nonint get_can_expand"
#define EXPAND_FS "sudo raspi-config nonint do_expand_rootfs"
#define GET_HOSTNAME "sudo raspi-config nonint get_hostname"
#define SET_HOSTNAME "sudo raspi-config nonint do_hostname %s"
#define GET_BOOT_CLI "sudo raspi-config nonint get_boot_cli"
#define GET_AUTOLOGIN "sudo raspi-config nonint get_autologin"
#define SET_BOOT_CLI "sudo raspi-config nonint do_boot_behaviour B1"
#define SET_BOOT_CLIA "sudo raspi-config nonint do_boot_behaviour B2"
#define SET_BOOT_GUI "sudo raspi-config nonint do_boot_behaviour B3"
moritzmhmk /
Last active December 17, 2024 12:05
using raspberry pi camera with ffmpeg (hardware accelerated)

Using Raspberry Pi Camera with ffmpeg

Capturing video from the rpi camera with ffmpeg can vary from less than 5% to 100% of the CPU (rpi zero) depending on ffmpeg using the hardware acceleration or not.

On many github issues one finds the suggestion of using h264_omx codec to use the gpu - but it does not ship with the default ffmpeg on Raspbian.

Instead I found that one can use the v4l2 driver provided by raspbian to get hardware accelerated h264 output. Also setting the video size will save one from using a (cpu) scale filter.


capture h264 video from rpi camera

" Use Vim settings
set nocompatible
set encoding=utf-8
" Use , as leader
let mapleader=","
" set the runtime path to include Vundle and initialize
set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
call vundle#begin()
dferg / howto-tomato-install-entware.markdown
Last active January 22, 2024 04:40
HOWTO: Install entware on Shibby TomatoUSB


This howto describes installing entware for the Tomato open-source router firmware.


  • USB stick - 1G or more in size
  • USB-capable router running TomatoUSB.

This Howto Was Tested With

probonopd / Send infrared commands from the Arduino to the iRobot Roomba
Created March 17, 2013 10:42
Send infrared commands from the Arduino to the iRobot Roomba. Use a transistor to drive the IR LED from pin D3 for maximal range.
#include <IRremote.h>
Send infrared commands from the Arduino to the iRobot Roomba
by probono
2013-03-17 Initial release