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Last active September 13, 2023 00:05
.NET Example for Amazon Textract
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Threading;
using Amazon;
// From the AWSSDK.Textract NuGet package
using Amazon.Textract;
using Amazon.Textract.Model;
// From the AWSSDK.S3 NuGet package
using Amazon.S3;
using Amazon.S3.Model;
namespace AWSTextractSample
class Program
static async Task Main(string[] args)
await StartDetectSampleAsync();
await DetectSampleAsync();
catch(Exception e)
private static async Task DetectSampleAsync()
using (var textractClient = new AmazonTextractClient(RegionEndpoint.USEast1))
var bytes = File.ReadAllBytes("example.png");
Console.WriteLine("Detect Document Text");
var detectResponse = await textractClient.DetectDocumentTextAsync(new DetectDocumentTextRequest
Document = new Document
Bytes = new MemoryStream(bytes)
foreach (var block in detectResponse.Blocks)
Console.WriteLine($"Type {block.BlockType}, Text: {block.Text}");
private static async Task StartDetectSampleAsync()
// Set to a bucket that you actually own
var s3Bucket = "normj-east1";
// The file name that will be uploaded to S3 and then sent to Textract
var localFile = "textract-dg.pdf";
using (var textractClient = new AmazonTextractClient(RegionEndpoint.USEast1))
using(var s3Client = new AmazonS3Client(RegionEndpoint.USEast1))
Console.WriteLine($"Upload {localFile} to {s3Bucket} bucket");
var putRequest = new PutObjectRequest
BucketName = s3Bucket,
FilePath = localFile,
Key = Path.GetFileName(localFile)
await s3Client.PutObjectAsync(putRequest);
Console.WriteLine("Start document detection job");
var startResponse = await textractClient.StartDocumentTextDetectionAsync(new StartDocumentTextDetectionRequest
DocumentLocation = new DocumentLocation
S3Object = new Amazon.Textract.Model.S3Object
Bucket = s3Bucket,
Name = putRequest.Key
Console.WriteLine($"Job ID: {startResponse.JobId}");
var getDetectionRequest = new GetDocumentTextDetectionRequest
JobId = startResponse.JobId
Console.WriteLine("Poll for detect job to complete");
// Poll till job is no longer in progress.
GetDocumentTextDetectionResponse getDetectionResponse = null;
getDetectionResponse = await textractClient.GetDocumentTextDetectionAsync(getDetectionRequest);
} while (getDetectionResponse.JobStatus == JobStatus.IN_PROGRESS);
Console.WriteLine("Print out results if the job was successful.");
// If the job was successful loop through the pages of results and print the detected text
if (getDetectionResponse.JobStatus == JobStatus.SUCCEEDED)
foreach (var block in getDetectionResponse.Blocks)
Console.WriteLine($"Type {block.BlockType}, Text: {block.Text}");
// Check to see if there are no more pages of data. If no then break.
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(getDetectionResponse.NextToken))
getDetectionRequest.NextToken = getDetectionResponse.NextToken;
getDetectionResponse = await textractClient.GetDocumentTextDetectionAsync(getDetectionRequest);
} while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(getDetectionResponse.NextToken));
Console.WriteLine($"Job failed with message: {getDetectionResponse.StatusMessage}");
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I have been using TexTract since it was started but I am a fairly basic programmer (C#). I have never used the ASYNC processing. My programs loop with delay timers waiting for TexTract to complete. I love the simplicity of your example. But I can't figure out how to use it as a namespace with the AWAIT processing. My program runs as an ASHX program on a web server in C# v5. If I take your example how would I use the namespace to get the ASYNC advantages? The code just returns since I am not setting up the call correctly.

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normj commented May 8, 2023

I don't have a lot of experience with ASHX files but I believe to use async/await for an ASHX file you need your class to implement the IHttpAsyncHandler interface instead of IHttpHandler interface.

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You have a bug in this example. If there is more than one chunk, it will not read the last chunk of blocks. Line 122, you read in a chunk of blocks. If it's the last chunk, then the NextToken will not be set, but you won't process the chunk.

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