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Last active August 18, 2021 20:55
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import subprocess
from time import sleep
# from time import time
This script bruteforce applock (aka Privacy Protection) feature in MIUI.
It can be useful if you forgot password
If you wanna just get access to locked app then execute in adb shell:
settings put secure access_control_lock_enabled 0
But it doesn't give you access to applock settings.
If you want to get access to applock settings then you have to bruteforce
pin by this script.
Some notes for your information:
1. Some names may be inaccurate because I used Russian interface
2. It works only with 4 numbers pin code, but you can use principle
of this script to try bruteforce others option (check out "Common algorithm of the script" section).
3. It has been tested only with Redmi Note 8 pro, for others phone
you may have to get screen coordinates of numbers in screen keyboard
How to start bruteforce:
1. Open screen of lockapp settings with pin code requirements (Settings -> App -> Apps protection)
2. Run this script
3. Wait
Common algorithm of the script:
1. Choose next pin to test (from range 0000 -> 9999)
2. Enter it by using "input" command
3. By using command "settings get secure applock_countDownTimer_deadline" find out if pin was correct. If was then exit from script
4. Press back key by using "input" adb command
5. Reset cooldown timer by "settings put secure applock_countDownTimer_deadline 0" adb command (that's why it all works)
6. Enter into applock pin requirements screen
7. Back to point 1
Huge thanks to
key x y
1 230 1525
2 537 1534
3 853 1502
4 256 1723
5 528 1737
6 850 1761
7 208 1870
8 510 1917
9 841 1904
0 532 2100
app_guard = [815, 1110] # coords for app guard button
def number2coords(number: int):
return {
1: [230, 1525],
2: [537, 1534],
3: [853, 1502],
4: [256, 1723],
5: [528, 1737],
6: [850, 1761],
7: [208, 1870],
8: [510, 1917],
9: [841, 1904],
0: [532, 2100]}.get(number)
def exec_adb_shell(command: str):
print(f"$ {command}")
command = command.split()
process =['adb ', 'shell', *command], capture_output=True)
if process.returncode != 0:
print(f"returncode {command.returncode}")
print(f"command: {command}")
return process.stdout
for i in range(0, 10000):
# time1 = time()
i = '{:d}'.format(i).zfill(4) # convert 0 -> 0000
print(f'Trying {i}')
for number in str(i):
coords = number2coords(int(number))
command = f'input tap {coords[0]} {coords[1]}'
if exec_adb_shell('settings get secure applock_countDownTimer_deadline') == b'0\r\n':
print(f"I found code: {i}")
exec_adb_shell('input keyevent 4') # back key
exec_adb_shell('settings put secure applock_countDownTimer_deadline 0') # reset kd timer
exec_adb_shell(f'input tap {app_guard[0]} {app_guard[1]}') # open app guard back
# print(f"Iteration took {time()-time1}s")
# print("End of loop")
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