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Last active February 23, 2021 16:23
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CodeReady Containers

Configuring CRC

$ ./crc config set consent-telemetry yes
$ ./crc config set disable-update-check false
$ ./crc config set cpus 10
$ ./crc config set memory 47104
$ ./crc config set disk-size 120
$ ./crc config set pull-secret-file /home/anosek/.mysecrets/ocp-pull-secret.json

Running CRC

$ ./crc setup
$ ./crc start

Logging into CRC

Log in as kubeadmin:

$ oc login -u kubeadmin -p $(cat ~/.crc/cache/crc_libvirt_*/kubeadmin-password) api.crc.testing:6443

Log in as developer:

$ oc login -u developer -p developer api.crc.testing:6443

SSH into CRC virtual machine

$ ssh -i ~/.crc/machines/crc/id_ecdsa core@api.crc.testing

Clean up

Delete the CRC virtual machine:

$ virsh destroy crc
$ virsh undefine crc

Delete CRC network:

$ virsh net-destroy crc
$ virsh net-undefine crc

Delete CRC volume pool:

$ virsh pool-destroy crc
$ virsh pool-undefine crc
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