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CodeReady Containers

Configuring CRC

$ ./crc config set consent-telemetry yes
$ ./crc config set disable-update-check false
# fetch etcd client credentials
APISERVER_POD=$(oc get pod --namespace openshift-kube-apiserver --selector apiserver=true --output jsonpath='{.items[0]}')

The CDROM ISO image is in LOCKED status. ssh to the RHEV Engine VM and unlock the particular disk:

/usr/share/ovirt-engine/setup/dbutils/ -t disk 6032270c-1cf7-4050-af4a-e903dd94b727

Unlock all objects:

/usr/share/ovirt-engine/setup/dbutils/ -t all

After RHVH restart, the RHEV Engine VM doesn't come up. SSH to RHVH:

Install GRUB modules for BIOS and EFI:

yum install grub2-pc-modules grub2-efi-x64-modules

Install xorriso and mtools rpms that are used by grub2-mkrescue while creating the ISO image:

yum install xorriso mtools