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Last active May 2, 2023 11:17
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  • Save noseratio/72bf739e7c988e2fc36b3f7dd4cfee80 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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// md wfapp
// dotnet new winforms
// then copy/paste this
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace wfapp;
public partial class Form1 : Form
// library code
private static async Task LibApiAsync()
// on UI thread
await TaskScheduler.Default.SwitchTo();
// on ThreadPool thread
// not blocking the UI
// client code
private async void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
// on UI thread
var scheduler = TaskScheduler.Current;
await LibApiAsync();
// true
Debug.WriteLine(scheduler == TaskScheduler.Current);
// still on UI thread
this.Text = "Hello!";
public Form1()
public static class TaskSchedulerExtensions
/// <summary>
/// Continue on the specified task scheduler, which becomes the current one
/// Inspired by <see cref=""/>this GitHub issue</see>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="@this">A task scheduler instance, e.g., <c>TaskScheduler.Default</c></param>
/// <param name="alwaysSchedule">Always use the task scheduler to queue the continuations,
/// even if it can be executed synchronously.
/// </param>
/// <example>
/// <code>
/// await await TaskScheduler.Default.SwitchTo(alwaysSchedule: true);
/// </code>
/// </example>
/// <returns></returns>
public static TaskSchedulerAwaitable SwitchTo(this TaskScheduler @this, bool alwaysSchedule = false)
return new TaskSchedulerAwaitable(@this, alwaysSchedule);
public struct TaskSchedulerAwaiter : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ICriticalNotifyCompletion
private readonly TaskScheduler _scheduler;
private readonly bool _alwaysSchedule;
public TaskSchedulerAwaiter(TaskScheduler scheduler, bool alwaysSchedule = false)
_scheduler = scheduler;
_alwaysSchedule = alwaysSchedule;
// optimize if already on the default task scheduler
// and on a thread pool thread without sync context
private bool CanInline() =>
!_alwaysSchedule &&
_scheduler == TaskScheduler.Default &&
TaskScheduler.Current == TaskScheduler.Default &&
Thread.CurrentThread.IsThreadPoolThread &&
SynchronizationContext.Current == null;
public bool IsCompleted => CanInline();
public void GetResult() { }
// a safe version that has to flow the execution context
public void OnCompleted(Action continuation)
throw new NotImplementedException(nameof(OnCompleted));
// an unsafe version that doesn't have to flow the execution context
public void UnsafeOnCompleted(Action continuation)
// use ThreadPool.UnsafeQueueUserWorkItem to optimize for TaskScheduler.Default
if (_scheduler == TaskScheduler.Default)
c => ((Action)c!).Invoke(),
preferLocal: true);
// use Task.Factory.StartNew for all non-default task schedulers
_ = Task.Factory.StartNew(
public struct TaskSchedulerAwaitable
private readonly TaskSchedulerAwaiter _awaiter;
public TaskSchedulerAwaitable(TaskScheduler scheduler, bool alwaysSchedule = false)
_awaiter = new TaskSchedulerAwaiter(scheduler, alwaysSchedule);
public TaskSchedulerAwaiter GetAwaiter()
return _awaiter;
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