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Last active September 5, 2017 03:07
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union type in Kotlin/JS
function sample$lambda() {
return 'Bar';
function sample() {
var v1 = 'Foo';
var v2 = sample$lambda;
external interface ObjectOrFactory<T>
inline fun <T> ObjectOrFactory(value: T): ObjectOrFactory<T> = value.asDynamic()
inline fun <T> ObjectOrFactory(value: () -> T): ObjectOrFactory<T> = value.asDynamic()
inline fun <T> ObjectOrFactory.toObject(): T = this.asDynamic()
inline fun <T> ObjectOrFactory.toFactory(): () -> T = this.asDynamic()
fun sample() {
val v1: ObjectOrFactory<String> = ObjectOrFactory("Foo")
val v2: ObjectOrFactory<String> = ObjectOrFactory { "Bar" }
// val v3: ObjectOrFactory<String> = "Buz" // error
// val v4: ObjectOrFactory<String> = ObjectOrFactory(100) // error
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