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Last active October 9, 2021 17:29
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iOS Widget, welches anzeigt ob im lokalen Impfzentrum Vermittlungscodes verfügbar sind. (für die
Impftermin Widget
v 1.4.1 Workaround durch JavaScript eval innerhalb eines WebViews (Thanks to @Redna)
This Scriptable Widget will show you if there are any "Vermittlungscode" for vaccination appointments available.
The data is pulled from the api, which is neither publicly available nor documented.
Therefore everything may break.
The newest version, issues, etc. of this widget can be found here:
The framework/skeleton of this script was created by marco79cgn for the toiletpaper-widget
To uses this widget go to and search for
your local center. Copy the whole text in between the two curly brackets and paste it below in the settings (Starting at line 55).
If you want a notification change the NOTIFICATION_LEVEL to
0: no notification
1: only if vaccines are available
2: every time the widget refreshes
If you want to know if there are appointments specifically for a vaccine,
set DISPLAY_VACCINES_AS_ONE to false. This requires a medium size-widget (2x1)
If you want to exclude specific vaccines, set them to inside the VACCINES variable to false.
Thats it. You can now run this script.
Copy the source, open the scriptabel app, add the source there.
go the home screen, add scriptable widget
- @Redna, for providing a workaround to bypass the botprotection.
Copyright (C) 2021 by Jules Kreuer - @not_a_feature
This piece of software is published unter the GNU General Public License v3.0
| Permissions | Conditions | Limitations |
| ---------------- | ---------------------------- | ----------- |
| ✓ Commercial use | Disclose source | ✕ Liability |
| ✓ Distribution | License and copyright notice | ✕ Warranty |
| ✓ Modification | Same license | |
| ✓ Patent use | State changes | |
| ✓ Private use | | |
Go to to see the full version.
// Settings
// Replace this with the data of you local center
const CENTER = {
"Zentrumsname": "Paul Horn Arena",
"PLZ": "72072",
"Ort": "Tübingen",
"Bundesland": "Baden-Württemberg",
"URL": "",
"Adresse": "Europastraße 50"
// adjust to your desired level
// Set to false, if a detailed view is wanted.
// Attention! This requires a medium size-widget (2x1)
// Advanced Setting
// Fetch status of following vaccines, set to false to ignore this vaccine
const VACCINES = [{"name": "BioNTech", "ID": "L920", "allowed": true},
{"name": "mRNA", "ID": "L921", "allowed": true},
{"name": "AstraZeneca", "ID": "L922", "allowed": true},
{"name": "J&J", "ID": "L923", "allowed": true}];
// END Setting
const vaccineTextFontSize = 13;
const appointmentsTextFontSize = 22;
const detailTextFontSize = 17;
const textColorRed = new Color("#E50000");
const textColorGreen = new Color("#00CD66");
const widget = new ListWidget();
widget.url = CENTER["URL"] + "impftermine/service?plz=" + CENTER["PLZ"];
const openAppointments = await fetchOpenAppointments();
await createNotification();
await createWidget();
if (!config.runsInWidget) {
await widget.presentSmall();
else {
await widget.presentMedium();
/* create Widget
case: smallWidget (DISPLAY_VACCINES_AS_ONE == true)
topRow: | leftColumn | rightColumn |
| icon | Keine/Termine |
bottomRow: | Location |
case: mediumWidget (DISPLAY_VACCINES_AS_ONE == false)
topRow: | leftColumn | rightColumn | detailColumn |
| | IMPFUNGEN | BioNTech |
| icon | Keine/Termine | Moderna... |
bottomRow: | Location |
Create widget using current information
async function createWidget() {
widget.setPadding(10, 10, 10, 10);
const icon = await getImage('vaccine');
let topRow = widget.addStack();
let leftColumn = topRow.addStack();
const iconImg = leftColumn.addImage(icon);
iconImg.imageSize = new Size(40, 40);
let rightColumn = topRow.addStack();
const vaccineText = rightColumn.addText("IMPFUNGEN");
vaccineText.font = Font.mediumRoundedSystemFont(vaccineTextFontSize);
let openAppointmentsText;
let textColor = textColorRed;
if (openAppointments.hasOwnProperty("error")) {
if (Object.keys(openAppointments.error).length == 0) {
openAppointmentsText = "⚠️ Keine Antwort " + openAppointments["error"];
} else {
openAppointmentsText = "⚠️ " + openAppointments["error"];
else if (Object.values(openAppointments).includes(true)) {
openAppointmentsText = "Freie";
textColor = textColorGreen;
else {
openAppointmentsText = "Keine";
let openAppointmentsTextObj = rightColumn.addText(openAppointmentsText);
let generalAppointmentsTextObj = rightColumn.addText("Termine");
openAppointmentsTextObj.font = Font.mediumRoundedSystemFont(appointmentsTextFontSize);
openAppointmentsTextObj.textColor = textColor;
generalAppointmentsTextObj.font = Font.mediumRoundedSystemFont(appointmentsTextFontSize);
generalAppointmentsTextObj.textColor = textColor;
let detailColumn = topRow.addStack()
openAppointmentsDetail = {}
Object.keys(openAppointments).forEach((key, index) => {
openAppointmentsDetail[key] = detailColumn.addText(key);
openAppointmentsDetail[key].font = Font.mediumRoundedSystemFont(detailTextFontSize);
if (openAppointments[key]) {
openAppointmentsDetail[key].textColor = textColorGreen;
else {
openAppointmentsDetail[key].textColor = textColorRed;
const bottomRow = widget.addStack();
// Replacing long names with their abbrehivations
let shortName = CENTER["Zentrumsname"];
shortName = shortName.replace("Zentrales Impfzentrum (ZIZ)", "ZIZ");
shortName = shortName.replace("Zentrales Impfzentrum", "ZIZ");
shortName = shortName.replace("Impfzentrum Landkreis", "KIZ");
shortName = shortName.replace("Landkreis", "LK");
shortName = shortName.replace("Kreisimpfzentrum", "KIZ");
shortName = shortName.replace("Impfzentrum Kreis", "KIZ");
const street = bottomRow.addText(shortName);
street.font = Font.regularSystemFont(11);
const zipCity = bottomRow.addText(CENTER["Adresse"] + ", " + CENTER["Ort"]);
zipCity.font = Font.regularSystemFont(11);
Create notification if turned on
async function createNotification() {
const notify = new Notification();
notify.sound = "default";
notify.title = "ImpfWidget";
notify.openURL = CENTER["URL"];
if (Object.values(openAppointments).includes(true)) {
notify.body = "💉 Freie Termine - " + CENTER["Ort"];
else if (openAppointments.hasOwnProperty("error") && NOTIFICATION_LEVEL == 2) {
notify.body = "⚠️ Keine Antwort " + openAppointments["error"];
else if (NOTIFICATION_LEVEL == 2) {
notify.body = "🦠 Keine Termine";
Fetches open appointments
Returns object e.g:
{"BioNTech": true, "Monderna": false}
or {"Error": "Error message"}
async function fetchOpenAppointments() {
let landingUrl = CENTER["URL"] + "/impftermine/service?plz=" + CENTER["PLZ"];
let url = CENTER["URL"] + "rest/suche/termincheck?plz=" + CENTER["PLZ"] + "&leistungsmerkmale=";
let result = {};
// Case if all vaccines are displayed as one
let urlAppendix = [];
for (var i = 0; i < VACCINES.length; i++) {
if (VACCINES[i]["allowed"]) {
if (urlAppendix == []) {
return {"error": "No vaccines selected."};
url = url + urlAppendix.join(",")
let body = await webViewRequest(landingUrl, url);
if (Object.keys(body).length === 0) {
await debugNotify("Empty Body");
body = await webViewRequest(landingUrl, url);
for (var i = 0; i < VACCINES.length; i++) {
if (!body["termineVorhanden"] && !body.error) {
result[VACCINES[i]["name"]] = false;
else if (body["termineVorhanden"]) {
result[VACCINES[i]["name"]] = true;
else {
return {"error": body.msg};
// Case if all vaccines are displayed one by one
else {
for (var i = 0; i < VACCINES.length; i++) {
if (VACCINES[i]["allowed"]) {
console.log("Checking Vaccine: " + VACCINES[i]["name"]);
let req = new Request(url + VACCINES[i]["ID"]);
let body = await req.loadString();
if (!body["termineVorhanden"] && !body.error) {
result[VACCINES[i]["name"]] = false;
else if (body["termineVorhanden"]) {
result[VACCINES[i]["name"]] = true;
else {
return {"error": body.msg};
return result;
// get images from local filestore or download them once
async function getImage(image) {
let fm = FileManager.local();
let dir = fm.documentsDirectory();
let path = fm.joinPath(dir, image);
if (fm.fileExists(path)) {
return fm.readImage(path);
} else {
// download once, save in local storage
let imageUrl;
switch (image) {
case 'vaccine':
imageUrl = "";
console.log(`Sorry, couldn't find ${image}.`);
let iconImage = await loadImage(imageUrl);
fm.writeImage(path, iconImage);
return iconImage;
// helper function to download an image from a given url
async function loadImage(imgUrl) {
const req = new Request(imgUrl);
return await req.loadImage();
async function webViewRequest(landingUrl, requestUrl) {
let evalJS = `
let request = new XMLHttpRequest();
request.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
let jsonResponse = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
else if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status != 200) {
console.log("Error", this.status);
{"error": true,
"msg": this.responseText}
}"GET", "${requestUrl}");
const web = new WebView();
await web.loadURL(landingUrl);
await web.waitForLoad();
const result = await web.evaluateJavaScript(evalJS, true);
await debugNotify("Eval result: " + JSON.stringify(result));
return result;
async function debugNotify(message) {
const notify = new Notification();
notify.sound = "default";
notify.title = "ImpfWidget";
notify.body = message;
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Funktioniert das Script nicht mehr? Bei mir kommt immer Error. Bekomme auch einen leeren Body, wenn ich die Rest URL per Postman aufrufe. Vermutlich weil kein Cookie im Header gesetzt ist.

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Siehe: not-a-feature/impfWidget#6
EOL des Projektes, da aktiv gegen crawling gearbeitet wurde

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Siehe: not-a-feature/impfWidget#6
EOL des Projektes, da aktiv gegen crawling gearbeitet wurde

Schade, trotzdem danke für deine Mühe!

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Hi, schade das so ein tool nicht offiziell ist. Stattdessen können wir eine lame Hotline anrufen (wenn man durchkommt) oder die Homepage 11... aufrufen und sich an der Wartezeit bis das man überhaupt zur Abfrage gelangt erfreuen. Schade, schade. Das wäre ein schöner Schritt Richtung Digitalisierung gewesen.

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ist es möglich das widget so umzuschreiben, dass die unterschiedlichen Vakzine in einem KIZ angezeigt werden? Einen Vermittlungscode habe ich ja, und manchmal auch einen Termin, aber halt immer mit Johnson&Johnson

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Die Funktion wir für die Vermittlungscodes schon unterstützt. Da aber die eigentlichen Termine nicht (ohne weiteres) gecrawled werden können ist das mit einem hohen Mehraufwand verbunden.

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ist es möglich das widget so umzuschreiben, dass die unterschiedlichen Vakzine in einem KIZ angezeigt werden? Einen Vermittlungscode habe ich ja, und manchmal auch einen Termin, aber halt immer mit Johnson&Johnson

Ich nehme an, du hast einen Vermittlungscode bekommen, der an das Leistungsmerkmal L923 gebunden ist. Auf Basis des Inhalts der vaccination-list.json könnte man vermuten, dass man damit (im Gegensatz zu L920-L922) ausschließlich J&J-Termine kriegt.

Ja, das scheint als Laie nachvollziehbar. Und da scheint mir auch der Fehler zu liegen über den die Hotline sich wundert. Die Impfempfehlung für JJ ist 60+ und nicht 18+.

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NicoX13 commented May 15, 2021

Funktioniert das Script noch bei euch? Ich bekomme nur einen Error angezeigt

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