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Last active April 2, 2017 01:04
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Fuzzer to detect ESLint crashes and autofixing errors
"use strict";
// Requirements
const assert = require("assert");
const lodash = require("lodash");
const eslump = require("eslump");
const SourceCodeFixer = require("eslint/lib/util/source-code-fixer");
const ruleConfigs = require("eslint/lib/config/config-rule").createCoreRuleConfigs();
// Public API
* Generates random JS code, runs ESLint on it, and returns a list of detected crashes or autofix bugs
* @param {Object} options Config options for fuzzing
* @param {number} options.count The number of fuzz iterations.
* @param {Object} options.eslint The eslint object to test.
* @param {boolean} [options.checkAutofix=true] `true` if the fuzzer should check for autofix bugs. The fuzzer runs
* roughly 4 times slower with autofix checking enabled.
* @returns {Object[]} A list of problems found. Each problem has the following properties:
* type (string): The type of problem. This is either "crash" (a rule crashes) or "autofix" (an autofix produces a syntax error)
* text (string): The text that ESLint should be run on to reproduce the problem
* config (object): The config object that should be used to reproduce the problem. The fuzzer will try to return a minimal
* config (that only has one rule enabled), but this isn't always possible.
* error (string) The problem that occurred. For crashes, this will be a stack trace. For autofix bugs, this will be
* the parsing error message after the autofix.
function fuzz(options) {
assert.strictEqual(typeof options, "object", "An options object must be provided");
assert.strictEqual(typeof options.count, "number", "The number of iterations (options.count) must be provided");
assert.strictEqual(typeof options.eslint, "object", "An eslint object (options.eslint) must be provided");
const eslint = options.eslint;
const checkAutofix = options.checkAutofix !== false;
* Tries to isolate the smallest config that reproduces a problem
* @param {string} text The source text to lint
* @param {Object} config A config object that causes a crash or autofix error
* @returns {Object} A config object with only one rule enabled that produces the same crash, if possible.
* Otherwise, the same as `config`
function isolateBadConfig(text, config) {
for (const ruleId of Object.keys(config.rules)) {
const reducedConfig = Object.assign({}, config, { rules: { [ruleId]: config.rules[ruleId] } });
const cliEngine = new eslint.CLIEngine(reducedConfig);
let lintReport;
try {
lintReport = cliEngine.executeOnText(text);
} catch (err) {
return reducedConfig;
if (lintReport.results[0].messages.length === 1 && lintReport.results[0].messages[0].fatal) {
return reducedConfig;
return config;
* Runs multipass autofix one pass at a time to find the last good source text before a fatal error is inserted
* @param {string} originalText Syntactically valid source code that results in a syntax error or crash when autofixing with `config`
* @param {Object} config The config to lint with
* @returns {string} A possibly-modified version of originalText that results in the same syntax error or crash after only one pass
function isolateBadAutofixPass(originalText, config) {
let lastGoodText = originalText;
let currentText = originalText;
do {
let messages;
try {
messages = eslint.linter.verify(currentText, config);
} catch (err) {
return lastGoodText;
if (messages.length === 1 && messages[0].fatal) {
return lastGoodText;
lastGoodText = currentText;
currentText = SourceCodeFixer.applyFixes(eslint.linter.getSourceCode(), messages).output;
} while (lastGoodText !== currentText);
return lastGoodText;
const problems = [];
for (let i = 0; i < options.count; i++) {
const sourceType = lodash.sample(["script", "module"]);
const text = eslump.generateRandomJS({ sourceType });
const config = {
rules: lodash.mapValues(ruleConfigs, lodash.sample),
parserOptions: { sourceType, ecmaVersion: 2017 }
let messages;
try {
if (checkAutofix) {
const cliEngine = new eslint.CLIEngine(Object.assign(config, { useEslintrc: true, fix: true }));
messages = cliEngine.executeOnText(text).results[0].messages;
} else {
messages = eslint.linter.verify(text, config);
} catch (err) {
problems.push({ type: "crash", text, config: isolateBadConfig(text, config), error: err.stack });
if (checkAutofix && messages.length === 1 && messages[0].fatal) {
try {
// There are some fuzzer bugs where the initial text is invalid JS. If that happens, ignore the error.
eslint.linter.verify(text, config);
} catch (e) {
const lastGoodText = isolateBadAutofixPass(text, config);
problems.push({ type: "autofix", text: lastGoodText, config: isolateBadConfig(lastGoodText, config), error: messages[0].message });
return problems;
module.exports = fuzz;
// CLI interface
const path = require("path");
if (module.parent === null) {
if (process.argv.length < 3) {
console.error("Usage: node eslint-fuzzer.js <eslint-folder-path>");
process.exit(9); // eslint-disable-line no-process-exit
count: 1000,
eslint: require(path.resolve(process.cwd(), process.argv[2]))
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