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Created September 8, 2017 23:43
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"use strict";
module.exports = {
meta: {
docs: {
description: "require variables to be declared in the smallest possible scope",
category: "Internal",
recommended: false
schema: []
create(context) {
return {
VariableDeclaration(node) {
const currentScope = context.getScope();
const childScopes = new Set(currentScope.childScopes);
const inScopeReferences = new Set(currentScope.references);
* Gets the ancestor scope of a given scope which is in the child scopes of the current node
* @param {eslint-scope.Scope} scope The scope to get the ancestor of
* @returns {eslint-scope.Scope} The ancestor scope
function getParent(scope) {
if (childScopes.has(scope)) {
return scope;
if (scope.upper) {
return getParent(scope.upper);
return null;
variable =>
variable.references.length &&
variable.references.every(ref => !inScopeReferences.has(ref)) &&
new Set( => ref.from).map(getParent)).size === 1
.forEach(variable => {{
node: variable.defs[0].name,
message: "`{{name}}` can be declared in a smaller scope.",
data: variable.defs[0].name
"use strict";
const RuleTester = require("../../..").RuleTester;
const rule = require("../../../lib/internal-rules/prefer-smaller-scope");
const ruleTester = new RuleTester({ parserOptions: { ecmaVersion: 2015 } });"prefer-smaller-scope", rule, {
valid: [
"let foo; foo = 1;",
"let foo;",
"let foo; { foo = 1; } foo = 2;",
"let foo; { foo = 1; } foo;",
"let foo; { foo = 1; } { foo; }"
invalid: [
code: "let foo; { foo = 1; }",
errors: [{ message: "`foo` can be declared in a smaller scope." }]
code: "let foo; { foo = 1; foo; }",
errors: [{ message: "`foo` can be declared in a smaller scope." }]
code: "let foo; { foo = 1; { foo; } }",
errors: [{ message: "`foo` can be declared in a smaller scope." }]
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