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Created October 1, 2015 01:07
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// ==UserScript==
// @name MAL Highlighter
// @namespace
// @description Highlights MAL shows.
// @include*
// @include*
// @version 1
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
var getUserTitles = function(user) {
//request user list
var url = "" + user;
var xmlHttp = null;
xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); "GET", url, false );
xmlHttp.send( null );
xml = xmlHttp.responseText;
//parse xml to javascript object
titles = {};
anchor = "<anime>";
for (var i = xml.indexOf(anchor); i >= 0; i = xml.indexOf(anchor, i + 1)) {
title = xml.substring(xml.indexOf("<series_title>",i)+14, xml.indexOf("</series_title>",i));
status = xml.substring(xml.indexOf("<my_status>",i)+11, xml.indexOf("</my_status>",i));
// 1/watching, 2/completed, 3/onhold, 4/dropped, 6/plantowatch
score = xml.substring(xml.indexOf("<my_score>",i)+10, xml.indexOf("</my_score>",i));
titles[title] = { "title" : title, "status" : status, "score" : score };
return titles;
var user = document.getElementsByClassName('profile-name')[0].innerHTML;
var titles = getUserTitles(user);
var onPage = document.getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0].children;
for (var i = 0; i < onPage.length; ++i) {
var text = onPage[i].innerHTML;
if (text) {
title = text.substring(text.indexOf("<strong>")+8, text.indexOf("</strong>"));
if (titles[title]) {
var status = titles[title]['status'];
color = "rgba(0,150,150,.4)"; // plantowatch/dropped/onhold
if (status == 1) { color = "rgba(0,0,200,.4)"; } //watching
else if (status == 2) { color = "rgba(0,200,0,.4)"; } //watched
onPage[i].style.backgroundColor = color;
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