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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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[Haskell] Example of storing multiple types into single Map using Enum
-- Example of storing multiple types into single Map using Enum
import Control.Monad.State (State)
import Control.Monad.State (runState)
import Control.Monad.State (evalState)
import Control.Monad.State (gets)
import Control.Monad.State (modify)
import Control.Monad (liftM2)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
data EvalState = EvalState { nextVarId :: Int
, vars :: Map Int Int
} deriving Show
data Var v = Var { varId :: Int } deriving Show
initialState :: EvalState
initialState = EvalState 0 Map.empty
run :: State EvalState v -> (v, EvalState)
run prog = runState prog initialState
eval :: State EvalState v -> v
eval prog = evalState prog initialState
newVar :: (Enum v) => v -> State EvalState (Var v)
newVar val = do
newId <- gets nextVarId
modify $ \s -> s { nextVarId = newId + 1 }
let var = Var newId
updateVar var val
return var
lookupVar :: (Enum v) => Var v -> State EvalState v
lookupVar var = do
vs <- gets vars
let val = Map.lookup (varId var) vs
return (toEnum (fromMaybe undefined val))
updateVar :: (Enum v) => Var v -> v -> State EvalState ()
updateVar var val = do
vs <- gets vars
modify $ \s -> s { vars = Map.insert (varId var) (fromEnum val) vs }
add :: (Enum v, Num v) => Var v -> Var v -> State EvalState v
add x y = do
vx <- lookupVar x
vy <- lookupVar y
return $ vx + vy
lt :: (Enum v, Ord v) => Var v -> Var v -> State EvalState Bool
lt x y = do
vx <- lookupVar x
vy <- lookupVar y
return $ vx < vy
testProg :: State EvalState (Int, Bool)
testProg = do
-- Integer
x <- newVar 2
y <- newVar 3
vz <- x `add` y
z <- newVar vz
-- Bool
b <- x `lt` y
b' <- newVar (not b)
-- result
liftM2 (,) (lookupVar z) (lookupVar b')
runTest = run testProg
evalTest = eval testProg
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