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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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Constraint Programming over Multiple Finite Domain (with class Enum)
Module : CFPFD1
Description : Constraint Functional Programming over Multiple Finite Domain
Copyright : (c), 2014
License : BSD-style
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : POSIX
This module provides interfaces for constraint programming
over multiple finite domain in Haskell.
Originally from: <>
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
module CFPFD1
-- * Monads
, FDStat (..)
, evalFD
, runFD
-- * Variables
, Var
, newVar
, newVars
, newVarT
-- * Constraint Store
, hasValue
-- (for defining custom constraints)
, ArcPropagator
, arcConstraint
, MultiPropagator
, multiConstraint
-- * Labelling
, label
, labelling
, labellingT
-- * Primitive Constraint
-- ** Core Constraint
, alldiff
, alldiffF
-- ** Arithmetic Constraint
, eq
, le
, neq
, add
, sub
, add3
-- ** Modulo Constraint
, eqmod
, neqmod
, alldiffmod
) where
import Control.Monad (MonadPlus)
import Control.Monad (guard)
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad (replicateM)
import Control.Monad.State (MonadState)
import Control.Monad.State (StateT)
import Control.Monad.State (evalStateT)
import Control.Monad.State (get)
import Control.Monad.State (gets)
import Control.Monad.State (put)
import Control.Monad.State (runStateT)
import Control.Monad.State (modify)
import Control.Monad.State (lift)
import Control.Applicative (Applicative)
import Control.Applicative (Alternative)
import Data.IntMap (IntMap)
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Foldable (Foldable)
import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable
import Data.Traversable (Traversable)
import qualified Data.Traversable as Traversable
newtype FD s a = FD { unFD :: StateT (FDState s) [] a }
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Alternative,
Monad, MonadPlus, MonadState (FDState s))
data FDState s = FDState { fdNextVarId :: VarId
, fdVarSpace :: VarSpace s
, fdStat :: FDStat }
deriving (Show)
data Var s a = Var { varId :: VarId
, varName :: VarName }
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
type VarId = Int
type VarName = String
type VarSpace s = IntMap (VarState s)
data VarState s = VarState { varDomain :: VarDomain,
varPropagator :: VarPropagator s }
deriving (Show)
type VarDomain = Set Int
type VarPropagator s = FD s ()
instance Show (VarPropagator s) where
show _ = "*"
data FDStat = FDStat
{ countLookupVar :: Int
, countUpdateVar :: Int
, countUpdateVar' :: Int }
deriving (Show)
initialStat :: FDStat
initialStat = FDStat { countLookupVar = 0
, countUpdateVar = 0
, countUpdateVar' = 0 }
evalFD :: (forall s . FD s a) -> [a]
evalFD fd = evalStateT (unFD fd) initialState
runFD :: (forall s . FD s a) -> [(a, FDStat)]
runFD fd = map (\(v, s) -> (v, fdStat s)) ss where
ss = runStateT (unFD fd) initialState
initialState :: FDState s
initialState = FDState { fdNextVarId = 0, fdVarSpace = IntMap.empty
, fdStat = initialStat }
newVar :: Enum a => String -> [a] -> FD s (Var s a)
newVar name dom = do
var <- nextVar name
setDomain var dom
return var
nextVar :: String -> FD s (Var s a)
nextVar n = do
s <- get
let i = fdNextVarId s
put $ s { fdNextVarId = i + 1 }
return Var { varId = i, varName = n }
setDomain :: Enum a => Var s a -> [a] -> FD s ()
setDomain v d =
modify $ \s ->
let sp = fdVarSpace s
vstate = VarState { varDomain = Set.fromList . map fromEnum $ d
, varPropagator = return () }
in s { fdVarSpace = IntMap.insert (varId v) vstate sp }
newVars :: Enum a => String -> Int -> [a] -> FD s [Var s a]
newVars name n d = replicateM n (newVar (name ++ ":" ++ show n) d)
newVarT :: (Traversable t, Enum a) => String -> t [a] -> FD s (t (Var s a))
newVarT name = Traversable.mapM (newVar name)
getVarState :: Var s a -> FD s (VarState s)
getVarState v = do
vspace <- gets fdVarSpace
return $ vspace IntMap.! (varId v)
putVarState :: Var s a -> VarState s -> FD s ()
putVarState v vstate = do
vspace <- gets fdVarSpace
modify $ \s -> s { fdVarSpace = IntMap.insert (varId v) vstate vspace }
modifyFDStat :: (FDStat -> FDStat) -> FD s ()
modifyFDStat f = modify $ \s -> s { fdStat = f (fdStat s) }
lookupVar :: (Ord a, Enum a) => Var s a -> FD s (Set a)
lookupVar v = do
modifyFDStat $ \stat -> stat { countLookupVar = countLookupVar stat + 1 }
vstate <- getVarState v
return $ Set.fromList . map toEnum . Set.toList $ varDomain vstate
updateVar :: (Ord a, Enum a) => Var s a -> Set a -> FD s ()
updateVar v d = do
modifyFDStat $ \stat -> stat { countUpdateVar' = countUpdateVar' stat + 1 }
vstate <- getVarState v
when (Set.size (varDomain vstate) /= Set.size d) $ do
modifyFDStat $ \stat -> stat { countUpdateVar = countUpdateVar stat + 1 }
putVarState v $ vstate { varDomain = Set.fromList . map fromEnum . Set.toList $ d }
varPropagator vstate
addPropagator :: Var s a -> VarPropagator s -> FD s ()
addPropagator v p = do
vstate <- getVarState v
putVarState v (vstate { varPropagator = varPropagator vstate >> p })
-- Make arc consistent
addArcPropagator :: VarPropagator s -> Var s a -> Var s b -> FD s ()
addArcPropagator p x y = do
addPropagator x p
addPropagator y p
-- Make multi consistent
addMultiPropagator :: VarPropagator s -> [Var s a] -> FD s ()
addMultiPropagator p vs = do
mapM_ (`addPropagator` p) vs
hasValue :: (Ord a, Enum a) => Var s a -> a -> FD s ()
var `hasValue` val = do
vals <- lookupVar var
guard $ val `Set.member` vals
updateVar var (Set.singleton val)
label :: (Ord a, Enum a) => Var s a -> FD s a
label var = do
vals <- lookupVar var
val <- FD . lift $ Set.toList vals
var `hasValue` val
return val
labelling :: (Ord a, Enum a) => [Var s a] -> FD s [a]
labelling = mapM label
labellingT :: (Traversable t, Ord a, Enum a) => t (Var s a) -> FD s (t a)
labellingT = Traversable.mapM label
guardNull :: MonadPlus m => Set a -> m ()
guardNull d = guard $ not $ Set.null d
single :: Set a -> Bool
single s = Set.size s == 1
type ArcPropagator a b = Set a -> Set b -> (Set a, Set b)
arcConstraint :: (Ord a, Enum a, Ord b, Enum b) =>
ArcPropagator a b -> Var s a -> Var s b -> FD s ()
arcConstraint c x y = addArcPropagator p x y where
p = do
vx <- lookupVar x
vy <- lookupVar y
let (vx', vy') = c vx vy
guardNull vx'
updateVar x vx'
guardNull vy'
updateVar y vy'
type MultiPropagator a = [Set a] -> [Set a]
multiConstraint :: (Ord a, Enum a) => MultiPropagator a -> [Var s a] -> FD s ()
multiConstraint c xs = addMultiPropagator p xs where
p = do
vs <- mapM lookupVar xs
let vs' = c vs
(`mapM_` zip xs vs') $ \(x, vx') -> do
guardNull vx'
updateVar x vx'
-- x == y
eq :: (Ord a, Enum a) => Var s a -> Var s a -> FD s ()
eq = arcConstraint eqConstraint
eqConstraint :: (Ord a) => ArcPropagator a a
eqConstraint vx vy = (vz, vz) where
vz = vx `Set.intersection` vy
-- x <= y
le :: (Ord a, Enum a) => Var s a -> Var s a -> FD s ()
le = arcConstraint leConstraint
leConstraint :: (Ord a) => ArcPropagator a a
leConstraint vx vy = (vx', vy') where
minX = Set.findMin vx
maxY = Set.findMax vy
vx' = Set.filter (<= maxY) vx
vy' = Set.filter (>= minX) vy
-- x /= y
neq :: (Ord a, Enum a) => Var s a -> Var s a -> FD s ()
neq = arcConstraint neqConstraint
neqConstraint :: (Ord a) => ArcPropagator a a
neqConstraint vx vy
| single vx && single vy =
if vx == vy
then (Set.empty, Set.empty)
else (vx, vy)
| single vx && vx `Set.isProperSubsetOf` vy = (vx, vy Set.\\ vx)
| single vy && vy `Set.isProperSubsetOf` vx = (vx Set.\\ vy, vy)
| otherwise = (vx, vy)
-- differ from each other
alldiff :: (Ord a, Enum a) => [Var s a] -> FD s ()
alldiff [] = return ()
alldiff (v:vs) = do
mapM_ (v `neq`) vs
alldiff vs
-- differ from each other
alldiffF :: (Foldable f, Ord a, Enum a) => f (Var s a) -> FD s ()
alldiffF = alldiff . Foldable.toList
-- x == y (mod m)
eqmod :: Integral a => a -> Var s a -> Var s a -> FD s ()
eqmod m = arcConstraint (eqmodConstraint m)
eqmodConstraint :: Integral a => a -> ArcPropagator a a
eqmodConstraint m vx vy = (vx', vy') where
vmz = (`mod` m) vx `Set.intersection` (`mod` m) vy
vx' = Set.filter (\e -> (e `mod` m) `Set.member` vmz) vx
vy' = Set.filter (\e -> (e `mod` m) `Set.member` vmz) vy
-- x /= y (mod m)
neqmod :: Integral a => a -> Var s a -> Var s a -> FD s ()
neqmod m = arcConstraint (neqmodConstraint m)
neqmodConstraint :: Integral a => a -> ArcPropagator a a
neqmodConstraint m vx vy = (vx'', vy'') where
vmx = (`mod` m) vx
vmy = (`mod` m) vy
vy' = Set.filter (\e -> (e `mod` m) `Set.notMember` vmx) vy
vx' = Set.filter (\e -> (e `mod` m) `Set.notMember` vmy) vx
(vx'', vy'')
| single vmx && single vmy =
if vmx == vmy
then (Set.empty, Set.empty)
else (vx, vy)
| single vmx && vmx `Set.isProperSubsetOf` vmy = (vx, vy')
| single vmy && vmy `Set.isProperSubsetOf` vmx = (vx', vy)
| otherwise = (vx, vy)
-- differ from each other
alldiffmod :: Integral a => a -> [Var s a] -> FD s ()
alldiffmod _ [] = return ()
alldiffmod m (v:vs) = do
mapM_ (neqmod m v) vs
alldiffmod m vs
-- c == x + y (c is constant value)
add :: (Ord a, Enum a, Num a) => a -> Var s a -> Var s a -> FD s ()
add c = arcConstraint (addConstraint c)
addConstraint :: (Eq a, Num a) => a -> ArcPropagator a a
addConstraint c vx vy = (vx', vy') where
vx' = Set.filter (\ix -> any (\iy -> ix+iy==c) $ Set.toList vy) vx
vy' = Set.filter (\iy -> any (\ix -> ix+iy==c) $ Set.toList vx) vy
-- z == x + y
-- x == z - y
-- y == z - x
add3 :: (Ord a, Enum a, Num a) => Var s a -> Var s a -> Var s a -> FD s ()
add3 z x y = multiConstraint add3Constraint [x, y, z]
add3Constraint :: (Ord a, Num a) => MultiPropagator a
add3Constraint [vx, vy, vz] = [vx', vy', vz'] where
minZ = Set.findMin vx + Set.findMin vy
maxZ = Set.findMax vx + Set.findMax vy
vz' = Set.filter (\e -> minZ <= e && e <= maxZ) vz
minX = Set.findMin vz - Set.findMax vy
maxX = Set.findMax vz - Set.findMin vy
vx' = Set.filter (\e -> minX <= e && e <= maxX) vx
minY = Set.findMin vz - Set.findMax vx
maxY = Set.findMax vz - Set.findMin vx
vy' = Set.filter (\e -> minY <= e && e <= maxY) vy
-- x - y == c (c is constant value)
-- x == y + c
sub :: (Ord a, Enum a, Num a) => a -> Var s a -> Var s a -> FD s ()
sub c = arcConstraint (subConstraint c)
subConstraint :: (Eq a, Num a) => a -> ArcPropagator a a
subConstraint c vx vy = (vx', vy') where
vx' = Set.filter (\ix -> any (\iy -> ix==iy+c) $ Set.toList vy) vx
vy' = Set.filter (\iy -> any (\ix -> ix==iy+c) $ Set.toList vx) vy
-- Test Functions
>>> evalFD test1
test1 :: FD s [Int]
test1 = do
x <- newVar "X" [1..3]
y <- newVar "Y" [4..5]
labelling [x, y]
>>> evalFD test2
test2 :: FD s [Int]
test2 = do
x <- newVar "X" [1..3]
y <- newVar "Y" [1..3]
add 4 x y
labelling [x, y]
>>> evalFD test3
test3 :: FD s [Int]
test3 = do
x <- newVar "X" [1..10]
y <- newVar "Y" [1..10]
z <- newVar "Z" [1..10]
add 4 x y
add 10 y z
labelling [x, y, z]
>>> evalFD testSub1
testSub1 :: FD s [Int]
testSub1 = do
x <- newVar "X" [1..5]
y <- newVar "Y" [1..5]
sub 2 y x
labelling [x, y]
>>> evalFD testEq1
testEq1 :: FD s [Int]
testEq1 = do
x <- newVar "X" [1..5]
y <- newVar "Y" [1..5]
z <- newVar "Z" [1..5]
z `eq` x
sub 2 y x
labelling [x, y, z]
>>> evalFD testLE1
testLE1 :: FD s [Int]
testLE1 = do
x <- newVar "X" [1..3]
y <- newVar "Y" [1..3]
x `le` y
labelling [x, y]
>>> evalFD testNeq1
testNeq1 :: FD s [Int]
testNeq1 = do
x <- newVar "X" [1..3]
y <- newVar "Y" [1..3]
x `neq` y
labelling [x, y]
>>> length $ evalFD testAlldiff1
testAlldiff1 :: FD s [Int]
testAlldiff1 = do
x <- newVar "X" [1..3]
y <- newVar "Y" [1..3]
z <- newVar "Z" [1..3]
alldiff [x, y, z]
labelling [x, y, z]
>>> length $ evalFD testVars1
testVars1 :: FD s [Int]
testVars1 = do
xs <- newVars "Xn" 4 [1..4]
alldiff xs
labelling xs
>>> evalFD testAdd31
testAdd31 :: FD s [Int]
testAdd31 = do
x <- newVar "X" [4..8]
y <- newVar "Y" [0..3]
z <- newVar "Z" [2..3]
add3 x y z
labelling [x, y, z]
>>> evalFD testAdd32
testAdd32 :: FD s [Int]
testAdd32 = do
x <- newVar "X" [0..3]
y <- newVar "Y" [0..3]
z <- newVar "Z" [0..2]
add3 y x z
labelling [x, y]
>>> evalFD testEqmod1
testEqmod1 :: FD s [Int]
testEqmod1 = do
x <- newVar "X" [4..5]
y <- newVar "Y" [0..5]
eqmod 3 x y
labelling [x, y]
>>> evalFD testNeqmod1
testNeqmod1 :: FD s [Int]
testNeqmod1 = do
x <- newVar "X" [4..5]
y <- newVar "Y" [0..5]
neqmod 3 x y
labelling [x, y]
>>> evalFD testBool1
testBool1 :: FD s [Bool]
testBool1 = do
x <- newVar "X" [False, True]
y <- newVar "Y" [False, True]
z <- newVar "Z" [False, True]
x `neq` y
y `neq` z
labelling [x, y, z]
Embedding variable into Traversable
>>> evalFD testTraversable
testTraversable :: FD s [Int]
testTraversable = do
vars <- newVarT "T" [[1..3], [1..3]]
alldiffF vars
labellingT vars
Test for Constraints with Multiple Type Variables (only simple labelling)
>>> evalFD testMultiType0
testMultiType0 :: FD s (Int, Bool)
testMultiType0 = do
-- create variables for multiple types
x <- newVar "X" [1..3]
y <- newVar "Y" [False, True]
-- labelling
vx <- label x
vy <- label y
-- construct resolution
return (vx, vy)
Example of Constraints with Multiple Type Variables
mt :: Var s Int -> Var s Bool -> FD s ()
mt = arcConstraint mtConstraint
mtConstraint :: ArcPropagator Int Bool
mtConstraint vx vy = (vx', vy') where
vx' = if single vy
if head . Set.toList $ vy
then Set.filter (\x -> x `mod` 2 == 0) vx
else Set.filter (\x -> x `mod` 2 /= 0) vx
else vx
vy' = if single vx
let vx1 = head . Set.toList $ vx
in Set.fromList [vx1 `mod` 2 == 0]
else vy
Test for Constraints with Multiple Type Variables
>>> evalFD testMultiType1
testMultiType1 :: FD s (Int, Bool)
testMultiType1 = do
-- create variables for multiple types
x <- newVar "X" [1..5]
y <- newVar "Y" [False, True]
-- add constraint for multiple types
x `mt` y
-- labelling
vx <- label x
vy <- label y
-- construct resolution
return (vx, vy)
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