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Last active December 20, 2016 00:19
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My Python codes to automate my markdown notes.
import copy
import datetime as dt
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import time
def main(args):
# Variable that point to a folder that is
# filled with the mark down notes we want
# to automate.
targDir = sys.argv[1]
# Variable to hold a string of GMT zone.
# Input this manually. There is no way
# Python can know the time zone of when the
# file/folder was created.
manualTimeZone = sys.argv[2]
# An array of all content in the
# target directory.
targDirLst = os.listdir(targDir)
# Folder name for the temporary folder.
# Normalize the path name of the
# target directory.
targDirNorm = os.path.normpath(targDir)
# The last or file in the path provided
# in the argument.
targDirBase = os.path.basename(targDirNorm)
# The temporary folder name.
targDirTempFolderName = "temp-" + targDirBase
# I am trying to found the one up parent
# directory from the targDir.
targDirArray = targDir.split("/")
upperDir = None
for s in targDirArray:
if upperDir == None: upperDir = s
else: upperDir = upperDir + "/" + s
upperDirNorm = os.path.normpath(upperDir)
# Absolute path to the folder base.
tempDir = os.path.join(
# Check if there is a folder with same
# name with the backup folder or not.
# If there is, then delete the folder!
if os.path.exists(tempDir): shutil.rmtree(tempDir)
# Copy the files from the targDir into the
# tempDir.
shutil.copytree(targDir, tempDir)
tempDirLst = os.listdir(tempDir)
# I need to check if an element inside the
# tempDirLst is a file. If so I need to
# put it out.
for f in tempDirLst:
# Absolute location of the file
# we want to check.
mainFile = os.path.join(targDir, f)
if os.path.isfile(mainFile):
# Remove the file from the array
# if it is actually file.
#print("Removed from the tempDirLst " + f + ".")
# Do the for loop again to check and do processing inside
# the folder.
for f in tempDirLst:
# Variable to hold the absolute path to each
# of the note folder.
tempDirListContent = os.path.join(targDir, f)
realName = ConstructRealName(f, tempDirListContent, manualTimeZone)
# Rename the folder according to my
# folder naming convention.
os.path.join(tempDir, f),
os.path.join(tempDir, realName))
# Re - initiate the list.
# Variable to hold the absolute path to each
# of the note folder. Now using data from the
# temporary folder and not using data from the original
# folder anymore.
tempDirListContent = os.path.join(tempDir, realName)
# Find all files in the folder.
tempDirListContentLst = os.listdir(tempDirListContent)
# Need to make sure there are no
# other directory in the note folder.
# If there is a directory/folder then
# stop the program and delete the
# temporary folder.
for g in tempDirListContentLst:
# Check the file whether it is a folder
# or a file.
fldrOrFl = os.path.join(tempDirListContent, g)
# Need to identify the main markdown file.
fileName, fileExt = os.path.splitext(fldrOrFl)
if fileExt == ".md":
# Change the name of the .md files.
# Put the realName attach the absolute path
# in the front of the realName and do not forget
# to put the .md extension back.
# Do not use "pending-" in markdown name.
realNameMarkdown = realName.replace("pending-", "")
newNameOfTheMarkdownFile = os.path.join(tempDirListContent, (realNameMarkdown + ".md"))
shutil.move(fldrOrFl, newNameOfTheMarkdownFile)
# Do text processing here. Find each lines in the
# markdown files. Process the new renamed file
# not the old one!
linesWithLineBreak = None
with open(newNameOfTheMarkdownFile, "r+") as md:
# Read each lines. Each lines
# are separated with a line break.
# Or carriage return in Window.
lines = md.readlines()
#for l in lines: print(l)
# Use indexNaming to generate the index of the
# file we are going to rename.
indexNaming = 1
newLines = []
# To detect if the line is the last line.
# Because the last line does not need line break.
lCount = 0
lMax = len(lines)
# Only check lines that start with "![" or "[".
for l in lines:
# Count!
lCount = lCount + 1
#print(str(lCount) + " " + str(lMax))
# Check the first two letter for image
# and the first letter for embedded link.
if(l[:2] == "![" or
l[:1] == "["):
if l[:1] == "[":
# If l refer to an embedded link.
# Extract the address, because I want
# to check if the address is a URL or
# a local link.
testEmdLink = l.split("[")[1].split("]")[0]
# If testEmdLink[:2] returns "./" then we proceed
# with the naming convention.
if testEmdLink[:2] == "./":
# Change the name in the markdown file
# and the file name itself. Find the name of
# the embedded file.
fileNameName = testEmdLink.split("./")[1]
# Do not use "pending-" in file name.
realNameFile = realName.replace("pending-", "")
# Construct new name for the edited file.
newNameName = (realNameFile + "-" + str(indexNaming) + "-" +
# Change the file name in the upper parent
# (up one level).
# Absolute path to the file name we want to change.
fileNameAbsPath = os.path.join(tempDirListContent,
# Absolute path to the new name.
fileNewNameAbsPath = os.path.join(tempDirListContent,
# Change the file name.
shutil.move(fileNameAbsPath, fileNewNameAbsPath)
# Construct a new lines for the data.
# for non last line.
if lCount == lMax:
newLineInMarkDown = (
"[./" + newNameName + "](./" +
newNameName + ")")
newLineInMarkDown = (
"[./" + newNameName + "](./" +
newNameName + ")\n")
l = newLineInMarkDown
indexNaming = indexNaming + 1
# If l refers to an image.
elif l[:2] == "![":
# Search for the absolute directory of the
# image. Get the image file name first.
imageFileName = l.split("![./")[1].split("](")[0]
# Then I need to get the absolute path.
absPathToImage = os.path.join(tempDirListContent, imageFileName)
# Do not use "pending-" in image name.
realNameImage = realName.replace("pending-", "")
# The supposed new name of the image.
newNameOfImage = realNameImage + "-" + str(indexNaming) + ".png"
# Path.
newAbsPathToImage = os.path.join(tempDirListContent, newNameOfImage)
# Use ImageMagick!["convert \"" + absPathToImage + "[600x]\" " +
newAbsPathToImage], shell=True)
print("processing " + imageFileName + " to " + newNameOfImage)
# Remove the old image file.
print("deleting " + absPathToImage)
# Construct new line in markdown file.
if lCount == lMax:
newLineForTheMarkdownFile = ("![./" + newNameOfImage +
"](./" + newNameOfImage +")")
newLineForTheMarkdownFile = ("![./" + newNameOfImage +
"](./" + newNameOfImage +")\n")
l = newLineForTheMarkdownFile
indexNaming = indexNaming + 1
with open(newNameOfTheMarkdownFile, "r+") as md:
# Function to check if there is at least a folder in side
# the directory.
def CheckIfThisIsAFolderThenStop(_absPathToFileOrFolder):
# If it is a folder then halt the program
# until the folder is deleted. The variable
# printOnce is only to make sure that the
# print() is only executed once for every folder
# found.
printOnce = False
while os.path.isdir(_absPathToFileOrFolder):
# Check if the folder has content(s).
# If the folder has content(s) then let the
# user delete it manually. If the folder has
# no content (for example it just an empty
# folder) then this program will delete it
# automatically.
fldrOrFlLst = os.listdir(_absPathToFileOrFolder)
if len(fldrOrFlLst) <= 0: shutil.rmtree(_absPathToFileOrFolder)
# The else statement is when there are folder
# with content in it.
if not printOnce:
printOnce = True
_absPathToFileOrFolder +
" is a folder and has content(s) please check and delete it manually!")
print("this program will progress automatically")
if printOnce: print("the progress continue")
# Function to construct name for the main folder
# according to my own convention.
def ConstructRealName(
# Get the folder properties. For naming convention.
# In this case I want to get the creation time of the
# folder. The two lines below is to get the folder
# creation times.
creationTime = os.path.getctime(_absPathToFileOrFolder)
timeConvFromCTime = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(creationTime))
# I put x as a prefix because time variable is already taken.
# It has no meaning :D!
dateX = str(timeConvFromCTime).split(" ")[0]
timeX = str(timeConvFromCTime).split(" ")[1]
yearX = dateX.split("-")[0]
monthX = dateX.split("-")[1]
dayX = dateX.split("-")[2]
hourX = timeX.split(":")[0]
minX = timeX.split(":")[1]
# Construct the prefix name.
prefixName = (yearX + monthX + dayX + "-" +
hourX + minX + "-" + _manualTimeZone + "-")
# Specific naming convention for pending folder.
if _f.split("-")[0] == "pending":
tempRealName = _f.replace("pending-", "")
realName = "pending-" + prefixName + tempRealName
# Change the name of each folder.
# Construct the real name.
realName = prefixName + _f
return realName
if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv)
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