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Last active December 25, 2016 20:14
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Python automation script for managing my personal "see" folder.
from os import listdir
from os.path import isfile, join
from tzlocal import get_localzone
import datetime as dt
import os
import shutil
import sys
# Constants.
# Constant for a backup folder name.
BACKUP = "backup"
# Constant for temporary folder name.
TEMP = "temp"
# Arguments from script execution.
# Starting directory that want to
# be managed.
startDir = str(sys.argv[1])
# Target directory that want to be
# managed into.
targetDir = str(sys.argv[2])
# Specific name for the moved files.
specName = str(sys.argv[3])
# Some variables that need to be
# initiated globally.
# Variable that hold absolute path
# to the backup directory.
backupDir = None
# The main name for each of the files.
mainName = None
def main(args):
print("please do not modify the folder this program process until it finish")
# Print argument variables.
# Assign global variables.
global specName
global mainName
# Variable to contain absolute path
# to the temporary folder temp. At
# this point the temp folder is not
# yet created.
tempDir = join(startDir, TEMP)
# Edit the spec name.
# If there is no specName provided.
# Blank string then put specName as "".
specName = "" if specName == "" else "-" + specName
# The main name for each moved files
# is the folder name of the target
# directory.
# Normalize the target directory path
normalPath = os.path.normpath(targetDir)
# Take the target directory folder name.
pathBaseName = os.path.basename(normalPath)
# Construct the mainName for each files
# that will be moved from the starting
# directory into the target directory.
mainName = pathBaseName.lower() + "-"
# List all items in the starting directory.
listStartDir = []
for f in listdir(startDir):
if os.path.isfile(join(startDir, f)):
# List all items in the target directory.
# This will be used to know the starting
# of the moved files.
listTargDir = []
for f in listdir(targetDir):
if os.path.isfile(join(targetDir, f)):
# Count those files!
totFilesInStartDir = len(listStartDir)
totFilesInTargDir = len(listTargDir)
# Before doing anything harm. Let us
# create a backup folder first in the
# target directory.
# Create a temporary folder named temp
# in the starting directory.
if os.path.exists(tempDir): shutil.rmtree(tempDir)
# Do backup in the target directory.
index = 1
for f in listTargDir:
# Absolute path to the file that wants
# to be moved into the backup folder
# from the starting directory.
mainFile = join(targetDir, f)
# Absolute path to the file location
# in the backup folder.
backupFile = join(backupDir, f)
# Check if f is a folder or not.
# We do not want to backup folder
# but files.
if not os.path.isdir(mainFile):
# Backup!
mainFile, backupFile)
# This is for the user to know
# this backup progress.
"backup " +
str(index) + "/" +
# The index variable is just for the user
# know the progress of this backup.
index = index + 1
# Copy all files from the starting directory into
# the temporary folder. Then copy files from the
# temporary directory into the target directory.
index = 1
for f in listStartDir:
# Absolute path to the file that will be
# moved into the target directory.
mainFile = join(startDir, f)
# Absolute path to the copied file destined
# directory.
copiedFile = join(tempDir,f)
# Get the file extension of the f. And then
# added the extension into ConsFileName()
# function so that the new file will have
# an extension.
fileName, fileExt = os.path.splitext(f)
# Absolute path to the copied file destined
# directory with the file name all in lower
# case.
copiedFileLower = join(tempDir, f.lower())
# Make sure we do nothing on the folders.
# In this program we will only deal with
# files.
if not os.path.isdir(mainFile):
# Edit the file extension a bit.
# Make sure that there is no upper
# case letters and make sure to
# convert .jpeg into .jpg.
fileExt = fileExt.lower()
fileExt = ".jpg" if fileExt == ".jpeg" else fileExt
# Construct new name for the files
# those are moved into the target
# directory.
newName = ConsFileName(
totFilesInTargDir + index, fileExt)
# Absolute path to the moved file
# in the target directory with its
# new name.
destinedPath = join(targetDir, newName)
# Copy the file from the starting
# directory into the temporary directory.
shutil.copy2(mainFile, copiedFile)
# Change the file name into all lower
# case (including the extension name).
shutil.move(copiedFile, copiedFileLower)
# Move the file into the target directory.
# With new file name.
shutil.move (
copiedFileLower, destinedPath)
# This print() is only for the user know
# the move progress.
"moving " +
str(index) + "/" +
# The index variable is just for the user
# know the progress of this backup.
index = index + 1
# Remove the temporary folder.
# Function that returns a string for
# the new name of the move file.
def ConsFileName(_count, _ext):
return str(
mainName +
str(_count) +
specName +
# Function to create a backup folder in the
# starting directory.
def CreateBackupInTarget():
# Assign global reference into the
# backup directory.
global backupDir
# Get the current date and time.
crntDT = GetDateTime()
year = crntDT[0]
month = crntDT[1]
day = crntDT[2]
hour = crntDT[3]
minu = crntDT[4]
sec = crntDT[5]
utc = crntDT[6]
# Construct the date string.
dateString = year + month + day
# Construct the time string.
timeString = hour + minu + sec
# Construct the time zone string.
if utc.split("/")[1] == "amsterdam":
tZone = "gmt+2"
# Construct the backup folder name.
bckDirName = (
dateString + "-" +
timeString + "-" +
tZone + "-" +
# Assign the string of the absolute path
# to the backup directory into backupDir
# variable.
backupDir = join(targetDir, bckDirName)
# Check if the backup folder is already exist
# or not.
if os.path.exists(backupDir): shutil.rmtree(backupDir)
def GetDateTime():
# Set up the strings.
# Date and time.
dateTime = str(dt.datetime.utcnow()).split(".")[0]
date = str(dateTime).split(" ")[0]
time = str(dateTime).split(" ")[1]
year = str(date).split("-")[0]
month = str(date).split("-")[1]
day = str(date).split("-")[2]
hour = str(time).split(":")[0]
minu = str(time).split(":")[1]
sec = str(time).split(":")[2]
# UTC time zone (without DST).
utc = str(get_localzone()).lower()
# Setup array for return.
returnArray = [
return returnArray
if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv)
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