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Last active March 29, 2023 11:27
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Save notanimposter/8cfe1107cdc07e564e57 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Drawing library for SE v2.4
public class SEFix {
public static T[] arr<T>(params T[] arg) {
return arg; //becuse SE is stupid
public class ColorUtils {
private static double oo64 = 1.0/64.0;
private static double[][] map = new double[][] {
new double[] { 0*oo64, 48*oo64, 12*oo64, 60*oo64, 3*oo64, 51*oo64, 15*oo64, 63*oo64},
new double[] {32*oo64, 16*oo64, 44*oo64, 28*oo64, 35*oo64, 19*oo64, 47*oo64, 31*oo64},
new double[] { 8*oo64, 56*oo64, 4*oo64, 52*oo64, 11*oo64, 59*oo64, 7*oo64, 55*oo64},
new double[] {40*oo64, 24*oo64, 36*oo64, 20*oo64, 43*oo64, 27*oo64, 39*oo64, 23*oo64},
new double[] { 2*oo64, 50*oo64, 14*oo64, 62*oo64, 1*oo64, 49*oo64, 13*oo64, 61*oo64},
new double[] {34*oo64, 18*oo64, 46*oo64, 30*oo64, 33*oo64, 17*oo64, 45*oo64, 29*oo64},
new double[] {10*oo64, 58*oo64, 6*oo64, 54*oo64, 9*oo64, 57*oo64, 5*oo64, 53*oo64},
new double[] {42*oo64, 26*oo64, 38*oo64, 22*oo64, 41*oo64, 25*oo64, 37*oo64, 21*oo64}
private static int[][] palette = new int[][] {
SEFix.arr( 255, 255, 0),
SEFix.arr( 255, 0, 0),
SEFix.arr( 0, 0, 255),
SEFix.arr( 0, 255, 0),
SEFix.arr( 255, 255, 255),
SEFix.arr( 97, 97, 97),
SEFix.arr( 0, 0, 0)
private static string[] colorStrings = new string[] {
"\uE004", //oh but it works fine with *strings* -_-
private static int redC = 300;
private static int greenC = 540;
private static int blueC = 150;
private static double compareColors(int r1, int g1, int b1, int r2, int g2, int b2) {
double dl = ((r1*redC + g1*greenC + b1*blueC)-(r2*redC + g2*greenC + b2*blueC))/255000.0;
double dr = (r1-r2)/255.0, dg = (g1-g2)/255.0, db = (b1-b2)/255.0;
return ((dr*dr*redC + dg*dg*greenC + db*db*blueC)*0.0075 + dl*dl);
private static double calcError(int r, int g, int b, int r0, int g0, int b0, int[] color1, int[] color2, double ratio) {
return compareColors(r, g, b, r0,g0,b0) +
compareColors(color1[0], color1[1], color1[2], color2[0], color2[1], color2[2]) *0.03*(Math.Abs(ratio-0.5)+0.5)*
(1+ (color1[0]==color1[1] && color1[0]==color1[2] && color1[0]==color2[0] &&
color1[0] == color2[1] && color1[0]==color2[2] ? 0.03 : 0));
private static int makeRatio(int r, int g, int b, int[] c1, int[] c2) {
int ratio = 32;
if (c1[0] != c2[0] || c1[1] != c2[1] || c1[2] != c2[2]) {
ratio =
((c2[0] != c1[0] ? redC *64 * (r - c1[0]) / (c2[0]-c1[0]) : 0) +
(c2[1] != c1[1] ? greenC*64 * (g - c1[1]) / (c2[1]-c1[1]) : 0) +
(c1[2] != c2[2] ? blueC *64 * (b - c1[2]) / (c2[2]-c1[2]) : 0))/
((c2[0] != c1[0] ? redC : 0)+
(c2[1] != c1[1] ? greenC : 0)+
(c2[2] != c1[2] ? blueC : 0));
if (ratio < 0)
ratio = 0;
else if (ratio > 63)
ratio = 63;
return ratio;
private static int[] createMix(int r, int g, int b) {
int[] result = SEFix.arr(0,0,32);
double minPenalty = Single.MaxValue;
for (int i = 0; i < palette.Length; i++) {
for (int j = i; j < palette.Length; j++) {
int ratio = makeRatio(r,g,b, palette[i], palette[j]);
double penalty = calcError(
palette[i][0] + ratio * (palette[j][0]-palette[i][0]) / 64,
palette[i][1] + ratio * (palette[j][1]-palette[i][1]) / 64,
palette[i][2] + ratio * (palette[j][2]-palette[i][2]) / 64,
palette[i], palette[j],
if (penalty < minPenalty) {
minPenalty = penalty;
result[0] = i;
result[1] = j;
result[2] = ratio;
return result;
public static string[][] genDitherPattern(int r, int g, int b) {
int[] mix = createMix(r,g,b);
string[][] dithered = new string[8][];
for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++) {
dithered[x] = new string[8];
for (int y = 0; y < 8; y++) {
double mapValue = map[y&7][x&7];
double ratio = mix[2]/64.0;
dithered[x][y] = colorStrings[mix[ mapValue < ratio ? 1 : 0 ]];
return dithered;
public class Ascii {
private static int offset = 0x21;
// binary numbers represent bitmap glyphs, three bits to a line
// eg 9346 == 010 010 010 000 010 == !
// 5265 == 001 010 010 010 001 == (
private static short[] glyphs = SEFix.arr<short>(
9346, 23040, 24445, 15602,
17057, 10923, 9216, 5265,
17556, 21824, 1488, 20,
448, 2, 672, 31599,
11415, 25255, 29326, 23497,
31118, 10666, 29370, 10922,
10954, 1040, 1044, 5393,
3640, 17492, 25218, 15203,
11245, 27566, 14627, 27502,
31143, 31140, 14827, 23533,
29847, 12906, 23469, 18727,
24557, 27501, 11114, 27556,
11131, 27565, 14478, 29842,
23403, 23378, 23549, 23213,
23186, 29351, 13459, 2184,
25750, 10752, 7, 17408,
239, 18862, 227, 4843,
1395, 14756, 1886, 18861,
8595, 4302, 18805, 25745,
509, 429, 170, 1396,
1369, 228, 1934, 18851,
363, 362, 383, 341,
2766, 3671, 5521, 9234,
17620, 1920
public static short getGlyph(char code) {
return glyphs[code-offset];
public class Graphics {
public readonly int width;
public readonly int height;
private IMyTextPanel console;
private string[] screen;
private string[] screenLines;
private string[][] fgDither;
private string[][] bgDither;
private int[] clip = new int[4];
private Dictionary<string, string[][]> oldPatterns = new Dictionary<string, string[][]>();
public Graphics(int w, int h, IMyTextPanel c) {
width = w;
height = h;
screen = new string[height*width];
screenLines = new string[width*height+height-1];
console = c;
public void setFG(int r, int g, int b) {
string k = r+":"+g+":"+b;
if (!oldPatterns.TryGetValue(k, out fgDither)) {
fgDither = ColorUtils.genDitherPattern(r,g,b);
oldPatterns[k] = fgDither;
public void setBG(int r, int g, int b) {
string k = r+":"+g+":"+b;
if (!oldPatterns.TryGetValue(k, out bgDither)) {
bgDither = ColorUtils.genDitherPattern(r,g,b);
oldPatterns[k] = bgDither;
public void mask(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {
clip[0] = x1;
clip[1] = y1;
clip[2] = x2;
clip[3] = y2;
public void mask() {
clip[0] = 0;
clip[1] = 0;
clip[2] = width-1;
clip[3] = height-1;
public void paint() {
for (int i=0; i < height; i++) {
screenLines[i] = string.Join(null, screen, i*width, width)+"\n";
public void clear() {
for (int i=0; i < 8; i++) {
for (int j=0; j < width; j+=8) {
Array.Copy(bgDither[i], 0, screen, i*width+j, 8);
int size = width*height;
int half = width*height >> 1;
for (int i = width*8; i < size; i *= 2) {
int copyLength = i;
if (i > half) {
copyLength = size - i;
Array.Copy(screen, 0, screen, i, copyLength);
public void pixel(int x, int y) {
if (x >= clip[0] && x <= clip[2] && y >= clip[1] && y <= clip[3]) {
screen[width*y + x] = fgDither[y&7][x&7];
public void line(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1) {
if (x0 == x1) {
int high = Math.Max(y1,y0);
for (int y = Math.Min(y1,y0); y <= high; y++) {
} else if (y0 == y1) {
int high = Math.Max(x1,x0);
for (int x = Math.Min(x1,x0); x <= high; x++) {
} else {
bool yLonger=false;
int incrementVal, endVal;
int shortLen=y1-y0;
int longLen=x1-x0;
if (Math.Abs(shortLen)>Math.Abs(longLen)) {
int swap=shortLen;
if (longLen<0) {
} else incrementVal=1;
int decInc;
if (longLen==0) decInc=0;
else decInc = (shortLen << 16) / longLen;
int j=0;
if (yLonger) {
for (int i=0;i-incrementVal!=endVal;i+=incrementVal) {
pixel(x0+(j >> 16),y0+i);
} else {
for (int i=0;i-incrementVal!=endVal;i+=incrementVal) {
pixel(x0+i,y0+(j >> 16));
private void flatBottom(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3) {
float invslope1 = (float)(x2 - x1) / (y2 - y1);
float invslope2 = (float)(x3 - x1) / (y3 - y1);
float curx1 = x1;
float curx2 = x1;
for (int scanlineY = y1; scanlineY <= y2; scanlineY++) {
line((int)curx1, scanlineY, (int)curx2, scanlineY);
curx1 += invslope1;
curx2 += invslope2;
private void flatTop(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3) {
float invslope1 = (float)(x3 - x1) / (y3 - y1);
float invslope2 = (float)(x3 - x2) / (y3 - y2);
float curx1 = x3;
float curx2 = x3;
for (int scanlineY = y3; scanlineY > y1; scanlineY--) {
curx1 -= invslope1;
curx2 -= invslope2;
line((int)curx1, scanlineY, (int)curx2, scanlineY);
private void swap(ref int a, ref int b) {
int c = a;
a = b;
b = c;
public void tri(string m, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3) {
if (m == "line") {
} else if (m == "fill") {
if (y1 > y3) {
swap(ref y1, ref y3);
swap(ref x1, ref x3);
if (y1 > y2) {
swap(ref y1, ref y2);
swap(ref x1, ref x2);
if (y2 > y3) {
swap(ref y2, ref y3);
swap(ref x2, ref x3);
if (y2 == y3) {
flatBottom(x1,y1, x2,y2, x3,y3);
} else if (y1 == y2) {
flatTop(x1,y1, x2,y2, x3,y3);
} else {
int x4 = (int)(x1 + ((float)(y2 - y1) / (float)(y3 - y1)) * (x3 - x1));
flatBottom(x1,y1, x2,y2, x4,y2);
flatTop(x2,y2, x4,y2, x3,y3);
public void rect(string m, int xb, int yb, int w, int h) {
if (m == "line") {
line(xb, yb, xb, yb+h-1);
line(xb, yb, xb+w-1, yb);
line(xb+w-1, yb, xb+w-1, yb+h-1);
line(xb, yb+h-1, xb+w-1, yb+h-1);
} else if (m == "fill") {
for (int x = xb; x < xb+w; x++) {
for (int y = yb; y < yb+h; y++) {
public void ellipse(string m, int cx, int cy, int rx, int ry) {
int rx2 = rx*rx;
int ry2 = ry*ry;
if (m == "fill") {
int rxsys = rx2*ry2;
pixel(cx, cy);
for (int i=1; i < rx*ry; i++) {
int x = i % rx;
int y = i / rx;
if (ry2*x*x+rx2*y*y <= rxsys) {
pixel(cx+x, cy+y);
pixel(cx-x, cy-y);
//if (x && y) { //unnecessary (prevents overdrawing pixels)
pixel(cx+x, cy-y);
pixel(cx-x, cy+y);
} else if (m == "line") {
int frx2 = 4 * rx2;
int fry2 = 4 * ry2;
int s = 2*ry2+rx2*(1-2*ry);
int y = ry;
for (int x = 0; ry2*x <= rx2*y; x++) {
pixel(cx + x, cy + y);
pixel(cx - x, cy + y);
pixel(cx + x, cy - y);
pixel(cx - x, cy - y);
if (s >= 0) {
s += frx2 * (1 - y);
s += ry2 * ((4 * x) + 6);
y = 0;
s = 2*rx2+ry2*(1-2*rx);
for (int x = rx; rx2*y <= ry2*x; y++) {
pixel(cx + x, cy + y);
pixel(cx - x, cy + y);
pixel(cx + x, cy - y);
pixel(cx - x, cy - y);
if (s >= 0) {
s += fry2 * (1 - x);
s += rx2 * ((4 * y) + 6);
public void circle(string m, int cx, int cy, int r) {
if (m == "fill") {
int rr = r*r;
pixel(cx, cy);
for (int i=1; i < r*r; i++) {
int x = i % r;
int y = i / r;
if (x*x+y*y < rr) {
pixel(cx+x, cy+y);
pixel(cx-x, cy-y);
if (x>0 && y>0) {
pixel(cx+x, cy-y);
pixel(cx-x, cy+y);
} else if (m == "line") {
int x = r;
int y = 0;
int do2 = 1 - x;
while (y <= x) {
pixel(cx+x, cy+y);
pixel(cx+y, cy+x);
pixel(cx-x, cy+y);
pixel(cx-y, cy+x);
pixel(cx-x, cy-y);
pixel(cx-y, cy-x);
pixel(cx+x, cy-y);
pixel(cx+y, cy-x);
if (do2 <= 0) {
do2 += 2 * y + 1;
} else {
do2 += 2 * (y - --x) + 1;
public void print(int x, int y, string text) {
int x1 = x;
int y1 = y;
for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++) {
switch(text[i]) {
case '\n':
y1 += 6;
x1 = x;
case ' ':
x1 += 4;
short glyph = Ascii.getGlyph(text[i]);
int j = 14;
do {
if ((glyph & 1) != 0) {
pixel(x1+j%3, y1-4+j/3);
glyph >>= 1;
} while (glyph > 0);
x1 += 4;
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Thodor12 commented Mar 7, 2019

Question, in the print function at the part:
if ((glyph & 1) != 0) { pixel(x1+j%3, y1-4+j/3); }

Is the -4 necessary. Whenever I want to try to print something at 0,0 it only shows the bottom pixel, the other 4 are off the screen.
When I removed this part it worked just fine.

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jaihysc commented Jun 29, 2021

If you are seeing odd characters on your screens, you have to go to the LCD panel and set the font size to the smallest.

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Really late on this one, but is it supposed to be warped? I am drawing a simple circle, but the ascii characters for the white are bigger than the ascii characters for the background, and therefore looks very warped.
I can set it to justify to the centre, but that only moves the warping to either end. Am I doing something wrong or is this intended behaviour?

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@mr-turtle probably the font has changed since I made this. If you still want to use this, I would probably recommend changing your LCD panel to the monospace font and switching the characters in colorStrings to be the correct color characters for the monospace font. I'm not sure what the correct codepoints are.

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