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Created July 3, 2013 02:42
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Composition of probability models as per Jirousek.
object Compositional {
type FunctionOfList[T1] = List[T1] => Option[Double]
def convertFunctionOfListToFunctionInf[T1](f: FunctionOfList[T1], support: Set[Integer]): (Stream[T1] => Option[Double]) = {
(xs: Stream[T1]) =>
val variablesThatMatter = => xs(i))
val fx = f(variablesThatMatter)
class FunctionInf[T1](val f: Stream[T1] => Option[Double])(val support: Set[Int]) {
/* T1 FunctionInf is T1 real valued function with an infinite number of arguments (represented as T1 stream)
that only depends on finitely many arguments (called the support, in a slight abuse of language)
def apply(x: Stream[T1]): Option[Double] = this.f(x)
type doubleOperator = (Double, Double) => Double
type optionOperator = (Option[Double], Option[Double]) => Option[Double]
// Need to define an extended field of reals/undefined ...
def divide(a: Option[Double], b: Option[Double]): Option[Double] = (a, b) match {
case (Some(0.0), Some(0.0)) => None // May want to modify this to None
case (Some(x: Double), Some(0.0)) => None
case (Some(x: Double), Some(y: Double)) => Some(x / y)
case _ => None
def add(a: Option[Double], b: Option[Double]): Option[Double] = (a, b) match {
case (Some(x: Double), Some(y: Double)) => Some(x + y)
case _ => None
def multiply(a: Option[Double], b: Option[Double]): Option[Double] = (a, b) match {
case (Some(x: Double), Some(y: Double)) => Some(x * y)
case _ => None
def subtract(a: Option[Double], b: Option[Double]): Option[Double] = (a, b) match {
case (Some(x: Double), Some(y: Double)) => Some(x - y)
case _ => None
// ... so as to define binary operations on FunctionInf
def opply(that: FunctionInf[T1], op: optionOperator): FunctionInf[T1] = {
val supportUnion =
val f = (x: Stream[T1]) => op(this.apply(x), that.apply(x))
new FunctionInf[T1](f)(supportUnion)
def +(that: FunctionInf[T1]) = opply(that, add)
def -(that: FunctionInf[T1]) = opply(that, subtract)
def *(that: FunctionInf[T1]) = opply(that, multiply)
def /(that: FunctionInf[T1]) = opply(that, divide)
// Margins
def project(J: Set[Int])(implicit values: List[T1]): FunctionInf[T1] = {
// J,K is the same notation as page 626 of Jirousek: J is a subset of K
val K =
if (J.isEmpty)
new FunctionInf((x:Stream[T1])=>Some(1.0))(Set()) // We define projection onto empty set this way, as per page 636 Jirousek
else {
val M = (K.diff(J)).toList // M is the set of variables we integrate out
val marginal = (xs: Stream[T1]) => {
val ss = subspace(xs, M, values)
val fx: List[Option[Double]] = => this.apply(x)) // Evaluate f at all the points in the subspace
val theMarginalAtXs:Option[Double] = fx.foldLeft(Some(0.0): Option[Double])((c, d) => add(c, d))
new FunctionInf(marginal)(K)
// Right composition
def |>(that: FunctionInf[T1])(implicit values: List[T1]): FunctionInf[T1] = {
val supportIntersection = &
val denominator = that.project(supportIntersection)(values)
val numerator = this * that
val theRightComposition = numerator / denominator
// Left composition
def <|(that: FunctionInf[T1])(implicit values: List[T1]): FunctionInf[T1] = {
val supportIntersection = &
val denominator = this.project(supportIntersection)(values)
val numerator = this * that
val theRightComposition = numerator / denominator
// Helper: converts a "sparse" stream representation (i.e. T1 list of coordinates we care about into one of many commensurate streams)
def sparseToStream[T1](l: List[(Int, T1)]): Stream[T1] = {
if (l.isEmpty)
else {
val nextPos = l(1)._1
val nextVal = l(1)._2
val hd = List(1 to nextPos).map(i => nextVal).toStream
hd #::: sparseToStream(l.tail)
// Helper: All the perturbations of a point when coordinates in a set M are allowed to spin over all possible values ...
def subspace[T1](xs: Stream[T1], M: List[Int], values: List[T1]): List[Stream[T1]] = {
if (M.isEmpty)
else {
val subsub = subspace[T1](xs, M.tail, values)
val listing = for (b <- values; x <- subsub) yield ((x.take(M.head) :+ b) #::: x.drop(M.head + 1)) // replace the m'th coordinate
//println("first guy in list is "+listing(0)(0)+listing(0)(1)+listing(0)(2))
object CompositionTest extends App {
// Define Pi as page page 629 of Jirousek - ostensibly depends on 1st and 2nd coordinates
def pi(x:Stream[Boolean]):Option[Double] = {x match {
case (a:Boolean) #:: false #:: (rest:Stream[Boolean]) => Some(0.5)
case _ => Some(0)
val Pi = new Compositional.FunctionInf[Boolean](pi)(Set(0,1))
// Define Kappa as page page 629 of Jirousek - ostensibly depends on 2nd and 3rd coordinates
def kappa(x:Stream[Boolean]):Option[Double] = {x match {
case (a:Boolean) #:: true #:: (rest:Stream[Boolean]) => Some(0.5)
case _ => Some(0)
val Kappa = new Compositional.FunctionInf[Boolean](kappa)(Set(1,2))
// Define nu - ostensibly depends on 1st and 2nd coordinates
val Nu = new Compositional.FunctionInf[Boolean]((x:Stream[Boolean])=>Some(0.25))(Set(1,2))
implicit val booleanValues: List[Boolean] = List(false, true)
// Point-wise operations
val PiTimesNu = Pi * Nu
val PiOnKappa = Pi / Kappa
// Projection on to X1 and X2
val Pi_x1 = Pi.project(Set(0))
val Pi_x2 = Pi.project(Set(1))
val K_x2 = Kappa.project(Set(1))
val K_x3 = Kappa.project(Set(2))
// Composition
val PiNu = Pi |> Nu
val NuPi = Nu |> Pi
val tf = List(false, true)
val X3: List[Stream[Boolean]] = for (b0 <- tf; b1 <- tf; b2 <- tf) yield (b0 #:: b1 #:: b2 #:: Stream.empty[Boolean])
// Check composition
println("Compare Table 3. on page 630")
println("x1 x2 x3 PiNu(x) NuPi(x)")
for (x <- X3) {
println(x(0) + "-" + x(1) + "-" + x(2) +" "+ PiNu(x)+" " + NuPi(x))
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