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Created August 29, 2014 20:39
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MCMC for twin diagnosis
from pymc import Model, MCMC, deterministic, stochastic, Normal, Bernoulli, Beta, distributions
import numpy as np
def twinModelVars( p_identical = 0.5, p_down = 0.01, measurement = 2.5, measurementPrecision = 2.0 ):
""" Stylized model for twin Down Syndrome likelihood after a blood sample is taken from mother
containing a mixture of indicators from each foetus
:param p_identical: (Prior) probability of identical twins versus fraternal (0.1 for population)
:param p_down: (Prior) probability of Down Syndrome
:param measurement: Measured marker value
:param measurementPrecision: Precision of marker measurement
:return: List of variables than can be used in a pymc.Model
identical = Bernoulli('identical', p = p_identical ) # Are twins identical or fraternal?
down1 = Bernoulli('down1', p = p_down ) # Will first have Down Syndrome?
down2_ind = Bernoulli('down2_ind', p = p_down ) # Would the second, if independent?
downMarker1 = Normal('downMarker1', value = 3.0, mu = 3.0, tau = 1.0 ) # Stylized lab results, Down Syndrome hypothesis
normalMarker1 = Normal('normalMarker1', value = 0.0, mu = 0.0, tau = 1.0) # Stylized lab results, Null
downMarker2 = Normal('downMarker2', value = 3.0, mu = 3.0, tau = 1.0 ) # Independent lab results, DS
normalMarker2 = Normal('normalMarker2', value = 0.0, mu = 0.0, tau = 1.0 ) # Independent lab results, Null
mixingCoef = Beta('mixingCoef',value = 0.5, alpha = 50,beta = 100 )
@deterministic( dtype=bool, plot = False )
def down2( identical = identical, down1 = down1, down2_ind = down2_ind ):
# Indicator variable: is the second twin Down Syndrome?
if identical:
return down1
return down2_ind
@deterministic( dtype=float, plot = False )
def marker1( down1 = down1, downMarker1 = downMarker1, normalMarker1 = normalMarker1 ):
# Lab result for first (which we can't know, as results are commingled with that of its sibling)
if down1:
return downMarker1
return normalMarker1
@deterministic( dtype=float, plot = False )
def marker2( down2 = down2, downMarker2 = downMarker2, normalMarker2 = normalMarker2 ):
# Lab result for second (which we can't observe either)
if down2:
return downMarker2
return normalMarker2
@stochastic( dtype = float, observed = True ) # Noisy lab result we do observe (avg. of twin's readings)
def measurement( value = 1.0, marker1 = marker1, marker2 = marker2, mixingCoef = mixingCoef ):
mixedMarker = mixingCoef*marker1 + (1-mixingCoef)*marker2
return distributions.normal_like( x = value, mu = mixedMarker, tau = measurementPrecision )
@deterministic( dtype = bool)
def bothDown( down1 = down1, down2=down2 ):
return down1 and down2
return locals()
twinsModel = Model( twinModelVars() )
mc = MCMC( twinsModel )
mc.sample( iter = 500 )
def main():
# Show booleans in basis points
for vn in [ "down1","down2","bothDown"]:
samples = mc.trace(vn).gettrace()
print "Mean for " + vn + " is " + str( 10000.*np.mean( samples ) ) + " bp "
# Show markers
for vn in ["downMarker1","downMarker1","marker1", "marker2","downMarker1","downMarker2","mixingCoef"]:
markers = mc.trace(vn).gettrace()
print "Mean for " + vn + " is " + str( np.mean( markers ) )
betas = mc.trace("mixingCoef").gettrace()
print "Here are the betas..."
print betas
print "WTF?"
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