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Max Klein notconfusing

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notconfusing /
Last active March 11, 2023 20:10 — forked from konnov/
Converting Remember-the-milk tasks (ICS) to a Todoist template (CSV)
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
# whereas the original[1] worked off the .ics export, this version uses the more modern .json export
# [1]
import json
import pandas as pd
import datetime
konnov /
Created April 1, 2018 16:05
Converting Remember-the-milk tasks (ICS) to a Todoist template (CSV)
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Converting an ICS file produced by Remember the milk to a CSV file
# that can be read by Todoist.
# Bye-bye, remember the milk. Raising the annual price from $25.00 to $39.99,
# while stagnating with the old interface, is the way to lose your loyal pro users.
# This script requires icalendar, which can be installed like this: