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Last active March 17, 2020 18:10
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Parse `sqlmap` dumps from data breaches or leaks file into a JSON file
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- encoding: ascii -*-
# AUTHOR: Edoardo Rosa dodo
# DESCRIPTION: Parse `sqlmap` dumps from data breaches or leaks into JSON files
# Some files have shitty encoding/chars and they must be educated:
# sed -i 's/[^[:print:]\t]//g; s/\\r//g' *.txt
import click
import json
import mmap
import re
from collections import OrderedDict
SQL_SEPARATOR = re.compile(r"\+.*\+")
SQL_COLUMN_CONTENT = re.compile(r"\|\s+([\w\.\-\s\@\_\:\(\)\\>\<\&]+)", re.UNICODE)
"email": {"find": ["mail", "email"], "replace": "email"},
"username": {"find": ["nickname", "username", "user"], "replace": "username"},
"password": {"find": ["password", "pwd", "hash", "passwd"], "replace": "password"},
"nome": {"find": ["nome", "fullname", "name"], "replace": "nome"},
"cognome": {"find": ["cognome", "surname", "second name"], "replace": "cognome"},
def get_table_headers(line):
# Create the list of the table headers used as keys for the JSON
headers = []
for i in SQL_COLUMN_CONTENT.findall(line):
i = i.strip()
if i != "":
return headers
def get_row_content(line, cols):
# Create the empty JSON object
parsed_row = {k: '' for k in cols}
for i, v in enumerate(SQL_COLUMN_CONTENT.findall(line)):
parsed_row[cols[i]] = v.strip()
return parsed_row
def normalize_json_auto(table, output_table=[]):
# For each key in the parsed table auto find/replace
for o in table:
temp_row = {}
for k in o.keys():
for rk, rv in REPLACEMENT.items():
# Find if the column name is compatible
if k in rv.get("find"):
# Update the column name with the correct one
rep = rv.get("replace")
temp_row[k] = o[k]
# Otherwise drop the column
if temp_row:
if output_table:
return output_table
def normalize_json(table, output_table={}):
# For each key in the parsed table ask the user what to do
for k in table.keys():
k = k.strip()
print("Key: ", k, "Value: ", table[k][1])
c = input("Keep: [Enter], Drop [D], Rename [new name]").strip()
# Keep the name and the values
if len(c) == 0:
if k in output_table:
for i in table[k]:
output_table[k] = table[k]
# Rename the key
elif c != "D" and c != "d" and len(c) > 1:
if c in output_table:
for i in table[k]:
output_table[c.lower()] = table[k]
# Drop the key from the table
elif c == "d" or c == "D" and len(c) == 1:
if output_table:
return output_table
def parse_sqlmap(ifile, ofile):
if ofile is None:
ofile = ifile + ".json"
global_output = {}
with open(ifile, "r+") as f:
# Use mmap to read big files
dump = mmap.mmap(f.fileno(), 0)
for line in iter(dump.readline, b""):
# Check if `line` is the separator +------+----+
if SQL_SEPARATOR.match(line.decode().strip()):
# If `line` is a separator the next on contains the headers
headers = dump.readline().decode().strip()
# If there is a column header and the separator get the content of the table
if SQL_COLUMN_CONTENT.match(headers) and SQL_SEPARATOR.match(
table_cols = get_table_headers(headers)
# Empty table object
table = []
# This line contains the first table row
line = dump.readline().decode().strip()
while SQL_COLUMN_CONTENT.match(line):
# Read the content of each row
table.append(get_row_content(line, table_cols))
line = dump.readline().decode().strip()
global_output = normalize_json_auto(table)
# Write the converted JSON table
with open(ofile, "w") as fp:
if global_output:
json.dump(global_output, fp, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
@click.command(context_settings={"help_option_names": ["-h", "--help"]})
@click.option("--ifile", "-i", nargs=1, help="File to parse", type=click.Path())
"--ofile", "-o", nargs=1, help="JSON parsed file to save", type=click.Path()
def cmd(ifile, ofile):
if ifile is None:
print("No input file selected")
parse_sqlmap(ifile, ofile)
if __name__ == "__main__":
| | id | nome | password | privilegio | username |
| Bianchi | 27 | Marco | prova | 1 | marco.marco |
| | 109 | Sara | sara | 1 | sara_Saretta |
| | 110 | Giovanni | giogi | 4 | giovannimichele.bianco |
| | 111 | Roberta | ro!@$#%b | 1 | roberta.dindini |
| | 116 | Giovanni | giò | 1 | giò |
| | 133 | Paolo | pmagazine | 1 | paolo.rossi |
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