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Last active June 26, 2017 16:49
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using Harmony;
using Verse;
namespace ZPatches
[HarmonyPatch (typeof (ModContentPack))]
[HarmonyPatch ("LoadDefs")]
[HarmonyPatch (new Type [] { typeof (IEnumerable<PatchOperation>) })]
public static class ModContentPack_Patch
static FieldInfo defPackagesField = AccessTools.Field (typeof (ModContentPack), "defPackages");
public static bool Prefix (ModContentPack __instance, IEnumerable<PatchOperation> patches)
DeepProfiler.Start ("Loading all defs");
var patchedDirectory = __instance.RootDir + "/Defs_Patched/";
var patched = Directory.Exists (patchedDirectory);
List<LoadableXmlAsset> list;
if (patched && Directory.GetFiles(patchedDirectory).Count() > 0) {
list = DirectXmlLoader.XmlAssetsInModFolder (__instance, "Defs_Patched/").ToList<LoadableXmlAsset> ();
} else {
list = DirectXmlLoader.XmlAssetsInModFolder (__instance, "Defs/").ToList<LoadableXmlAsset> ();
foreach (LoadableXmlAsset current in list) {
foreach (PatchOperation current2 in patches) {
current2.Apply (current.xmlDoc);
DumpXml (__instance, list, patchedDirectory);
for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) {
XmlInheritance.TryRegisterAllFrom (list [i], __instance);
XmlInheritance.Resolve ();
for (int j = 0; j < list.Count; j++) {
string relFolder = GenFilePaths.FolderPathRelativeToDefsFolder (list [j].fullFolderPath, __instance);
DefPackage defPackage = new DefPackage (list [j].name, relFolder);
foreach (Def current3 in DirectXmlLoader.AllDefsFromAsset (list [j])) {
defPackage.defs.Add (current3);
var defPackages = defPackagesField.GetValue (__instance) as List<DefPackage>;
defPackages.Add (defPackage);
DeepProfiler.End ();
return false;
public static void DumpXml(ModContentPack mcp, List<LoadableXmlAsset> list, string directoryPath) {
var directory = Directory.CreateDirectory (directoryPath);
var document = new XmlDocument ();
var rootXml = document.CreateElement ("Defs");
var sb = new StringBuilder ();
sb.AppendLine (String.Format ("> {0} has {1} assets.", mcp.Name, list.Count));
foreach (var asset in list) {
sb.AppendLine (String.Format("\t {0}/{1}", asset.fullFolderPath,;
var child = document.ImportNode (asset.xmlDoc.DocumentElement.FirstChild, true);
rootXml.AppendChild (child);
document.AppendChild (rootXml);
Log.Message (sb.ToString());
var writer = new XmlTextWriter (String.Format ("{0}/{1}.xml", directory.FullName, mcp.Name), Encoding.Unicode);
writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
writer.WriteStartDocument ();
document.WriteContentTo (writer);
writer.WriteEndDocument ();
writer.Close ();
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