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Created February 23, 2020 09:40
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#### Important settings #####
# HTTP server listening address port
listen = ""
# The database connection string
# Possible values:
# "none" - listserver will be in read-only mode (includeservers must be set)
# "memory" - sessions will be lost if server is restarted, but no database needed
# "postgres://..." - keep sessions in a PostgreSQL database
# Include sessions fetched from a drawpile server's admin API (optional)
# Note. You should set at least one of database or includeserver settings.
# Otherwise, listserver will do nothing.
# The short name of this server (shown in the selection dropdown box)
# A longer description of this server
# Set this if you're using a reverse proxy
remoteAddressHeader = "X-Real-Ip"
##### Optional settings #####
# By default, all origins are allowed to fetch the session list.
# You can limit it here
# URL of an icon that will be shown next to the server name
favicon = ""
# A message that is sent to the users of the session that was just announced
welcome = "this session was just announced at myserver!"
# Any of these words in the title autotags the session as NSFM
nsfmWords = [ "NSFW", "18+", "NSFM" ]
# Allow listed servers using ports < 1024
allowWellKnownPorts = false
# Allow only these protocol version to be listed
protocolWhiteList = [ "15.6", "dp:4.20.1", "dp:4.21.2" ]
# Allow only this many active listings per host address
maxSessionsPerHost = 3
# Allow this many active listings per named host address (this is never less than maxSessionsPerHost)
maxSessionsPerNamedHost = 10
# Trusted hosts are exempt from limits and bans
trustedHosts = [ ]
# Require Drawpile's user agent in non-GET requests
checkUserAgent = true
# Notify users if their host address is an IPv6 address
# This is not necessarily a bad thing, but many people
# still don't have IPv6 capable Internet connections.
warnIpv6 = true
# Allow public session listings
public = true
# Enable room code generation (private sessions)
roomcodes = true
# Check that there really is a Drawpile server at the announeced address
checkServer = false
# Number of minutes after which a session is automatically delisted unless refreshed
sessionTimeout = 10
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