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Created May 2, 2024 02:33
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| Host: |
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|======================================= Getting Torrent List =======================================|
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| No new torrents to categorize. |
|========================================== Updating Tags ===========================================|
| No new torrents to tag. |
|================================== Removing Unregistered Torrents ==================================|
| No unregistered torrents found. |
|============================= Updating Share Limits based on priority ==============================|
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| Torrent: Godzilla.Minus.One.2023.1080p.BluRay.x264.YG⭐ [Hash: 736a7f6169563949c3856d436fab4fa3fb488eba] - Share Limit Group: public |
| Torrent: FSDSS-772.mp4 [Hash: 77043acba058e37141010deaafeeb4a0a6b7e196] - Share Limit Group: private-abr |
| Torrent: The.Great.North.S04E09.iNTERNAL.1080p.WEB.h264-EDITH [Hash: 7591ff670adb2fefe3131d1657c2f54760dfb105] - Share Limit Group: private-abr |
| Torrent: Jeopardy.2024.04.26.720p.HDTV.x264.AC3.mkv [Hash: ca7f3643a7ddc33e2b44798983d16ee641ad4a2b] - Share Limit Group: private-arr |
| Torrent: Jeopardy.2024.04.08.720p.HDTV.x264.AC3.mkv [Hash: 2fa74f4b6702a421abb28405a3b5d0a96ce9402d] - Share Limit Group: private-arr |
| Torrent: Jeopardy.2024.04.16.720p.HDTV.x264.AC3.mkv [Hash: b0ddf796ad36c10017ec3381ce887360d97de7af] - Share Limit Group: private-arr |
| Torrent: Jeopardy.2024.04.17.720p.HDTV.x264.AC3.mkv [Hash: 0f8164b37bbba2d9a1041baf13690078e7bc9372] - Share Limit Group: private-arr |
| Torrent: J D Barker - [4MK Thriller 03] - The Sixth Wicked Child (azw3 epub mobi) [Hash: e0e4a7049f36fb70d42de078840b3482b41b678b] - Share Limit Group: private-abr |
| Torrent: Jeopardy.2024.04.19.720p.HDTV.x264.AC3.mkv [Hash: c31d74ec33b7cf735d4f47d28d31dece3981b041] - Share Limit Group: private-arr |
| Torrent: The.Great.North.S04E10.1080p.WEB.h264-EDITH [Hash: 3e698d754d7fad7a32e6681cc7168a3e888f49df] - Share Limit Group: private-abr |
| Torrent: Jeopardy.2024.04.09.720p.HDTV.x264.AC3.mkv [Hash: 3d98a88d16dd42d27a61a726985aa03da96dcbd2] - Share Limit Group: private-arr |
| Torrent: Will.Trent.S02E07.1080p.WEB.h264-ELEANOR[TGx] [Hash: 59742ef3eed0d594141a96a9ee0adae68c8a6015] - Share Limit Group: public |
| Torrent: AnalTherapyXXX.24.04.22.Britt.Blair.And.Theodora.Day.Welcome.To.Miami.XXX.1080p.MP4-WRB [Hash: 187f452fae04b47d869bcfa823af48d6926e5b97] - Share Limit Group: private-abr |
| Torrent: Jeopardy.2024.03.25.720p.HDTV.x264.AC3.mkv [Hash: 870ded8e73ce7c1cb06862b6bc0c52ab6c9850ad] - Share Limit Group: private-arr |
| Torrent: Under.the.Bridge.S01E04.1080p.WEB.H264-SuccessfulCrab[TGx] [Hash: cd9f20f64bb389561c3b18e4c0c6dfce3d726f16] - Share Limit Group: public |
| Torrent: The Great North (2021) S02 (1080p HULU Webrip x265 10bit EAC3 5.1 - Goki)[TAoE] [Hash: 0b1a35dee7ff0372a581483925e03fd79e1b646b] - Share Limit Group: private-abr |
| Torrent: Yumi's.Cell.2021.S01.Viu.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.x264-unco@AvistaZ [Hash: fae57b380769db589a4b55440bc321e0be11db54] - Share Limit Group: private-arr |
| Torrent: WNBA Draft 2024 15 04 720pEN60fps ESPN.mp4 [Hash: b96186abcf9a004095e117dcf6c85beed8efe2e7] - Share Limit Group: private-abr |
| Torrent: On.the.Job.S01.1080p.HMAX.WEB-DL.x264.DUAL-RSG [Hash: afd25b0fdc5ebb1cac4c76993431bfe45107d736] - Share Limit Group: private-arr |
| Torrent: NBA Playoffs 2024 Cleveland Cavaliers vs Orlando Magic Game 2 25 04 1080pEN60fps NBATV.mkv [Hash: af49090b3755e9269a4b9bfcbf6772978ac7d340] - Share Limit Group: private-abr |
| Torrent: Jeopardy.2024.04.04.720p.HDTV.x264.AC3.mkv [Hash: b2b12aeaf3b147961b773faf6e061e03d02e444c] - Share Limit Group: private-arr |
| Torrent: Stanley.Tucci.Searching.for.Italy.S02E08.1080p.WEB.h264-EDITH [Hash: 06998baafa2da5017458981b65d5e76899048833] - Share Limit Group: private-abr |
| Torrent: PRED-672.mp4 [Hash: 64fcb2bac9009b091d9fd2cda4f7765e9d61d2ed] - Share Limit Group: private-abr |
| Torrent: Jeopardy.2024.04.15.720p.HDTV.x264.AC3.mkv [Hash: 6b173282246a3724a89cd441e88ae9dd59d51cb0] - Share Limit Group: private-arr |
| Torrent: Jeopardy.2024.04.01.720p.HDTV.x264.AC3.mkv [Hash: 1e53825ec0ea674937747b7ca3e1df688429b3d2] - Share Limit Group: private-arr |
| Torrent: Red Eye (2024) S01 (1080p ITV Webrip x265 10bit AAC 2.0 - DNU)[TAoE] [Hash: ab8ae97ebb1be769128ead27839af887819cb10b] - Share Limit Group: private-abr |
| Torrent: CSI.Vegas.S03E06.1080p.x265-ELiTE [Hash: 978c2794b882f7c110c77f3eb423d55fc995acfc] - Share Limit Group: private-abr |
| Torrent: Jeopardy.2024.04.30.720p.HDTV.x264.AC3.mkv [Hash: 1b75cca07ea0c4417bfb723afa9e2f48dd67febf] - Share Limit Group: private-arr |
| Torrent: Jeopardy.2024.04.18.720p.HDTV.x264.AC3.mkv [Hash: 9572d2d9acacf7ef02d0fd2245b03588caa38ea4] - Share Limit Group: private-arr |
| Torrent: Krapopolis.S01E20.720p.WEB.h264-EDITH [Hash: 147c97d88505103f3766cac89bd229ece83646b2] - Share Limit Group: private-abr |
| Torrent: Houston @ Sacramento 1992 (8 mar).mp4 [Hash: a70d5bdbb1568039f93927733462aa4c8a760553] - Share Limit Group: private-abr |
| Torrent: 109IENFH-32203.mp4 [Hash: 7aad0d05076df61215583353822e4cc4781d24f7] - Share Limit Group: private-abr |
| Torrent: NBA.Playoffs.2024.WC.R1.G1.Lakers.vs.Nuggets.720p.60fps.HDTV.x264-shock.mkv [Hash: c1c9a31d43a72d246e25513bb44d0916ed8d21af] - Share Limit Group: private-abr |
| Torrent: [Hash: 7d4c84c4065d30b46d42d399b991287e4139dd58] - Share Limit Group: private-abr |
| Torrent: [Hash: 4697ecf8a363c08003391d2cf9172b971704fca6] - Share Limit Group: private-arr |
| Torrent: Grandmas Boy 2006 1080p Blu-ray DTS-HD MA 5.1 x264-Tacos.mkv [Hash: 8d5d404fbc62a8eed182bad274e4b7f4518d451d] - Share Limit Group: private-arr |
| Torrent: The.Good.Doctor.S07E07.1080p.WEB.h264-ELEANOR[].mkv[] [Hash: 0aca065f16f973405afa0e1012c3390a45f28442] - Share Limit Group: public |
| Torrent: Jeopardy.2024.04.10.720p.HDTV.x264.AC3.mkv [Hash: e6b2cfeb6f4c5eaa0e14124484a8332a036531c2] - Share Limit Group: private-arr |
| Torrent: Krapopolis.S01E20.1080p.WEB.h264-EDITH [Hash: 30cc32f034e290b93ae8782f89f6448d8a130595] - Share Limit Group: private-abr |
| Torrent: Will Trent S02E07 Have You Never Been To A Wedding 1080p AMZN WEB-DL DDP5 1 H 264-NTb[].mkv[] [Hash: a2dcdb1cf16fe8c29634471949fbffce58803176] - Share Limit Group: public |
| Torrent: [Hash: 176370f3cc780bd7d436c514e0afef08809800d6] - Share Limit Group: private-arr |
| Torrent: Love.on.a.Shoestring.2024.S01E01.1080p.IQ.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.x264-unco@AvistaZ.mkv [Hash: 32dc5b052f1bcac6927ec60c786fb4d91b90472d] - Share Limit Group: private-abr |
| Torrent: The.Price.Is.Right.2024.05.01.1080p.WEB.h264-DiRT[].mkv[] [Hash: b20b350ebdcfa18dafb75b4b464953439da698c2] - Share Limit Group: public |
| Torrent: Japanese Breakfast - Soft Sounds From Another Planet (v0) [Hash: 55256036c1400472c3d60a93de84769c26f1f33a] - Share Limit Group: private-abr |
| Torrent: [Hash: 31b892bb81fa18fa87f7e4c7ffc2454a2ace48ba] - Share Limit Group: private-arr |
| Torrent: Jeopardy.2024.04.11.720p.HDTV.x264.AC3.mkv [Hash: 8e3cb3b8ed6e33e0004e7d8345a0c2b40f97e5bb] - Share Limit Group: private-arr |
| Torrent: Jeopardy.2024.04.29.720p.HDTV.x264.AC3.mkv [Hash: 4041300ac23d82c7eb9e6667a5a9cf72d7c40f21] - Share Limit Group: private-arr |
| Torrent: Jeopardy.2024.03.26.720p.HDTV.x264.AC3.mkv [Hash: 272b3329d941cb6a28205e614a03f0c6f1d92ccb] - Share Limit Group: private-arr |
| Torrent: Jason Fung - The Diabetes Code [Hash: 9c50ca6a1739495eba0e1c23906cc82d3ce38e97] - Share Limit Group: private-abr |
| Torrent: Jeopardy.2024.04.25.720p.HDTV.x264.AC3.mkv [Hash: 36f609a22664611577dd98a1de3b0f024b308eb6] - Share Limit Group: private-arr |
| Torrent: White.Lies.2024.S01.1080p.STAN.STAN.WEBRip.DDP5.1.10bit.x265-ToVaR [Hash: 2d0aaf90b6fd79b06fffd849830b23bd5f361d88] - Share Limit Group: private-abr |
| Torrent: FC2-PPV-4404422.mp4 [Hash: 6f90f3298007760a1bba73aeadaf9647b1fa59e7] - Share Limit Group: private-abr |
| Torrent: I-LAND.S02E01.2024.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC.H264-JKCT.mkv [Hash: 673cb83c6887fbedb878431d12f37be39cfd4d61] - Share Limit Group: private-abr |
| Torrent: NBA Playoffs 2024 New Orleans Pelicans vs Oklahoma City Thunder Game 4 29 04 1080pEN60fps NBATV.mkv [Hash: 8bd5abed76e6ef6f8090fc828b8a29905c9a7c47] - Share Limit Group: private-abr |
| Torrent: The.Simpsons.S35E15.720p.WEB.h264-EDITH [Hash: a0bfdb258947f87f3985460d7c3a5ef26d7c2c25] - Share Limit Group: private-abr |
| Torrent: UsePOV.24.04.15.Sandy.Love.XXX.XviD-iPT Team [Hash: 4c0104e658aef5c05207931a7164c81dab5c02e3] - Share Limit Group: private-abr |
| Torrent: Fiasco.2024.S01.1080p.NF.WEB-DL.DUAL.DDP5.1.H.264-FLUX [Hash: e96997444e2125672e66116bdf3b35a28a6b5823] - Share Limit Group: private-abr |
| Torrent: Jeopardy.2024.04.22.720p.HDTV.x264.AC3.mkv [Hash: 63c54951cf0fb483e7aea6069e74e731e4067e92] - Share Limit Group: private-arr |
| Torrent: HIDE.2024.S01.1080p.CPNG.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H.264-MARK [Hash: 760f3895ee151bc68317056802eae5fc3392098f] - Share Limit Group: private-arr |
| Torrent: Password.2022.S02E07.1080p.WEB.h264-EDITH[].mkv[] [Hash: 91704a1a9ee521d07341e29917f049f02c079d4f] - Share Limit Group: public |
| Torrent: [ASW] Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! S3 - 04 [1080p HEVC x265 10Bit][AAC] [Hash: aa2ab5585111a45ec8f4f3faca7d33a5bb6da68c] - Share Limit Group: public |
| Torrent: The.Unbearable.Weight.of.Massive.Talent.2022.1080p.BluRay.DD+.5.1.X265-Ralphy.mkv [Hash: 517b3815c0565598e0ad4f5e8dd8152be43379f6] - Share Limit Group: private-arr |
| Torrent: Jimmy.Kimmel.2024.04.30.Jerry.Seinfeld.720p.WEB.h264-EDITH[].mkv[] [Hash: 6294140e73ddd523e9471264ad913d5bb020dcd8] - Share Limit Group: public |
| Torrent: Earwig and the Witch (2020) (1080p BDRip x265 10bit DTS-HD MA 5.1 + AC3 5.1 - Goki)[TAoE] [Hash: d35f767d18b5071140e14d550da445a815d53ce8] - Share Limit Group: private-abr |
| Torrent: Secret.Ingredient.S01E01.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC.H264-fuxs0cy.mkv [Hash: a76253d9da9932358447eaeb1af6450fa7466133] - Share Limit Group: private-abr |
| Torrent: Godzilla.Minus.One.2023.1080p.BluRay.x265-DH.mkv [Hash: de366ed672e2b4e7dea2be6d5952b91b0cd39f15] - Share Limit Group: private-arr |
| Torrent: Jeopardy.2024.04.12.720p.HDTV.x264.AC3.mkv [Hash: faac0475b3b75b360d5fe12617de66602bd76cdd] - Share Limit Group: private-arr |
| Torrent: Dayo.2024.1080p.VMAX.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H.264-CALLI.mkv [Hash: 2fcb4863e742411d0dd9c7d78f01aca79e33829d] - Share Limit Group: private-arr |
| Torrent: Atlanta @ L.A Lakers 1992 (17 nov).mp4 [Hash: b3be839ad03ce025302834a17164be76590f8585] - Share Limit Group: private-abr |
|==================== Updating Share Limits for [Group private-arr] [Priority 1] ====================|
| Torrent: Jeopardy.2024.04.26.720p.HDTV.x264.AC3.mkv [Hash: ca7f3643a7ddc33e2b44798983d16ee641ad4a2b] |
| Torrent Category: private-sonarr |
| Torrent Tags: sl_1.private-arr, nmst, tle, abr |
| Grouping: private-arr |
| Config Max Ratio vs Torrent Max Ratio:999.0 vs -1 |
| check_max_ratio: True |
| Config Max Seeding Time vs Torrent Max Seeding Time: 1210800 vs -1 |
| Config Min Num Seeds vs Torrent Num Seeds: 0 vs 219 |
| check_max_seeding_time: True |
| Config Limit Upload Speed vs Torrent Limit Upload Speed: -1 vs -1 |
| check_limit_upload_speed: False |
| hash_not_prev_checked: True |
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| Torrent: Jeopardy.2024.04.08.720p.HDTV.x264.AC3.mkv [Hash: 2fa74f4b6702a421abb28405a3b5d0a96ce9402d] |
| Torrent Category: private-sonarr |
| Torrent Tags: sl_1.private-arr, nmst, tle |
| Grouping: private-arr |
| Config Max Ratio vs Torrent Max Ratio:999.0 vs -1 |
| check_max_ratio: True |
| Config Max Seeding Time vs Torrent Max Seeding Time: 1210800 vs -1 |
| Config Min Num Seeds vs Torrent Num Seeds: 0 vs 148 |
| check_max_seeding_time: True |
| Config Limit Upload Speed vs Torrent Limit Upload Speed: -1 vs -1 |
| check_limit_upload_speed: False |
| hash_not_prev_checked: True |
| share_limits_not_yet_tagged: False |
| Torrent: Jeopardy.2024.04.16.720p.HDTV.x264.AC3.mkv [Hash: b0ddf796ad36c10017ec3381ce887360d97de7af] |
| Torrent Category: private-sonarr |
| Torrent Tags: sl_1.private-arr, nmst, tle, abr |
| Grouping: private-arr |
| Config Max Ratio vs Torrent Max Ratio:999.0 vs -1 |
| check_max_ratio: True |
| Config Max Seeding Time vs Torrent Max Seeding Time: 1210800 vs -1 |
| Config Min Num Seeds vs Torrent Num Seeds: 0 vs 149 |
| check_max_seeding_time: True |
| Config Limit Upload Speed vs Torrent Limit Upload Speed: -1 vs -1 |
| check_limit_upload_speed: False |
| hash_not_prev_checked: True |
| share_limits_not_yet_tagged: False |
| Torrent: Jeopardy.2024.04.17.720p.HDTV.x264.AC3.mkv [Hash: 0f8164b37bbba2d9a1041baf13690078e7bc9372] |
| Torrent Category: private-sonarr |
| Torrent Tags: sl_1.private-arr, nmst, tle, abr |
| Grouping: private-arr |
| Config Max Ratio vs Torrent Max Ratio:999.0 vs -1 |
| check_max_ratio: True |
| Config Max Seeding Time vs Torrent Max Seeding Time: 1210800 vs -1 |
| Config Min Num Seeds vs Torrent Num Seeds: 0 vs 163 |
| check_max_seeding_time: True |
| Config Limit Upload Speed vs Torrent Limit Upload Speed: -1 vs -1 |
| check_limit_upload_speed: False |
| hash_not_prev_checked: True |
| share_limits_not_yet_tagged: False |
| Torrent: Jeopardy.2024.04.19.720p.HDTV.x264.AC3.mkv [Hash: c31d74ec33b7cf735d4f47d28d31dece3981b041] |
| Torrent Category: private-sonarr |
| Torrent Tags: sl_1.private-arr, nmst, tle, abr |
| Grouping: private-arr |
| Config Max Ratio vs Torrent Max Ratio:999.0 vs -1 |
| check_max_ratio: True |
| Config Max Seeding Time vs Torrent Max Seeding Time: 1210800 vs -1 |
| Config Min Num Seeds vs Torrent Num Seeds: 0 vs 179 |
| check_max_seeding_time: True |
| Config Limit Upload Speed vs Torrent Limit Upload Speed: -1 vs -1 |
| check_limit_upload_speed: False |
| hash_not_prev_checked: True |
| share_limits_not_yet_tagged: False |
| Torrent: Jeopardy.2024.04.09.720p.HDTV.x264.AC3.mkv [Hash: 3d98a88d16dd42d27a61a726985aa03da96dcbd2] |
| Torrent Category: private-sonarr |
| Torrent Tags: sl_1.private-arr, nmst, tle |
| Grouping: private-arr |
| Config Max Ratio vs Torrent Max Ratio:999.0 vs -1 |
| check_max_ratio: True |
| Config Max Seeding Time vs Torrent Max Seeding Time: 1210800 vs -1 |
| Config Min Num Seeds vs Torrent Num Seeds: 0 vs 132 |
| check_max_seeding_time: True |
| Config Limit Upload Speed vs Torrent Limit Upload Speed: -1 vs -1 |
| check_limit_upload_speed: False |
| hash_not_prev_checked: True |
| share_limits_not_yet_tagged: False |
| Torrent: Jeopardy.2024.03.25.720p.HDTV.x264.AC3.mkv [Hash: 870ded8e73ce7c1cb06862b6bc0c52ab6c9850ad] |
| Torrent Category: private-sonarr |
| Torrent Tags: sl_1.private-arr, nmst, tle |
| Grouping: private-arr |
| Config Max Ratio vs Torrent Max Ratio:999.0 vs -1 |
| check_max_ratio: True |
| Config Max Seeding Time vs Torrent Max Seeding Time: 1210800 vs -1 |
| Config Min Num Seeds vs Torrent Num Seeds: 0 vs 127 |
| check_max_seeding_time: True |
| Config Limit Upload Speed vs Torrent Limit Upload Speed: -1 vs -1 |
| check_limit_upload_speed: False |
| hash_not_prev_checked: True |
| share_limits_not_yet_tagged: False |
| Torrent: Yumi's.Cell.2021.S01.Viu.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.x264-unco@AvistaZ [Hash: fae57b380769db589a4b55440bc321e0be11db54] |
| Torrent Category: private-sonarr |
| Torrent Tags: avz, sl_1.private-arr, nmst |
| Grouping: private-arr |
| Config Max Ratio vs Torrent Max Ratio:999.0 vs -1 |
| check_max_ratio: True |
| Config Max Seeding Time vs Torrent Max Seeding Time: 1210800 vs -1 |
| Config Min Num Seeds vs Torrent Num Seeds: 0 vs 16 |
| check_max_seeding_time: True |
| Config Limit Upload Speed vs Torrent Limit Upload Speed: -1 vs -1 |
| check_limit_upload_speed: False |
| hash_not_prev_checked: True |
| share_limits_not_yet_tagged: False |
| Torrent: On.the.Job.S01.1080p.HMAX.WEB-DL.x264.DUAL-RSG [Hash: afd25b0fdc5ebb1cac4c76993431bfe45107d736] |
| Torrent Category: private-sonarr |
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| Torrent: Jeopardy.2024.04.22.720p.HDTV.x264.AC3.mkv [Hash: 63c54951cf0fb483e7aea6069e74e731e4067e92] |
| Torrent Category: private-sonarr |
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| Torrent: HIDE.2024.S01.1080p.CPNG.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H.264-MARK [Hash: 760f3895ee151bc68317056802eae5fc3392098f] |
| Torrent Category: private-sonarr |
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| Torrent: The.Unbearable.Weight.of.Massive.Talent.2022.1080p.BluRay.DD+.5.1.X265-Ralphy.mkv [Hash: 517b3815c0565598e0ad4f5e8dd8152be43379f6] |
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| Torrent: Jeopardy.2024.04.12.720p.HDTV.x264.AC3.mkv [Hash: faac0475b3b75b360d5fe12617de66602bd76cdd] |
| Torrent Category: private-sonarr |
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| Torrent: Dayo.2024.1080p.VMAX.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H.264-CALLI.mkv [Hash: 2fcb4863e742411d0dd9c7d78f01aca79e33829d] |
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| Torrent: The.Great.North.S04E09.iNTERNAL.1080p.WEB.h264-EDITH [Hash: 7591ff670adb2fefe3131d1657c2f54760dfb105] |
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| Torrent: J D Barker - [4MK Thriller 03] - The Sixth Wicked Child (azw3 epub mobi) [Hash: e0e4a7049f36fb70d42de078840b3482b41b678b] |
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| Torrent: The.Great.North.S04E10.1080p.WEB.h264-EDITH [Hash: 3e698d754d7fad7a32e6681cc7168a3e888f49df] |
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| Torrent: AnalTherapyXXX.24.04.22.Britt.Blair.And.Theodora.Day.Welcome.To.Miami.XXX.1080p.MP4-WRB [Hash: 187f452fae04b47d869bcfa823af48d6926e5b97] |
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| Torrent: The Great North (2021) S02 (1080p HULU Webrip x265 10bit EAC3 5.1 - Goki)[TAoE] [Hash: 0b1a35dee7ff0372a581483925e03fd79e1b646b] |
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| Torrent: NBA Playoffs 2024 Cleveland Cavaliers vs Orlando Magic Game 2 25 04 1080pEN60fps NBATV.mkv [Hash: af49090b3755e9269a4b9bfcbf6772978ac7d340] |
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| Torrent: Stanley.Tucci.Searching.for.Italy.S02E08.1080p.WEB.h264-EDITH [Hash: 06998baafa2da5017458981b65d5e76899048833] |
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| Torrent: Red Eye (2024) S01 (1080p ITV Webrip x265 10bit AAC 2.0 - DNU)[TAoE] [Hash: ab8ae97ebb1be769128ead27839af887819cb10b] |
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| Torrent: CSI.Vegas.S03E06.1080p.x265-ELiTE [Hash: 978c2794b882f7c110c77f3eb423d55fc995acfc] |
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| Torrent: Krapopolis.S01E20.720p.WEB.h264-EDITH [Hash: 147c97d88505103f3766cac89bd229ece83646b2] |
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| Torrent: Houston @ Sacramento 1992 (8 mar).mp4 [Hash: a70d5bdbb1568039f93927733462aa4c8a760553] |
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| Torrent: 109IENFH-32203.mp4 [Hash: 7aad0d05076df61215583353822e4cc4781d24f7] |
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| Torrent: NBA.Playoffs.2024.WC.R1.G1.Lakers.vs.Nuggets.720p.60fps.HDTV.x264-shock.mkv [Hash: c1c9a31d43a72d246e25513bb44d0916ed8d21af] |
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| Config Max Ratio vs Torrent Max Ratio:999.0 vs -1 |
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| Torrent: [Hash: 7d4c84c4065d30b46d42d399b991287e4139dd58] |
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| Torrent: Krapopolis.S01E20.1080p.WEB.h264-EDITH [Hash: 30cc32f034e290b93ae8782f89f6448d8a130595] |
| Torrent Category: autobrr |
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| Torrent: Love.on.a.Shoestring.2024.S01E01.1080p.IQ.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.x264-unco@AvistaZ.mkv [Hash: 32dc5b052f1bcac6927ec60c786fb4d91b90472d] |
| Torrent Category: autobrr |
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| Config Max Ratio vs Torrent Max Ratio:999.0 vs -1 |
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| Torrent: Japanese Breakfast - Soft Sounds From Another Planet (v0) [Hash: 55256036c1400472c3d60a93de84769c26f1f33a] |
| Torrent Category: autobrr |
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| Torrent: Jason Fung - The Diabetes Code [Hash: 9c50ca6a1739495eba0e1c23906cc82d3ce38e97] |
| Torrent Category: autobrr |
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| Torrent: White.Lies.2024.S01.1080p.STAN.STAN.WEBRip.DDP5.1.10bit.x265-ToVaR [Hash: 2d0aaf90b6fd79b06fffd849830b23bd5f361d88] |
| Torrent Category: autobrr |
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| Config Max Ratio vs Torrent Max Ratio:999.0 vs -1 |
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| Torrent: FC2-PPV-4404422.mp4 [Hash: 6f90f3298007760a1bba73aeadaf9647b1fa59e7] |
| Torrent Category: autobrr |
| Torrent Tags: exz, nmst, sl_2.private-abr, abr |
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| Config Max Ratio vs Torrent Max Ratio:999.0 vs -1 |
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| Torrent: I-LAND.S02E01.2024.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC.H264-JKCT.mkv [Hash: 673cb83c6887fbedb878431d12f37be39cfd4d61] |
| Torrent Category: autobrr |
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| Config Max Ratio vs Torrent Max Ratio:999.0 vs -1 |
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| Torrent: NBA Playoffs 2024 New Orleans Pelicans vs Oklahoma City Thunder Game 4 29 04 1080pEN60fps NBATV.mkv [Hash: 8bd5abed76e6ef6f8090fc828b8a29905c9a7c47] |
| Torrent Category: autobrr |
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| Config Max Ratio vs Torrent Max Ratio:999.0 vs -1 |
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| Config Max Seeding Time vs Torrent Max Seeding Time: 1210800 vs -1 |
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| Torrent: The.Simpsons.S35E15.720p.WEB.h264-EDITH [Hash: a0bfdb258947f87f3985460d7c3a5ef26d7c2c25] |
| Torrent Category: autobrr |
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| Config Max Ratio vs Torrent Max Ratio:999.0 vs -1 |
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| Torrent: UsePOV.24.04.15.Sandy.Love.XXX.XviD-iPT Team [Hash: 4c0104e658aef5c05207931a7164c81dab5c02e3] |
| Torrent Category: autobrr |
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| Config Max Ratio vs Torrent Max Ratio:999.0 vs -1 |
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| Torrent: Fiasco.2024.S01.1080p.NF.WEB-DL.DUAL.DDP5.1.H.264-FLUX [Hash: e96997444e2125672e66116bdf3b35a28a6b5823] |
| Torrent Category: autobrr |
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| Grouping: private-abr |
| Config Max Ratio vs Torrent Max Ratio:999.0 vs -1 |
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| Config Max Seeding Time vs Torrent Max Seeding Time: 1210800 vs -1 |
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| Torrent: Earwig and the Witch (2020) (1080p BDRip x265 10bit DTS-HD MA 5.1 + AC3 5.1 - Goki)[TAoE] [Hash: d35f767d18b5071140e14d550da445a815d53ce8] |
| Torrent Category: autobrr |
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| Config Max Ratio vs Torrent Max Ratio:999.0 vs -1 |
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| Torrent: Secret.Ingredient.S01E01.1080p.WEB-DL.AAC.H264-fuxs0cy.mkv [Hash: a76253d9da9932358447eaeb1af6450fa7466133] |
| Torrent Category: autobrr |
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| Config Max Ratio vs Torrent Max Ratio:999.0 vs -1 |
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| Torrent: Atlanta @ L.A Lakers 1992 (17 nov).mp4 [Hash: b3be839ad03ce025302834a17164be76590f8585] |
| Torrent Category: autobrr |
| Torrent Tags: spc, nmst, sl_2.private-abr, abr |
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|====================== Updating Share Limits for [Group public] [Priority 9] =======================|
| Torrent: Godzilla.Minus.One.2023.1080p.BluRay.x264.YG⭐ [Hash: 736a7f6169563949c3856d436fab4fa3fb488eba] |
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| Config Max Ratio vs Torrent Max Ratio:1.0 vs -1 |
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| Torrent: Will.Trent.S02E07.1080p.WEB.h264-ELEANOR[TGx] [Hash: 59742ef3eed0d594141a96a9ee0adae68c8a6015] |
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| Torrent: Under.the.Bridge.S01E04.1080p.WEB.H264-SuccessfulCrab[TGx] [Hash: cd9f20f64bb389561c3b18e4c0c6dfce3d726f16] |
| Torrent Category: tv-sonarr |
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| Config Max Ratio vs Torrent Max Ratio:1.0 vs -1 |
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| Config Max Seeding Time vs Torrent Max Seeding Time: 4200 vs -1 |
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| Config Limit Upload Speed vs Torrent Limit Upload Speed: -1 vs -1 |
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| Torrent: The.Good.Doctor.S07E07.1080p.WEB.h264-ELEANOR[].mkv[] [Hash: 0aca065f16f973405afa0e1012c3390a45f28442] |
| Torrent Category: tv-sonarr |
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| Config Max Ratio vs Torrent Max Ratio:1.0 vs -1 |
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| Config Min Num Seeds vs Torrent Num Seeds: 0 vs 1408 |
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| Torrent: Will Trent S02E07 Have You Never Been To A Wedding 1080p AMZN WEB-DL DDP5 1 H 264-NTb[].mkv[] [Hash: a2dcdb1cf16fe8c29634471949fbffce58803176] |
| Torrent Category: tv-sonarr |
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| Config Max Ratio vs Torrent Max Ratio:1.0 vs -1 |
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| Config Max Seeding Time vs Torrent Max Seeding Time: 4200 vs -1 |
| Config Min Num Seeds vs Torrent Num Seeds: 0 vs 36 |
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| Config Limit Upload Speed vs Torrent Limit Upload Speed: -1 vs -1 |
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| Torrent: The.Price.Is.Right.2024.05.01.1080p.WEB.h264-DiRT[].mkv[] [Hash: b20b350ebdcfa18dafb75b4b464953439da698c2] |
| Torrent Category: tv-sonarr |
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| Config Max Ratio vs Torrent Max Ratio:1.0 vs -1 |
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| Config Min Num Seeds vs Torrent Num Seeds: 0 vs 26 |
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| Config Limit Upload Speed vs Torrent Limit Upload Speed: -1 vs -1 |
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| Torrent: Password.2022.S02E07.1080p.WEB.h264-EDITH[].mkv[] [Hash: 91704a1a9ee521d07341e29917f049f02c079d4f] |
| Torrent Category: tv-sonarr |
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| Grouping: public |
| Config Max Ratio vs Torrent Max Ratio:1.0 vs -1 |
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| Config Max Seeding Time vs Torrent Max Seeding Time: 4200 vs -1 |
| Config Min Num Seeds vs Torrent Num Seeds: 0 vs 26 |
| check_max_seeding_time: True |
| Config Limit Upload Speed vs Torrent Limit Upload Speed: -1 vs -1 |
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| Torrent: [ASW] Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! S3 - 04 [1080p HEVC x265 10Bit][AAC] [Hash: aa2ab5585111a45ec8f4f3faca7d33a5bb6da68c] |
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| Grouping: public |
| Config Max Ratio vs Torrent Max Ratio:1.0 vs -1 |
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| Config Min Num Seeds vs Torrent Num Seeds: 0 vs 531 |
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| Config Limit Upload Speed vs Torrent Limit Upload Speed: -1 vs -1 |
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| Torrent: Jimmy.Kimmel.2024.04.30.Jerry.Seinfeld.720p.WEB.h264-EDITH[].mkv[] [Hash: 6294140e73ddd523e9471264ad913d5bb020dcd8] |
| Torrent Category: tv-sonarr |
| Torrent Tags: sl_9.public, nmst, other |
| Grouping: public |
| Config Max Ratio vs Torrent Max Ratio:1.0 vs -1 |
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| Config Max Seeding Time vs Torrent Max Seeding Time: 4200 vs -1 |
| Config Min Num Seeds vs Torrent Num Seeds: 0 vs 71 |
| check_max_seeding_time: True |
| Config Limit Upload Speed vs Torrent Limit Upload Speed: -1 vs -1 |
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|=================================== Checking for Orphaned Files ====================================|
| Locating orphan files |
| Processing orphan exclude patterns |
| No Orphaned Files found. |
| location_files: [] |
| No files found in "/home/(redacted)/downloads/qbittorrent/__recycle-bin" |
| location_files: [] |
| No files found in "/home/(redacted)/downloads/qbittorrent/__orphaned_data/" |
| Finished Run |
| Run Time: 0:00:03 |
| Current Time: 04:31 | 24 Hours until the next run at 04:31 |
^C| Exiting Qbit_manage
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