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Last active November 14, 2022 00:49
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How to use Koios and CardanoSharp to Mint an NFT
using CardanoSharp.Wallet;
using CardanoSharp.Wallet.Encoding;
using CardanoSharp.Wallet.Enums;
using CardanoSharp.Wallet.Extensions.Models;
using CardanoSharp.Wallet.Models.Derivations;
using CardanoSharp.Wallet.Models.Keys;
using CardanoSharp.Wallet.TransactionBuilding;
using CardanoSharp.Wallet.Utilities;
namespace NftSaleDemo.Api.Services;
public interface IPolicyManager
IScriptAllBuilder GetPolicyScript();
PrivateKey GetPrivateKey();
PublicKey GetPublicKey();
public class PolicyManager: IPolicyManager
private readonly PrivateKey _privateKey;
private readonly PublicKey _publicKey;
public PolicyManager(IConfiguration config)
var mnemonic = new MnemonicService().Restore(config["Policy:Mnemonic"]);
IIndexNodeDerivation paymentNode1 = mnemonic.GetMasterNode()
_privateKey = paymentNode1.PrivateKey;
_publicKey = paymentNode1.PublicKey;
public IScriptAllBuilder GetPolicyScript() =>
public PrivateKey GetPrivateKey() => _privateKey;
public PublicKey GetPublicKey() => _publicKey;
using System.Text;
using CardanoSharp.Koios.Client;
using CardanoSharp.Wallet.CIPs.CIP2;
using CardanoSharp.Wallet.CIPs.CIP2.Models;
using CardanoSharp.Wallet.Encoding;
using CardanoSharp.Wallet.Enums;
using CardanoSharp.Wallet.Extensions;
using CardanoSharp.Wallet.Extensions.Models;
using CardanoSharp.Wallet.Extensions.Models.Transactions;
using CardanoSharp.Wallet.Extensions.Models.Transactions.TransactionWitnesses;
using CardanoSharp.Wallet.Models.Transactions;
using CardanoSharp.Wallet.Models;
using CardanoSharp.Wallet.Models.Addresses;
using CardanoSharp.Wallet.TransactionBuilding;
using NftSaleDemo.Api.Models;
using CardanoSharpAsset = CardanoSharp.Wallet.Models.Asset;
namespace NftSaleDemo.Api.Services;
public interface ITransactionService
Task<Transaction?> BuildTransactionForNftSale(string addressBytes, Nft nft);
Task<Transaction?> SignTransactionForNftSale(NftSale nftSale, string witness);
public class TransactionService: ITransactionService
private readonly IAddressClient _addressClient;
private readonly INetworkClient _networkClient;
private readonly IEpochClient _epochClient;
private readonly IPolicyManager _policyManager;
private readonly string _sendPaymentToAddress;
public TransactionService(IConfiguration config, IAddressClient addressClient, INetworkClient networkClient, IEpochClient epochClient, IPolicyManager policyManager)
_addressClient = addressClient;
_networkClient = networkClient;
_epochClient = epochClient;
_policyManager = policyManager;
_sendPaymentToAddress = config["Cardano:SendPaymentToAddress"];
public async Task<Transaction?> BuildTransactionForNftSale(string addressBytes, Nft nft)
//0. Prep
var address = new Address(addressBytes.HexToByteArray());
var scriptPolicy = _policyManager.GetPolicyScript();
//1. Get UTxOs
var utxos = await GetUtxos(address.ToString());
///2. Create the Body
var transactionBody = TransactionBodyBuilder.Create;
//set payment outputs
transactionBody.AddOutput(_sendPaymentToAddress.ToAddress().GetBytes(), (ulong)(nft.BaseCost));
//set mint
var policyId = scriptPolicy.Build().GetPolicyId();
ITokenBundleBuilder tbb = TokenBundleBuilder.Create
.AddToken(policyId, nft.Name.ToBytes(), 1);
transactionBody.AddOutput(address.GetBytes(), 2000000, tbb, outputPurpose: OutputPurpose.Mint);
//perform coin selection
var coinSelection = ((TransactionBodyBuilder)transactionBody).UseRandomImprove(utxos, address.ToString(), tbb);
//add the inputs from coin selection to transaction body builder
AddInputsFromCoinSelection(coinSelection, transactionBody);
//if we have change from coin selection, add to outputs
if (coinSelection.ChangeOutputs is not null && coinSelection.ChangeOutputs.Any())
AddChangeOutputs(transactionBody, coinSelection.ChangeOutputs, address.ToString());
//get protocol parameters and set default fee
var ppResponse = await _epochClient.GetProtocolParameters();
var protocolParameters = ppResponse.Content.FirstOrDefault();
//get network tip and set ttl
var blockSummaries = (await _networkClient.GetChainTip()).Content;
var ttl = 2500 + (uint)blockSummaries.First().AbsSlot;
///3. Mock Witnesses
var witnessSet = TransactionWitnessSetBuilder.Create
var metadata = GetMetadata(
nft.Rarity, nft.Id, nft.Name, $"ipfs://{nft.ImageUrl}", policyId.ToStringHex());
var auxData = AuxiliaryDataBuilder.Create
.AddMetadata(721, metadata);
///4. Build Draft TX
//create transaction builder and add the pieces
var transaction = TransactionBuilder.Create;
//get a draft transaction to calculate fee
var draft = transaction.Build();
var fee = draft.CalculateFee(protocolParameters.MinFeeA, protocolParameters.MinFeeB);
//update fee and change output
var rawTx = transaction.Build();
//remove mock witness
var mockWitnesses = rawTx.TransactionWitnessSet.VKeyWitnesses.Where(x => x.IsMock);
foreach (var mw in mockWitnesses)
return rawTx;
public async Task<Transaction?> SignTransactionForNftSale(NftSale nftSale, string witness)
var transaction = nftSale.TransactionCbor.HexToByteArray().DeserializeTransaction();
var vKeyWitnesses = witness.HexToByteArray().DeserializeTransactionWitnessSet();
foreach(var vkeyWitness in vKeyWitnesses.VKeyWitnesses)
transaction.TransactionWitnessSet.VKeyWitnesses.Add(new VKeyWitness()
VKey = _policyManager.GetPublicKey(),
SKey = _policyManager.GetPrivateKey()
return transaction;
//Helper Functions
private async Task<List<Utxo>> GetUtxos(string address)
var addressBulkRequest = new AddressBulkRequest { Addresses = new List<string> { address } };
var addressResponse = (await _addressClient.GetAddressInformation(addressBulkRequest));
var addressInfo = addressResponse.Content;
var utxos = new List<Utxo>();
foreach (var ai in addressInfo.SelectMany(x => x.UtxoSets))
if(ai is null) continue;
var utxo = new Utxo()
TxIndex = ai.TxIndex,
TxHash = ai.TxHash,
Balance = new Balance()
Lovelaces = ulong.Parse(ai.Value)
var assetList = new List<CardanoSharpAsset>();
foreach (var aa in ai.AssetList)
assetList.Add(new CardanoSharpAsset()
Name = aa.AssetName,
PolicyId = aa.PolicyId,
Quantity = long.Parse(aa.Quantity)
utxo.Balance.Assets = assetList;
return utxos;
catch (Exception ex)
return null;
private void AddInputsFromCoinSelection(CoinSelection coinSelection, ITransactionBodyBuilder transactionBody)
foreach (var i in coinSelection.Inputs)
transactionBody.AddInput(i.TransactionId, i.TransactionIndex);
private void AddChangeOutputs(ITransactionBodyBuilder ttb, List<TransactionOutput> outputs, string address)
foreach (var output in outputs)
ITokenBundleBuilder? assetList = null;
if (output.Value.MultiAsset is not null)
assetList = TokenBundleBuilder.Create;
foreach (var ma in output.Value.MultiAsset)
foreach (var na in ma.Value.Token)
assetList.AddToken(ma.Key, na.Key, na.Value);
ttb.AddOutput(new Address(address), output.Value.Coin, assetList, outputPurpose: OutputPurpose.Change);
private Dictionary<string, object> GetMetadata(string rarity, int id, string name, string image, string policyId)
var file = new
name = $"{name} Icon",
mediaType = "image/png",
src = image
var fileElement = new List<object>() { file };
var assetElement = new Dictionary<string, object>()
Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes($"{name} {rarity}").ToStringHex(),
name = name,
image = image,
mediaType = "image/png",
files = fileElement,
serialNum = $"SOD{rarity}{id}",
rarity = rarity
var policyElement = new Dictionary<string, object>()
policyId, assetElement
// return new Dictionary<string, object>()
// {
// {
// "721", policyElement
// }
// };
return policyElement;
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