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Forked from boohooman007/
Created April 3, 2018 22:06
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KINO KABARET was founded in 1999 in Montreal, Canada, by Christian Laurence and some friends. “Do well with nothing, do better with little and do it right NOW!” This is our motto. By now there are 121 physical chapters around the world and The Netherlands is part of it.


KinoKabaret is a film movement that strives to make short films with little to no budget. We do this by putting together a small team and filming in a non-competitive collaborative environment with other filmmakers. There are now many Kino groups around the world. These groups are also called cells. Many of these cells have a monthly film screening where fellow filmmakers show their films and can ask for help on their projects.

All these Kino cells also have an annual KinoKabaret. The KinoKabaret can also be called a film camp. During a KinoKabaret you do everything together. You share in success and in "failure". You cry, laugh, eat, sleep, shoot, write and clean with each other. Therefore, the key word is: "together". At this place, amateur and professional filmmakers come together to make collaborative films in a VERY short time and then screen them. Some of these films have been submitted to various film festivals around the world and have therefore won prizes.

For example:

KinoKabaret encourages participants to learn about the craftsmanship of making films by making films. Kino offers filmmakers of all levels and backgrounds the skills and experience to write, produce, film, experiment, score and edit their projects with a supportive network, as well as the opportunity to showcase the work to a large audience.

Do you have a script but no crew? Do you have a good idea and do you want to write a script, direct, act, help behind the camera, take care of costumes or props, do you have affinity with make-up, hair or costumes, are you good with sound or do you like to make the film score or are you an editor and / or post production hero or do you just want to learn this? If yes, then KinoKabaret is the place for you. Come and create with other makers from all over the world.

KinooniK 1018

KinooniK 1018 will take place in Vlaardingen from the 22nd to the 27th of June 2018.

During this week filmmakers will come to Vlaardingen from Belgium, Germany, England, France, Spain, Italy, USA and other countries to create film with only one goal: We create, meet and encourage each other to make a film with what we have.

There will be two rounds, one of 48 hours and one of 72 hours. A round consists of pitching your idea, finding your team, filming, editing and post production. With the closing of each round there will be a screening and an after party.

You can register via the link below

We ask for a personal contribution of 10 euros per day. This will give you breakfast, an evening meal and access to the screening. You will have to pay for beverage from your own pocket. There is also a possibility to sleep at our location, but bring an inflatable mattress and a sleeping bag. KinoKabaret goes non-stop from start to screening. And then... we start again from scratch.

KinooniK Meet & Screen

Every month we hold a Meet and Screen. The Meet & screen is a place where film-lovers come together to watch films, to network and drink something. This monthly evening changes location. One month at the Fruitvis in Rotterdam, the next month at our head office in Vlaardingen. The evening in the Fruitvis is a theme evening, where we select the films based on this theme. The evening at our head office is the kino evening. An evening filled with films freshly created by Kinoïts during a KinoKabaret somewhere in the world.

Our next Meet & screen are:

  • 12 April (Vlaardingen)
  • 17 May (Rotterdam) Theme: Film from the heart.
  • 14 June (Vlaardingen)
  • 19 July (Rotterdam) Theme: Experimental.

Kino dictionary

Kino is a community with its own jargon. This jargon is spoken by Kino participants - or Kinoïts. A brief explanation of this jargon is described below

Kino Chapter is a city or region and the group of Kinoïts that organize KinoKabarets and other events there. It also includes everyone who belongs to the organization.

Monthly Screening is an ideal monthly event where films are shown and distributed from our and other Kino cells. Anyone can ask for a production meeting can be afterwards.

Production Meeting is a meeting of Kinoïts who want to make a film and ask for help. This also happens in the first part of each round during the KinoKabaret

Turbo Kabaret lasts for one weekend. It is a Kabaret without much organization. People meet, make films and screen them somewhere.

Kino Lab is the center of the Kabaret. A room with many tables, chairs and lots of wires. The closer the screening becomes, the higher the tension in the room becomes. You can feel it!

Quicky a very short (45 sec) fast realized short film that is spontaneously recorded and edited during a round. Kinoït is a KinoKabaret participant. Often a Kinoït is someone who has affected several cells

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