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Last active December 23, 2015 04:27
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ci::audio BlockTimer
#include "BlockTimer.hpp"
using namespace cinder;
class FnNode : public audio::Node {
std::function<void()> mFunc;
void process(audio::Buffer *buffer) override {
FnNode(std::function<void()> &&func, const Format &format = {})
: audio::Node{ format }
, mFunc{ func } {}
static double calcSecondsPerBlock(audio::Context &ctx) {
return double(ctx.getFramesPerBlock()) / double(ctx.getSampleRate());
BlockTimer::BlockTimer(audio::Context *ctx) {
mAverageSeconds = mSeconds = 10.0 * calcSecondsPerBlock(*ctx);
startNode = ctx->makeNode<FnNode>([this] { mTimer.start(); });
stopNode = ctx->makeNode<FnNode>([this] {
mSeconds = mTimer.getSeconds();
mAverageSeconds = math::mix<double>(mAverageSeconds, mSeconds, 0.025);
#pragma once
class BlockTimer {
double mSeconds;
std::atomic<double> mAverageSeconds;
ci::Timer mTimer;
ci::audio::NodeRef startNode, stopNode;
BlockTimer(ci::audio::Context *ctx);
double getAverageSecondsPerBlock() const { return mAverageSeconds; };
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