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Created March 4, 2016 16:33
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Mark Miranda - M1 Portfolio


Areas of Emphasis

My main goal is to build a solid foundation for the rest of my career at Turing and into the rest of my career. I would like to create good habits and practices to help solidify that foundation. I want to assimilate into the Turing community and get as much out of this experience as I can.

End of Module Assessment

  • Ruby Syntax:
  • Rails Basics:
  • Javascript Basics:
  • Workflow:
  • Collaboration:

Mid Module Assessment

  • Ruby Syntax & API: 3
  • Ruby Style: 3
  • Blocks & Enumerations: 3
  • Testing: 4
  • Workflow: 4
  • Collaboration: 4


I had no absences this module.


I completed the following individual work this module:


This was a 3 day project where I built a linked list with methods that helped manipulate the data contained within the list. I was evaluated by Meeka with the following results:

Notes: Great job! Excellent use of testing to drive the application and handle/document edge cases. Keep up the good work, you're on the right path!

  • Functional Expectations: 3
  • Test-Driven Development: 4
  • Encapsulation / Breaking Logic into Components: 3
  • Fundamental Ruby & Style: 3
  • Looping or Recursion: 3


This was a 5 day project that emphasized breaking logic into components and giving different classes separate responsibilities. The goal was to be able to encrypt, decrypt, and crack codes given a certain set of data. I was evaluated by Mike with the following results:

Notes: 22 tests. All pass 100 percent test coverage. Well written program, there are possiiblities for better organization minimial refactoring for clarity needed.

  • Overall Functionality: 3
  • Fundamental Ruby & Style: 3
  • Test Driven Development: 3
  • Breaking Logic into Components: 3



Black Thursday

This was a 2 week paired project paired project that dealt with real world data collection and analysis. I paired with Jeneve Parrish. We were evaluated by %% with the following results:


  • Functional Expectations:
  • Test-Driven Development:
  • Encapsulation / Breaking Logic into components:
  • Fundamental Ruby & Style:
  • Enumerable & Collections:
  • Code Sanitation:


This was a 4 day paired project that helped develop our skills working with another person. I paired with Claudia Kiesenhofer. We were evaluated by Mike with the following results:

Notes: all expected functionality works. 12 tests, all passing. Could pull out some longer bits of code to their own methods to help with readability an organization. FILE io stuff could be pulled out to own module or class.

  • Functional Expectations: 3
  • Test-Driven Development: 3
  • Encapsulation / Breaking Logic into components: 3
  • Fundamental Ruby & Style: 3
  • Enumerable & Collections: 3
  • Code Sanitation: 4


Giving Feedback

To Colin Osbourne: Mark is extremely knowledgable and has a great logical way of tackling problems. Since most of what we did was him help guiding me through problems, I sadly can't give any feedback of what he can work on. But once again, he was super easy to work with. Communication was great, he great at giving me feedback so that was also helpful.

To Patrick Hardy: Patrick is great to pair with. He is very collaborative and great at giving and receiving feedback or alternative solutions for problems. He seems dedicated to learning as much as he can and fully immersing himself in his ability to absorb concepts and information.

To Jared Roth: Jared is great at breaking problems down into bite sized portions and really working through them one piece at a time. It was a weird short project that we don't actually need to finish, so yeah. Not too much feedback.

Feedback to Me

From Patrick Hardy: Mark is solidly engaged in the material and its always productive exploring code with him. He seems to have a good handle on everything covered in this exercise, and it was nice to have some extra time to talk out some project-related issues. More practice will get him where he wants to be

From Colin Osbourne: Mark is extremely knowledgable and has a great logical way of tackling problems. Since most of what we did was him help guiding me through problems, I sadly can't give any feedback of what he can work on. But once again, he was super easy to work with. Communication was great, he great at giving me feedback so that was also helpful.

From Jared Roth: Mark is great at keeping the overall objective in mind and ensuring that whatever we're working on is furthering that goal. While I was getting held up on how to best implement one relatively small aspect of the exercise, he was reminding me of what the time was trying to accomplish.

Playing a Part

  • I am very active in the Dennis Ritchie Posse. I try to contribute to discussions and the logic of solving challenges despite not having as much code knowledge as the other posse members.

  • I have weekly screen hero mentor sessions with Travis Yoder and Orion Osbourne. We generally work on refactoring whatever current project I'm working on or work on Exercisms I'm not comfortable with or stuck on.

  • I also attended the 10-year anniversary of the National Association of Asian-American Professionals with the Turing counterpart (Turing Association of Asian-American Programmers). It has given me the opportunity to meet students from other cohorts, alumni and staff and discuss topics that may not affect Turing at large as an Asian-American.

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