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Last active April 27, 2018 17:56
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Slides for Frost Foundation presentation
<title>Frost Foundation: What it is and how to use it</title>
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<div class="slide intro">
<h1>Frost Foundation</h1>
<h2>What it is and how to use it</h2>
<h4>Slides - <a href=""></a></h4>
<div class="slide">
<h3>Dependency Management</h3>
<li>We have a large number of Ember CLI addons, many of them with inter-dependencies on each other.</li>
<li>These all had different versions they relied on amongst themselves resulting in no guarantee of which version would actually be used by an application.</li>
<h3>Compatibility amongst addons</h3>
<li>It is often difficult to know which versions of which addons are compatible with one another (consumption inside another, APIs, etc).</li>
<li>These addons often have compatibility issues as well between the versions of Ember CLI being used by them and your application.</li>
<div class="slide">
<h3>Frost Foundation</h3>
<li><a href=""></a></li>
<li><a href=""></a></li>
<li><a href=""></a></li>
<div class="slide">
<h1>Applications, not Addons</h1>
<li>Frost Foundation is designed to be installed in Applications, not Addons</li>
<li>It is unlikely that there will be a version targeting Addons because it's a different type of problem.</li>
<li>Will touch on this again in the Tooling conversation</li>
<div class="slide">
<h1>Frost Foundation is the embodiment of the effort it took to solve these problems</h1>
<h2>But there's additional continual effort required of everyone</h2>
<li>The Frost Foundation package has only solved this problem for the 43 repositories that are under the direct purview of the UI Platform team
<li><a href=""></a></li>
<li>There are dozens more addons within the Ciena organization that need to use the same compatible versions of dependencies
<li>Please start sending me links to all of these repos</li>
<li>There are also various applications within the Ciena organization that need to use the same compatible versions of dependencies
<li>Please start sending me links to all of these repos</li>
<li>MAJOR releases of addons have a cascading upgrade effect that needs to be managed</li>
<li>Upgrade your applications to begin using Frost Foundation</li>
<li>Upgrade your addons to use the same dependencies compatible with Frost Foundation</li>
<li>Continue to remain aligned with Frost Foundation
<li><a href=""></a></li>
<li>#frost-foundation Slack Channel</li>
<img src="">
<div class="slide">
<h1>Release cycle</h1>
<li>There is not yet a defined release cycle.</li>
<li>General idea is that MAJOR changes of addons will get queued up and a new MAJOR of Frost Foundation will be released.</li>
<li>As we adopt Frost Foundation patterns will begin to emerge</li>
<li>As we are able to upgrade to newer versions of Ember CLI additional patterns will emerge</li>
<li>Items in the "Future" section later will affect patterns and abilities"</li>
<div class="slide">
<h1>More about the overall effort</h1>
All Frost Foundation repositories:
<li>have had GitHub Issue templates added to them
<li><a href=""></a></li>
<li>FEATURE REQUESTS should be created and then discussion should ensure before a PR is submitted
<li>is best practice</li>
<li>prevents having to release MAJOR to address API deficiency in MINOR</li>
<li>have had GitHub Pull Request templates added to them
<li><a href=""></a></li>
<li>now use Node 8.1.2 or 8.6.0, which provides NPM version 5</li>
<li>use the latest version of pr-bumper</li>
<li>employ the protected branch and CODEOWNERS capabilities of GitHub to:
<li>remove the usage of Pull Approve</li>
<li>require a build to pass before a PR can be merged</li>
<li>require a code review before a PR can be merged</li>
<li>require architecture-related files be reviewed if changed in a PR</li>
To facilitate this:
<li>all Frost Foundation repositories on Bitbucket have been moved to GitHub Enterprise.
<li><a href=""></a></li>
<li><a href=""></a></li>
<li>GitHub Enterprise is being upgraded to the latest version
<li>Until then PRs will not be blocked for code review so need to be very diligent about following the process for the repos
<div class="slide">
<p>Some already have, some are achievable in the near-term, and others are future plans</p>
<p>Frost Foundation (and compliance)</p>
<li>Manage MAJOR releases</li>
<li>Audit apps and repos for compliance</li>
<li>Open PRs to align with compliance</li>
<p>Pull Requests</p>
<li>Build a demo app for each PR accessible at a url</li>
<div class="slide">
<h1>So what does the future look like?</h1>
<li>We just talked a little bit about it in the previous Tooling section</li>
<li>Workspaces in both NPM and Yarn, with Ember CLI support</li>
<div class="slide">
<p>And then there's one more slide</p>
<div class="slide">
<h1>Repository Champions</h1>
<p>What do we think of this idea?</p>
<li>We have a large pool of UI developers in the organization, not just Hoth team members</li>
<li>1 (or 2) of these developers are designated as the champion for a repository
<li>become primary contact point for FEATURE REQUESTS</li>
<li>responsible for alignment of architecture, direction, etc with larger vision/efforts</li>
<li>coordinate activities with other champions and UI Platform (Architecture) team</li>
<li>jointly responsible with rest of team for PR reviews and approval, though have final say</li>
<li>1 to 3 other developers are assigned to the same team
<li>in order to learn</li>
<li>in order to assist</li>
<li>jointly responsible with rest of team for PR reviews and approval</li>
<li>A Champion will be assigned as a non-champion to another repository</li>
<li>A developer should not serve as a Champion for more than 2, maybe 3 repositories</li>
<p>This helps keep everyone informed</p>
<p>It spreads out the requirement of select developers having intimate knowledge of every addon</p>
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