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Created January 17, 2018 15:30
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import org.gielinor.util.extensions.toArray
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
import java.nio.file.Files
import java.nio.file.Paths
* Class for loading shop definitions from JSON
* and adding them to the enums found in Shops.
* @see Shops
* @see Shop
* @author Corey
class ShopParser {
companion object {
* The logger object for this class.
val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(!!
* The `HashMap` containing `ShopParser` objects with the `Enum` name as the key.
* @see HashMap
* @see ShopParser
* @see Shops
* @see
val shops = HashMap<String, ShopParser>()
* The path of the shop definition Json file.
* @see Paths
val JSON_PATH = Paths.get("data", "definition", "shops.json")!!
* Parses all shop definitions and stores them in the `shops` `HashMap`
* using the defined Json path.
* @see shops
fun loadShops() {
val parser = JsonParser()
Files.newBufferedReader(JSON_PATH, StandardCharsets.UTF_8).use { reader ->
val result = parser.parse(reader).asJsonObject
val entrySet = result.entrySet()
for (entry in entrySet) {
try {
val key = entry.key
val values = entry.value as JsonObject
val shop = ShopParser()
shop.npcs = values.getAsJsonArray("npcs")?.toList()?.map {
}?.toIntArray() ?: throw IllegalStateException("Npcs are required")
shop.general = values.get("general")?.asBoolean ?: false
val accessibility = values.get("accessibility")?.asString ?:
shop.accessibility = Shop.ShopAccessibility.valueOf(accessibility)
shop.currency = values.get("currency")?.asInt ?: -1
shop.title = values.get("title")?.asString ?: throw IllegalStateException("Shop title is required")
val items =
try {
toArray(values.getAsJsonArray("items").map {
val id = (it as JsonObject).get("id").asInt
val quantity = it.get("quantity").asInt
return@map Item(id, quantity)
} catch (e: IllegalStateException) {
log.warn("Found no items for [{}], defaulting to general store", key)
shop.items = items
shops.put(key, shop)
} catch (e: IllegalStateException) {
log.error("Invalid shop definition for [{}]: {}", entry.key, e)
}"Loaded ${shops.count()} shops")
* The title of the shop.
lateinit var title: String
* The items the shop sells.
lateinit var items: Array<Item>
* Whether or not the shop is a general store
var general = false
* The currency the shop uses.
* A value of -1 indicates a non-item currency shop such as points.
var currency = -1
* Represents the category of players which have access to the shop.
* @see Shop.ShopAccessibility
lateinit var accessibility: Shop.ShopAccessibility
* The Npc Ids which are bound to the shop.
lateinit var npcs: IntArray
* @throws NoSuchFieldException If no entry in the `HashMap` is found
* @see shops
fun get(input: String): ShopParser {
if (shops.count() == 0) {
return shops[input] ?: throw NoSuchFieldException("Shop '$input' not found in $JSON_PATH")
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