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Created January 31, 2024 00:02
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solution for zkhack IV puzzle 3
use ark_bls12_381::{g2::Config, Bls12_381, Fr, G1Affine, G1Projective, G2Affine, G2Projective};
use ark_ec::{
hashing::{curve_maps::wb::WBMap, map_to_curve_hasher::MapToCurveBasedHasher, HashToCurve},
CurveGroup, Group,
use ark_ff::field_hashers::DefaultFieldHasher;
use ark_serialize::{CanonicalDeserialize, CanonicalSerialize};
use sha2::Sha256;
use std::{fs::File, io::Read, ops::Mul};
use prompt::{puzzle, welcome};
pub enum Error {
fn hasher() -> MapToCurveBasedHasher<G2Projective, DefaultFieldHasher<Sha256, 128>, WBMap<Config>> {
let wb_to_curve_hasher =
MapToCurveBasedHasher::<G2Projective, DefaultFieldHasher<Sha256, 128>, WBMap<Config>>::new(
&[1, 3, 3, 7],
#[derive(CanonicalSerialize, CanonicalDeserialize)]
pub struct ElGamal(G1Affine, G1Affine);
impl ElGamal {
pub fn hash_to_curve(&self) -> G2Affine {
let mut data = Vec::new();
self.serialize_uncompressed(&mut data).unwrap();
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
pub struct Message(G1Affine);
struct Sender {
pub sk: Fr,
pub pk: G1Affine,
pub struct Receiver {
pk: G1Affine,
pub struct Auditor {}
impl Sender {
pub fn send(&self, m: Message, r: &Receiver) -> ElGamal {
let c_2: G1Affine = ( + m.0).into_affine();
ElGamal(, c_2)
pub fn authenticate(&self, c: &ElGamal) -> G2Affine {
let hash_c = c.hash_to_curve();
impl Auditor {
pub fn check_auth(sender_pk: G1Affine, c: &ElGamal, s: G2Affine) -> bool {
let lhs = { Bls12_381::pairing(G1Projective::generator(), s) };
let hash_c = c.hash_to_curve();
let rhs = { Bls12_381::pairing(sender_pk, hash_c) };
lhs == rhs
#[derive(CanonicalSerialize, CanonicalDeserialize)]
pub struct Blob {
pub sender_pk: G1Affine,
pub c: ElGamal,
pub s: G2Affine,
pub rec_pk: G1Affine,
fn generate_message_space() -> [Message; 10] {
let g1 = G1Projective::generator();
let msgs = [
.map(|&msg_i| Message(g1.mul(Fr::from(msg_i)).into_affine()))
pub fn main() {
let messages = generate_message_space();
let mut file = File::open("blob.bin").unwrap();
let mut data = Vec::new();
file.read_to_end(&mut data).unwrap();
let blob = Blob::deserialize_uncompressed(data.as_slice()).unwrap();
// ensure that blob is correct
assert!(Auditor::check_auth(blob.sender_pk, &blob.c, blob.s));
/* Implement your attack here, to find the index of the encrypted message */
let rec_pk = blob.rec_pk;
let c2 = blob.c.1;
let hashed_cipher = blob.c.hash_to_curve();
let signature = blob.s;
// e(c2, hashed_cipher):= e(rec_pk^x * m, hashed_cipher)
let first_pairing = Bls12_381::pairing(c2, hashed_cipher);
for (i, msg) in messages.iter().enumerate(){
// e(rec_pk, signature) * e(msg_i, hashed_cipher) =
// e(rec_pk, hashed_cipher^x) * e(msg_i, hashed_cipher) =
// e(rec_pk^x, hashed_cipher) * e(msg_i, hashed_cipher).
let product_pairing =
Bls12_381::multi_pairing([rec_pk, msg.0], [signature, hashed_cipher]);
// the condition is that the above product is equal to the first pairing
if product_pairing == first_pairing {
println!("Found the message index: {}", i);
/* End of attack */
const PUZZLE_DESCRIPTION: &str = r"
Bob designed a new one time scheme, that's based on the tried and true method of encrypt + sign. He combined ElGamal encryption with BLS signatures in a clever way, such that you use pairings to verify the encrypted message was not tampered with. Alice, then, figured out a way to reveal the plaintexts...
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