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Created June 27, 2019 06:54
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Rounding polygon corners
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
//NOTE: this struct zero-initializes to a valid state!
// List<T> list = {}; //this is valid
template <typename TYPE>
struct List {
TYPE * data;
size_t len;
size_t max;
void init(size_t reserve = 1024 / sizeof(TYPE) + 1) {
assert(reserve > 0);
data = (TYPE *) malloc(reserve * sizeof(TYPE));
max = reserve;
len = 0;
void add(TYPE t) {
if (len == max) {
max = max * 2 + 1;
data = (TYPE *) realloc(data, max * sizeof(TYPE));
data[len] = t;
template <typename ALLOC>
void add(TYPE t, ALLOC & alloc) {
if (len == max) {
max = max * 2 + 1;
data = (TYPE *) alloc.realloc(data, len * sizeof(TYPE), max * sizeof(TYPE), alignof(TYPE));
data[len] = t;
void remove(size_t index) {
assert(index < len);
for (int i = index; i < len; ++i) {
data[i] = data[i + 1];
//removes elements in range [first, last)
void remove(size_t first, size_t last) {
assert(first < last);
assert(last <= len);
size_t range = last - first;
len -= range;
for (int i = first; i < len; ++i) {
data[i] = data[i + range];
void shrink_to_fit() {
data = (TYPE *) realloc(data, len * sizeof(TYPE));
List<TYPE> clone() {
List<TYPE> ret = { (TYPE *) malloc(len * sizeof(TYPE)), len, len };
memcpy(, data, len * sizeof(TYPE));
return ret;
void finalize() {
*this = {};
TYPE & operator[](size_t index) {
assert(index < len);
return data[index];
//no need to define an iterator class, because range-for will work with raw pointers
TYPE * begin() { return { data }; }
TYPE * end() { return { data + len }; }
//convenience function for same-line declaration+initialization
template<typename TYPE>
static inline List<TYPE> create_list(size_t reserve = 1024 / sizeof(TYPE) + 1) {
List<TYPE> list;
return list;
#include <stdint.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "List.hpp" //my personal arraylist implementation
static const float PI = 3.1415926535;
static const float HALF_PI = PI / 2;
static const float QUARTER_PI = PI / 4;
struct Vec2 { float x, y; };
struct Mat2 { float m00, m01, m10, m11; };
static inline Vec2 vec2(float f) { return { f, f }; }
static inline Vec2 vec2(float x, float y) { return { x, y }; }
static inline Vec2 operator-(Vec2 v) { return { -v.x, -v.y }; }
static inline Vec2 operator-(Vec2 l, Vec2 r) { return { l.x - r.x, l.y - r.y }; }
static inline Vec2 operator+(Vec2 l, Vec2 r) { return { l.x + r.x, l.y + r.y }; }
static inline Vec2 operator*(float f, Vec2 v) { return { f * v.x, f * v.y }; }
static inline Vec2 operator*(Vec2 v, float f) { return { f * v.x, f * v.y }; }
static inline Vec2 operator*(Vec2 l, Vec2 r) { return { l.x * r.x, l.y * r.y }; }
static inline Vec2 operator/(Vec2 v, float f) { return { v.x / f, v.y / f }; }
static inline Vec2 operator/(Vec2 l, Vec2 r) { return { l.x / r.x, l.y / r.y }; }
static inline Vec2 nor(Vec2 v) {
float f = 1 / sqrtf(v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y);
return { v.x * f, v.y * f };
static inline float dot(Vec2 l, Vec2 r) {
return l.x * r.x + l.y * r.y;
static inline float cross(Vec2 l, Vec2 r) {
return l.x * r.y - l.y * r.x;
static inline float len (Vec2 v) {
return sqrtf(v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y);
static inline Vec2 operator*(Mat2 m, Vec2 v) {
return { m.m00 * v.x + m.m01 * v.y,
m.m10 * v.x + m.m11 * v.y, };
int circle_detail(float radius, float delta) {
return fminf(11, sqrtf(radius / 4)) / QUARTER_PI * fabsf(delta) + 1;
//PRECONDITION: points.len > 2
//PRECONDITION: no points are duplicate
//PRECONDITION: shape is non-self-intersecting
List<Vec2> round_corners(List<Vec2> points, float pathRadius) {
List<Vec2> path = {};
for (int i = 1; i <= points.len; ++i) {
Vec2 p1 = points[i - 1];
Vec2 p2 = points[i % points.len];
Vec2 p3 = points[(i + 1) % points.len];
Vec2 leg1 = nor(p2 - p1);
Vec2 leg2 = nor(p3 - p2);
if (dot(leg1, leg2) > 0.999) {
} else {
float cwMul = cross(leg1, leg2) < 0? 1 : -1;
//we use 0.49 instead of 0.5 to avoid generating duplicate verts, which could confuse triangulation
float minLeg = fminf(len(p2 - p1) * 0.49f, len(p3 - p2) * 0.49f);
Vec2 a = leg2 - leg1;
Vec2 b = vec2(leg1.y, -leg1.x) * cwMul; //cw right angle
Vec2 c = a * (pathRadius / dot(a, b));
float r = fminf(pathRadius, pathRadius * minLeg / dot(leg2, c));
Vec2 p = p2 + c * (r / pathRadius);
Vec2 d1 = vec2(-leg1.y, leg1.x) * cwMul * r;
Vec2 d2 = vec2(-leg2.y, leg2.x) * cwMul * r;
float theta = atan2f(cross(d1, d2), dot(d1, d2));
int segments = circle_detail(r, theta);
path.add(p + d1);
if (segments > 1) {
float cos = cosf(theta / segments);
float sin = sinf(theta / segments);
Mat2 rot = { cos, -sin, sin, cos };
for (int i = 1; i < segments; ++i) {
d1 = rot * d1;
path.add(p + d1);
path.add(p + d2);
return path;
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