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Last active May 30, 2019 15:05
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minkowski-vs-ray collision
//NOTE: rayStart should be identical to *pos at the beginning of the function
static void collide_with_volumes(Vec2 rayStart, Vec2 rayDir, Vec2 * pos, Vec2 * vel,
List<LineSegment> lines, List<Circle> circles,
List<Vec2> * normals, float tick, float bounce)
//NOTE: We do a discrete collision response step before the continuous collision step
// to fix a bug where the player could push themselves out of bounds when walking into
// corners less than 90 degrees due to floating point imprecision.
Vec2 push = {};
float distanceEpsilon = 0.05f;
float pushEpsilon = 0.002f;
for (LineSegment line : lines) {
//project the player position onto the line
float segmentDelta = dot(rayStart - line.a, noz(line.b - line.a));
//check whether the projected point is within the bounds of the segment
if (segmentDelta >= 0 && segmentDelta <= len(line.b - line.a)) {
Vec2 closest = line.a + segmentDelta * noz(line.b - line.a);
float distanceFromLine = len(closest - rayStart);
if (distanceFromLine < distanceEpsilon) {
Vec2 tangent = noz(line.b - line.a);
Vec2 normal = vec2(-tangent.y, tangent.x);
push += pushEpsilon * normal;
for (Circle circle : circles) {
float distanceFromCenter = len(rayStart - circle.p);
float distanceFromRadius = fabsf(circle.r - distanceFromCenter);
if (distanceFromRadius < distanceEpsilon) {
Vec2 normal = noz(rayStart - circle.p);
push += pushEpsilon * normal;
rayStart += push;
//keep resolving one (nearest/first) collision at a time until we either run out of collisions
//or run out of iterations, whichever happens first, then update position and velocity
float timeRemaining = 1; //0 = no distance, 1 = full distance of rayDir
bool stillColliding = true; //if we have not resolved all collisions by the end of the loop
for (int iter = 0; iter < 4; ++iter) {
float tmin = 1; //0 = no distance, 1 = full distance of rayDir
Vec2 normal = {}; //the normal of the surface we first collide with
for (LineSegment line : lines) {
Vec2 segmentStart = line.a, segmentDir = line.b - line.a;
//NOTE: algorithm adapted from
float divisor = cross(rayDir, segmentDir);
if (divisor > 0) {
Vec2 diff = segmentStart - rayStart;
float t0 = cross(diff, segmentDir);
if (t0 >= 0 && t0 <= divisor) {
float u0 = cross(diff, rayDir);
if (u0 >= 0 && u0 <= divisor) {
float t = t0 / divisor;
if (t < tmin) {
tmin = t;
Vec2 tangent = noz(line.b - line.a);
normal = vec2(-tangent.y, tangent.x);
for (Circle circle : circles) {
//check if circle is in general direction of ray
//NOTE: this prevents intersecting with a circle from the inside
// so we won't get stuck bouncing around inside a circle
Vec2 AC = circle.p - rayStart;
if (dot(rayDir, AC) > 0.0f) {
//project circle center onto ray
Vec2 R = nor(rayDir);
Vec2 P = rayStart + R * dot(R, AC);
//calculate distance between C and P
float dist2 = len2(P - circle.p);
if (dist2 < circle.r * circle.r) {
//solve the circle equation y = sqrt(r^2 - x^2) at x = dist
float solve = sqrtf(circle.r * circle.r - dist2);
//move backward along the ray from P to find the nearest intersection point
Vec2 intersect = P - solve * R;
//test if the intersection point is within the bounds of the ray
float t = len(intersect - rayStart) / len(rayDir);
if (t < tmin) {
normal = noz(intersect - circle.p);
tmin = t;
//early exit if no collision
if (tmin >= 1) {
stillColliding = false;
//resolve collision
float epsilon = 0.001f; //the amount by which we push the collision point along the normal
//after calculating it, to avoid floating point problems
rayStart = rayStart + rayDir * tmin + normal * epsilon;
//calculate exit vector (by reflecting the leftover movement vector)
Vec2 incoming = rayDir * (1 - tmin); //<- the leftover movement vector
//blend between incoming and reflected movement vectors based on bounciness
//bounciness: -1 = preserve velocity, 0 = fully plastic, 1 = fully elastic
//TODO: allow bounciness < 0?
//TODO: do we even need the tangent, or can we change this to use the normal directly?
Vec2 tangent = { normal.y, -normal.x };
rayDir = incoming + (bounce + 1) * (dot(incoming, tangent) * tangent - incoming);
timeRemaining *= 1 - tmin;
//optionally store a list of normals of all the surfaces we collided with
//this is used for, for example, tracking whether the player is on the ground in a platformer
if (normals) {
//store back results of collision logic
*vel = rayDir / (tick * timeRemaining);
if (stillColliding) {
*pos = rayStart;
} else {
*pos = rayStart + rayDir;
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