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Created May 31, 2012 14:08
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{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, TupleSections #-}
module Main where
import Data.List(partition)
import GTA.Data.JoinList(Semiring, JoinList, JoinListAlgebra(..),
joinize, dejoinize, maxsumsolutionWith)
import GTA.Core(GenericSemiring(..), CommutativeMonoid(..), Bag(..),
hom, oplus, identity, (<.>), filterBy, aggregateBy)
import Data.Vector.Bit(packInteger, pad)
import Data.Bits(bit, (.|.), (.&.))
problem :: [(Double, Double)]
problem = [ (6734, 1453),
(2233, 10),
(5530, 1424),
(401, 841),
(3082, 1644),
(7608, 4458),
(7573, 3716),
(7265, 1268),
(6898, 1885),
(1112, 2049) ]
main :: IO ()
main = print $ tsp [ [ to `distance` from | to <- problem ] | from <- problem ]
where len = length problem
distance (a,b) (c,d) = sqrt $ (a-c)^2 + (b-d)^2
edges :: Int -> Semiring (Int,Int) s -> s
edges n = edgesJ n $ joinize [0..n-1]
edgesJ :: Int -> JoinList Int -> Semiring (Int, Int) s -> s
edgesJ n xs (GenericSemiring {..}) = permute' xs
where permute' = hom (JoinListAlgebra { times = times,
single = single',
nil = nil })
single' s = foldr (oplus . single . (s,)) identity $
filter (s /=) [0..n-1]
JoinListAlgebra {..} = algebra
CommutativeMonoid {..} = monoid
-- 閉路Tester(閉路しかないかを判定する 複数あるかもしれない)
circuits n = (Nothing /=) <.> circuits'
where circuits' = JoinListAlgebra{..}
Nothing `times` ys = Nothing
xs `times` Nothing = Nothing
Just Nothing `times` ys = ys
xs `times` Just Nothing = xs
Just (Just (s, e)) `times` Just (Just (s', e')) =
if 0 == packInteger ((s .&. s') .|. (e .&. e'))
then Just (Just (s .|. s', e .|. e'))
else Nothing
single (s, e) = Just $ Just (pad n (bit s), pad n (bit e))
nil = Just Nothing
-- 連結Tester(選択したエッジが繋ってるかを判定する)
connected n = ((1 ==) . length) <.> connected'
where connected' = JoinListAlgebra{..}
xs `times` ys = foldr (#) [] (xs ++ ys)
a # xs = foldr (.|.) a ss : ts
where (ss, ts) = partition ((0 /=) . packInteger . (a .&.)) xs
single (a,b) = [pad n (bit a) .|. pad n (bit b)]
nil = []
-- 通行禁止のエッジを指定するTester
forbid edge = id <.> fobidden'
where fobidden' = JoinListAlgebra{..}
times = (&&)
single (a,b) = edge /= (a,b) && edge /= (b,a)
nil = True
-- TSPを解く
tsp problem = map snd . dejoinize . head $ ans
(c, Bag ans) = edges size
`filterBy` circuits size
`filterBy` connected size
-- `filterBy` forbid (0,2)
`aggregateBy` maxsumsolutionWith cost
size = length problem
cost (a, b) = - problem !! a !! b
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