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Created February 28, 2014 17:15
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module Huffman where
import Data.Array
import Data.Char
import Data.List
a ~> b = b a
data Huffman_Tree =
HLeaf Int Char
| HNode Int Huffman_Tree Huffman_Tree
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Bit = Zero | One deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Ord Huffman_Tree where
compare (HNode i _ _) (HNode j _ _) = compare i j
compare (HLeaf i _) (HNode j _ _) = if (i == j) then LT else compare i j
compare (HNode i _ _) (HLeaf j _) = if (i == j) then GT else compare i j
compare (HLeaf i a) (HLeaf j m) = if (i == j) then compare a m else compare i j
countchars s = accumArray (+) 0 (foldr1 min s, foldr1 max s) [(x, 1) | x <- s]
tree s = foldtree $ sort [HLeaf n c | (c, n) <- assocs $ countchars s, n > 0]
foldtree (a:[]) = a
foldtree (a:b:ls) = foldtree $ (HNode ((weight a) + (weight b)) a b) : ls
weight (HLeaf i _) = i
weight (HNode i _ _) = i
codebook tr = walk [] tr
walk pref (HLeaf _ ch) = [(ch, pref)]
walk pref (HNode _ t1 t2) = (walk (pref ++ [Zero]) t1) ++ (walk (pref ++ [One]) t2)
encode str = (tree str, concatMap tryLookup str)
cb = codebook $ tree str
tryLookup x = maybe undefined id $ lookup x cb
decode (tr, code) = decodeInner tr code
decodeInner _ [] = []
decodeInner tr as =
getFirstChar tr as
~> (\it -> fst it : (decodeInner tr (snd it)))
getFirstChar (HNode _ t0 t1) (Zero:as) = getFirstChar t0 as
getFirstChar (HNode _ t0 t1) (One:as) = getFirstChar t1 as
getFirstChar (HLeaf _ ch) as = (ch, as)
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