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Last active December 10, 2018 19:18
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Tests the old vs the new Windows argument parser for Rust, to ensure identical behavior
use std::collections::VecDeque;
use std::ffi::OsString;
use std::os::windows::ffi::OsStringExt;
use std::slice;
use std::iter;
use std::ptr;
/// Implements the Windows command-line argument parsing algorithm, described at
/// <>.
/// Windows includes a function to do this in shell32.dll,
/// but linking with that DLL causes the process to be registered as a GUI application.
/// GUI applications add a bunch of overhead, even if no windows are drawn. See
/// <>.
unsafe fn new_parser(lp_cmd_line: *const u16) -> VecDeque<OsString> {
let parsed_args_list = parse_lp_cmd_line(
lp_cmd_line as *const u16,
|| current_exe());
unsafe fn current_exe() -> OsString {
let mut exe_name: [u16; 4096] = [0; 4096];
let ch = GetModuleFileNameW(ptr::null_mut(), &mut exe_name as *mut [u16; 4096] as *mut u16, 4096);
if ch == 0 {
} else {
OsString::from_wide(&exe_name[ as usize])
unsafe fn parse_lp_cmd_line<F: Fn() -> OsString>(lp_cmd_line: *const u16, exe_name: F)
-> VecDeque<OsString> {
const BACKSLASH: u16 = '\\' as u16;
const QUOTE: u16 = '"' as u16;
const TAB: u16 = '\t' as u16;
const SPACE: u16 = ' ' as u16;
let mut in_quotes = false;
let mut was_in_quotes = false;
let mut backslash_count: usize = 0;
let mut ret_val = VecDeque::new();
let mut cur = Vec::new();
if lp_cmd_line.is_null() || *lp_cmd_line == 0 {
return ret_val;
let mut i = 0;
// The executable name at the beginning is special.
match *lp_cmd_line {
// The executable name ends at the next quote mark,
// no matter what.
QUOTE => {
loop {
i += 1;
if *lp_cmd_line.offset(i) == 0 {
slice::from_raw_parts(lp_cmd_line.offset(1), i as usize - 1)
return ret_val;
if *lp_cmd_line.offset(i) == QUOTE {
slice::from_raw_parts(lp_cmd_line.offset(1), i as usize - 1)
i += 1;
// Implement quirk: when they say whitespace here,
// they include the entire ASCII control plane:
// "However, if lpCmdLine starts with any amount of whitespace, CommandLineToArgvW
// will consider the first argument to be an empty string. Excess whitespace at the
// end of lpCmdLine is ignored."
0...SPACE => {
i += 1;
// The executable name ends at the next quote mark,
// no matter what.
_ => {
loop {
i += 1;
if *lp_cmd_line.offset(i) == 0 {
slice::from_raw_parts(lp_cmd_line, i as usize)
return ret_val;
if let 0...SPACE = *lp_cmd_line.offset(i) {
slice::from_raw_parts(lp_cmd_line, i as usize)
i += 1;
loop {
let c = *lp_cmd_line.offset(i);
match c {
// backslash
backslash_count += 1;
was_in_quotes = false;
QUOTE if backslash_count % 2 == 0 => {
cur.extend(iter::repeat(b'\\' as u16).take(backslash_count / 2));
backslash_count = 0;
if was_in_quotes {
cur.push('"' as u16);
was_in_quotes = false;
} else {
was_in_quotes = in_quotes;
in_quotes = !in_quotes;
QUOTE if backslash_count % 2 != 0 => {
cur.extend(iter::repeat(b'\\' as u16).take(backslash_count / 2));
backslash_count = 0;
was_in_quotes = false;
cur.push(b'"' as u16);
SPACE | TAB if !in_quotes => {
cur.extend(iter::repeat(b'\\' as u16).take(backslash_count));
if !cur.is_empty() || was_in_quotes {
backslash_count = 0;
was_in_quotes = false;
0x00 => {
cur.extend(iter::repeat(b'\\' as u16).take(backslash_count));
// include empty quoted strings at the end of the arguments list
if !cur.is_empty() || was_in_quotes || in_quotes {
_ => {
cur.extend(iter::repeat(b'\\' as u16).take(backslash_count));
backslash_count = 0;
was_in_quotes = false;
i += 1;
// The one built into Windows
unsafe fn old_parser(lp_cmd_line: *const u16) -> VecDeque<OsString> {
let mut ret_val = VecDeque::new();
let mut num_args = 0;
let parts = CommandLineToArgvW(lp_cmd_line, &mut num_args);
if parts.is_null() {
return ret_val;
for i in 0..(num_args as isize) {
let mut len = 0;
let mut part = *parts.offset(i);
while *part != 0 { part = part.offset(1); len += 1 };
let os_string = OsString::from_wide(slice::from_raw_parts(*parts.offset(i), len));
extern "system" {
fn CommandLineToArgvW(lpCmdLine: *const u16, pNumArgs: *mut u32) -> *mut *mut u16;
fn LocalFree(pNumArgs: *mut *mut u16);
pub fn GetModuleFileNameW(hModule: *mut u32,
lpFilename: *mut u16,
nSize: u32)
-> u32;
fn main(){
/*let ucs_2: [u16; 9] = ['a' as u16, ' ' as u16, '"' as u16, 'a' as u16, '"' as u16, '"' as u16, ' ' as u16, 'a' as u16, 0];
unsafe {
let new_result = new_parser(&ucs_2 as *const [u16; 9] as *const u16);
let old_result = old_parser(&ucs_2 as *const [u16; 9] as *const u16);
println!("ucs_2={:?}", ucs_2);
println!("old_result={:?}", old_result);
println!("new_result={:?}", new_result);
// Test with no executable at the beginning
for a in 0..0xFF {
println!("{:x}", a);
for b in 0..0xFF {
for c in 0..0xFF {
for d in 0..0xFF {
let ucs_2: [u16; 5] = [a, b, c, d, 0];
unsafe {
let new_result = new_parser(&ucs_2 as *const [u16; 5] as *const u16);
let old_result = old_parser(&ucs_2 as *const [u16; 5] as *const u16);
if old_result != new_result {
println!("ucs_2={:?}", ucs_2);
assert_eq!(old_result, new_result);
// Test with an executable at the beginning
for a in 0..0xFF {
println!("{:x}", a);
for b in 0..0xFF {
for c in 0..0xFF {
for d in 0..0xFF {
let ucs_2: [u16; 7] = ['a' as u16, ' ' as u16, a, b, c, d, 0];
unsafe {
let new_result = new_parser(&ucs_2 as *const [u16; 7] as *const u16);
let old_result = old_parser(&ucs_2 as *const [u16; 7] as *const u16);
if old_result != new_result {
println!("ucs_2={:?}", ucs_2);
assert_eq!(old_result, new_result);
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