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Last active June 20, 2022 17:23
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[bspwm] split-preselection using mouse
## This script allows to preselect the next window split
## direction for bspwm with the mouse.
## Usage Example (add to .sxhkdrc):
## super + ctrl + {_,shift + } button3
## bspc node {,$(xdotool getmouselocation | cut -d ':' -f 5)} -p $(~/.config/bspwm/ {active,all})
## Author: notuxic
## License: CC0
## Load all relevant values into environmental variables,
## abort if moused-over window is not active window
eval $(xdotool getmouselocation --shell)
if [ x"$1" != x"all" ] && [ "$WINDOW" != "$(xdotool getactivewindow)" ]
echo "none"
exit 1
WININFO="$(xwininfo -id "$WINDOW")"
WIDTH="$(echo "$WININFO" | sed -n 's/[[:blank:]]*Width: \([0-9]*\)[[:blank:]]*/\1/p')"
HEIGHT="$(echo "$WININFO" | sed -n 's/[[:blank:]]*Height: \([0-9]*\)[[:blank:]]*/\1/p')"
RX="$(echo "$WININFO" | sed -n 's/[[:blank:]]*Absolute.*X: \([0-9]*\)[[:blank:]]*/\1/p')"
RY="$(echo "$WININFO" | sed -n 's/[[:blank:]]*Absolute.*Y: \([0-9]*\)[[:blank:]]*/\1/p')"
## Define bc script and pass environmental variables
SCRIPT=$(cat << EOS
## load ENV variables into bc variables
pointer_x = $X;
pointer_y = $Y;
corner_lu_x = $RX;
corner_lu_y = $RY;
window_width = $WIDTH;
window_height = $HEIGHT;
## Implement atan2, range: (0; 2 * pi]
pi = 4 * a(1);
define atan2(y, x) {
if (x > 0 && y >= 0) {
return a(y / x);
if (x > 0 && y < 0) {
return (2 * pi + a(y / x));
if (x < 0) {
return (a(y / x) + pi);
if (x == 0 && y > 0) {
return (pi / 2);
if (x == 0 && y < 0) {
return (3 * pi / 2);
## Calculate coords of origin (ie. center of window)
origin_x = corner_lu_x + ( window_width / 2);
origin_y = corner_lu_y + ( window_height / 2);
## Translate mouse coords and upper-left window corner coords
## to cartesian coordinate system with center of moused-over
## window as origin
pointer_x = pointer_x - origin_x;
pointer_y = origin_y - pointer_y;
corner_lu_x = corner_lu_x - origin_x;
corner_lu_y = origin_y - corner_lu_y;
## Translate cartesian coords to polar coords (only calculating
## the angles), and calculate angles of remaining window corners
pointer_theta = atan2(pointer_y, pointer_x);
corner_lu_theta = atan2(corner_lu_y, corner_lu_x);
corner_ru_theta = atan2(corner_lu_y, - corner_lu_x);
corner_ll_theta = corner_ru_theta + pi;
corner_rl_theta = corner_lu_theta + pi;
## Print cardinal direction (north, east, south, west) depending on
## pointer angle in relation to corner angles.
if (pointer_theta >= corner_ru_theta && pointer_theta < corner_lu_theta) {
print "north";
if (pointer_theta >= corner_lu_theta && pointer_theta < corner_ll_theta) {
print "west";
if (pointer_theta >= corner_ll_theta && pointer_theta < corner_rl_theta) {
print "south";
if (pointer_theta >= corner_rl_theta || pointer_theta < corner_ru_theta) {
print "east";
## Execute bc script
echo "$SCRIPT" | bc -l
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