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Last active December 6, 2019 01:54
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import cats.effect.{ Concurrent, Sync }
import cats.effect.concurrent.MVar
import cats.implicits._
import cats.{ Applicative, Functor, Monad }
// Let's start with our dsl
// First we need to interact with a console
trait Console[F[_]] {
def readLn: F[String]
def write(text: String): F[Unit]
// Then we need a key value store
trait KeyValueStore[F[_], K, A] {
def setValue(key: K, value: A): F[Unit]
def getValue(key: K): F[Option[A]]
// And finally we need to log what we do
trait Logger[F[_]] {
def log(message: String): F[Unit]
// Let's write our program
object Program {
def apply[F[_]: Monad](implicit c: Console[F],
kvs: KeyValueStore[F, String, String],
l: Logger[F]): F[Unit] =
for {
_ <- c.write("Enter a key: ")
key <- c.readLn
_ <- l.log(s"Querying KVS for key [$key]")
value <- kvs.getValue(key)
_ <- l.log(s"Got [$value]")
_ <- c.write(value.fold(s"No value for [$key]")(v => s"Current value is [$v]"))
_ <- c.write("\n")
_ <- c.write("Do you want to change the value (y/n/e)?: ")
answer <- c.readLn
_ <- answer match {
case "y" =>
c.write("Enter value: ") >>
c.readLn.flatMap(kvs.setValue(key, _)) >>
l.log(s"$key = $value") >>
c.write("Done!\n") >>
case "n" => Program[F]
case _ => ().pure[F]
} yield ()
// We gonna need an implementations for our algebra
final class InMemKeyValueStore[F[_]: Monad, K, V] private (mvar: MVar[F, Map[K, V]])
extends KeyValueStore[F, K, V] {
override def setValue(key: K, value: V): F[Unit] =
mvar.take.flatMap(m => mvar.put(m.updated(key, value)))
override def getValue(key: K): F[Option[V]] =
object InMemKeyValueStore {
// Notice that creation of KeyValueStore is an effect.
def create[F[_]: Concurrent, K, V]: F[KeyValueStore[F, K, V]] =
MVar[F].of(Map.empty[K, V]).map(mvar => new InMemKeyValueStore(mvar))
final class DefaultConsole[F[_]] private (implicit F: Sync[F]) extends Console[F] {
override def readLn: F[String] = F.delay(
override def write(text: String): F[Unit] = F.delay(print(text))
object DefaultConsole {
def create[F[_]: Sync]: F[Console[F]] = (new DefaultConsole[F](): Console[F]).pure[F]
final class RemoteLogger[F[_]: Applicative] extends Logger[F] {
override def log(message: String): F[Unit] = ().pure[F]
object RemoteLogger {
// Yes, I'm lazy. Because this is not the most exciting part.
// But it's important to notice that creation is also an effect.
def create[F[_]: Applicative]: F[Logger[F]] =
(new RemoteLogger[F]: Logger[F]).pure[F]
// What rather naive implementation would look like
object NaiveApp {
def run[F[_]: Concurrent]: F[Unit] =
InMemKeyValueStore.create[F, String, String].flatMap { implicit kvs =>
RemoteLogger.create[F].flatMap { implicit logger =>
DefaultConsole.create[F].flatMap { implicit console =>
// Yes it works, but we have orphan type class instances.
// Orphans are something you would like to avoid because at scale it makes reasoning much harder.
// So we want to avoid orphan instances, yet be able to perform effect on instance creation
// Here is the machinery that we gonna need
// A `Has` type class. It just says that T contains A
trait Has[T, A] {
def get(t: T): A
object Has {
final class Builder[T] {
def apply[A](f: T => A): Has[T, A] = new Has[T, A] {
override def get(t: T): A = f(t)
def instance[T]: Builder[T] = new Builder[T]
object syntax {
implicit final class HasSyntaxIdOps[T](val a: T) extends AnyVal {
def get[X](implicit T: Has[T, X]): X = T.get(a)
// An `Ask` type class, says that can as for A out of a thin air performing effect F[_]
trait Ask[F[_], A] {
def ask: F[A]
object Ask {
implicit def kleisliHasInstance[F[_]: Applicative, A]: Ask[Kleisli[F, A, ?], A] =
new Ask[Kleisli[F, A, ?], A] {
override def ask: Kleisli[F, A, A] = Kleisli.ask[F, A]
def ask[F[_], A](implicit ask: Ask[F, A]): F[A] = ask.ask
// A 'Lift' type class says that we can lift F[A] into G[A]
trait Lift[F[_], G[_]] {
def lift[A](fa: F[A]): G[A]
object Lift {
object syntax {
implicit final class LiftOps[F[_], A](val fa: F[A]) extends AnyVal {
def lift[G[_]](implicit lift: Lift[F, G]): G[A] = lift.lift(fa)
implicit def kleisliLift[F[_], A]: Lift[F, Kleisli[F, A, ?]] = new Lift[F, Kleisli[F, A, ?]] {
override def lift[B](fb: F[B]): Kleisli[F, A, B] = Kleisli.liftF(fb)
// Now the interesting part
import Ask._
import Has.syntax._
import Lift.syntax._
object Logger {
// We got a proper instance here.
// Let's read our constraints
// For any G[_] which:
// - is a Monad
// - can provide an Env[F], which has a Logger[F] and F can be lifted to G
// we have an instance of Logger[G]
// Yes it looks like a lot of boilerplate
// But it can be totally eliminated using ReifiedInvocations type class,
// but let's keep this pain for now
implicit def instance[F[_], G[_]: Monad: Ask[?[_], Env[F]], Env[_]](implicit
has: Has[Env[F], Logger[F]],
lift: Lift[F, G]): Logger[G] =
new Logger[G] {
override def log(text: String): G[Unit] =
for {
env <- ask[G, Env[F]]
_ <- env.get[Logger[F]].log(text).lift[G]
} yield ()
object KeyValueStore {
implicit def instance[F[_], G[_]: Monad: Ask[?[_], Env[F]], Env[_], K, V](
has: Has[Env[F], KeyValueStore[F, K, V]],
lift: Lift[F, G]
): KeyValueStore[G, K, V] =
new KeyValueStore[G, K, V] {
override def setValue(key: K, value: V): G[Unit] =
for {
env <- ask[G, Env[F]]
out <- env.get[KeyValueStore[F, K, V]].setValue(key, value).lift[G]
} yield out
override def getValue(key: K): G[Option[V]] =
for {
env <- ask[G, Env[F]]
out <- env.get[KeyValueStore[F, K, V]].getValue(key).lift[G]
} yield out
object Console {
implicit def instance[F[_], G[_]: Monad: Ask[?[_], Env[F]], Env[_]](
has: Has[Env[F], Console[F]],
lift: Lift[F, G]
): Console[G] =
new Console[G] {
override def write(text: String): G[Unit] =
for {
env <- ask[G, Env[F]]
_ <- env.get[Console[F]].write(text).lift[G]
} yield ()
override def readLn: G[String] =
for {
env <- ask[G, Env[F]]
_ <- env.get[Console[F]].readLn.lift[G]
} yield ()
final case class Env[F[_]](logger: Logger[F],
kvs: KeyValueStore[F, String, String],
console: Console[F])
object Env {
implicit def hasLogger[F[_]] = Has.instance[Env[F]](_.logger)
implicit def hasKVS[F[_]] = Has.instance[Env[F]](_.kvs)
implicit def hasConsole[F[_]] = Has.instance[Env[F]](_.console)
object App {
def run[F[_]: Concurrent]: F[Unit] =
for {
logger <- RemoteLogger.create[F]
kvs <- InMemKeyValueStore.create[F, String, String]
console <- DefaultConsole.create[F]
env = Env(logger, kvs, console)
program = Program[Kleisli[F, Env[F], ?]]
_ <-
} yield ()
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