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Last active September 21, 2018 13:54
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Onion Architecture using Finally Tagless and Liberator
import{ EitherT, State }
import cats.implicits._
import cats.{ Monad, ~> }
import io.aecor.liberator.syntax._
import io.aecor.liberator.{ ProductKK, Term }
trait Api[F[_]] {
def doThing(aThing: String, params: Map[String, String]): F[Either[String, String]]
trait FooService[F[_]] {
def doFoo(params: Map[String, String]): F[String]
trait FooServiceComponent1[F[_]] {
def doFooStep1(params: Map[String, String]): F[String]
trait FooServiceComponent2[F[_]] {
def doFooStep2(params: Map[String, String]): F[String]
trait BarService[F[_]] {
def doBar(params: Map[String, String]): F[String]
trait FileIO[F[_]] {
def appendLine(filePath: String, line: String): F[Unit]
trait KeyValueStore[K, V, F[_]] {
def setValue(key: K, value: V): F[Unit]
def getValue(key: K): F[Option[V]]
class DefaultApi[F[_]: Monad: FooService: BarService] extends Api[F] {
override def doThing(aThing: String, params: Map[String, String]): F[Either[String, String]] =
aThing match {
case "foo" =>
case "bar" =>
case other =>
"Unknown command".asLeft[String].pure[F]
object DefaultApi {
// I think this is some kind of compiler bug, so we help it
private implicit def instanceFoo =
Term.termGen[ProductKK[FooService, BarService, ?[_]], FooService]
private implicit def instanceBar =
Term.termGen[ProductKK[FooService, BarService, ?[_]], BarService]
// Now that what amazes me! Notice the duality of encodings
def terms: Api[Term[ProductKK[FooService, BarService, ?[_]], ?]] =
new DefaultApi[Term[ProductKK[FooService, BarService, ?[_]], ?]]
def free: Api[Free[Coproduct[FooService.FooServiceOp, BarService.BarServiceOp, ?[_]], ?]] =
new DefaultApi[Free[Coproduct[FooService.FooServiceOp, BarService.BarServiceOp, ?[_]], ?]]
class DefaultFooService[F[_]: Monad: FooServiceComponent1: FooServiceComponent2]
extends FooService[F] {
override def doFoo(params: Map[String, String]): F[String] =
for {
r1 <- FooServiceComponent1[F].doFooStep1(params)
r2 <- FooServiceComponent2[F].doFooStep2(params)
} yield s"$r1 && $r2"
object DefaultFooService {
private implicit def instance1 =
Term.termGen[ProductKK[FooServiceComponent1, FooServiceComponent2, ?[_]], FooServiceComponent1]
private implicit def instance2 =
Term.termGen[ProductKK[FooServiceComponent1, FooServiceComponent2, ?[_]], FooServiceComponent2]
def terms: FooService[Term[ProductKK[FooServiceComponent1, FooServiceComponent2, ?[_]], ?]] =
new DefaultFooService[Term[ProductKK[FooServiceComponent1, FooServiceComponent2, ?[_]], ?]]
class DefaultFooServiceComponent1[F[_]: Monad: KeyValueStore[String, String, ?[_]]]
extends FooServiceComponent1[F] {
override def doFooStep1(params: Map[String, String]): F[String] =
.traverse {
case (key, value) =>
KeyValueStore[String, String, F].setValue(key, value)
.map { x =>
s"Inserted ${x.length} elements"
object DefaultFooServiceComponent1 {
def terms: FooServiceComponent1[Term[KeyValueStore[String, String, ?[_]], ?]] =
new DefaultFooServiceComponent1[Term[KeyValueStore[String, String, ?[_]], ?]]
class DefaultFooServiceComponent2[F[_]: Monad: FileIO] extends FooServiceComponent2[F] {
override def doFooStep2(params: Map[String, String]): F[String] =
.traverse {
case (key, value) =>
FileIO[F].appendLine("fooServiceComponent2.dat", s"$key -> $value")
.map(x => s"Appended ${x.length} lines")
object DefaultFooServiceComponent2 {
def terms: FooServiceComponent2[Term[FileIO, ?]] =
new DefaultFooServiceComponent2[Term[FileIO, ?]]
object StateFileIO extends FileIO[State[Map[String, Vector[String]], ?]] {
override def appendLine(filePath: String,
line: String): State[Map[String, Vector[String]], Unit] =
State.modify { state =>
state.updated(filePath, state.getOrElse(filePath, Vector.empty) :+ line)
class DefaultBarService[F[_]: FileIO: Monad] extends BarService[F] {
override def doBar(params: Map[String, String]): F[String] =
.traverse {
case (key, value) =>
FileIO[F].appendLine("barService.dat", s"$key; $value")
.map(x => s"Appended ${x.length} lines")
object DefaultBarService {
def terms: BarService[Term[FileIO, ?]] =
new DefaultBarService[Term[FileIO, ?]]
object FinallyTaglessApp extends App {
case class AppState(keyValueStoreState: Map[String, String],
fileIOState: Map[String, Vector[String]])
type F[A] = State[AppState, A]
val fileIO: FileIO[F] = StateFileIO.mapK(
λ[State[Map[String, Vector[String]], ?] ~> F](
_.transformS(_.fileIOState, (s, x) => s.copy(fileIOState = x))
val keyValueStore: KeyValueStore[String, String, F] =
StateKeyValueStore[String, String].mapK(
λ[State[Map[String, String], ?] ~> F](
_.transformS(_.keyValueStoreState, (s, x) => s.copy(keyValueStoreState = x))
val api: Api[F] =
val out = EitherT(api.doThing("foo", Map("b" -> "1", "a" -> "2")))
.flatMapF { string =>
api.doThing("bar", Map("out" -> string))
.flatMapF { x =>
api.doThing(x, Map.empty)
.run(AppState(Map.empty, Map.empty))
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