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Created August 14, 2023 21:01
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Exteremely naive CFG parser
import Data.List qualified as List
import Test.Tasty.Bench.Fit (fit, mkFitConfig)
data CFG = CFG String [(String, [Symbol])]
data Symbol = T Char | NT String
splits :: String -> [(String, String)]
splits [] = [([], [])]
splits (x : xs) = ([], x : xs) : map (\(y, z) -> (x : y, z)) (splits xs)
(!) :: Eq k => [(k, v)] -> k -> [v]
xs ! x = map snd $ filter ((== x) . fst) xs
lfpFrom :: Eq t => t -> (t -> t) -> t
lfpFrom x f = let y = f x in if x == y then x else lfpFrom y f
denoteCFG :: CFG -> String -> Bool
denoteCFG (CFG start g) xs = or $ m ! (start, xs)
m :: [((String, String), Bool)]
m =
[((nt, xs'), False) | nt <- nts, xs' <- List.tails xs]
( \m' ->
[ ((nt, xs'), any (\p -> denoteProd p m' xs') (g ! nt))
| nt <- nts
, xs' <- List.tails xs
nts = List.nub (map fst g)
denoteProd :: [Symbol] -> [((String, String), Bool)] -> String -> Bool
denoteProd [] = \_ xs -> null xs
denoteProd (s : ss) = \m xs -> any (\(y, z) -> denoteSymbol s m y && denoteProd ss m z) (splits xs)
denoteSymbol :: Symbol -> [((String, String), Bool)] -> String -> Bool
denoteSymbol (T c) _ [x] = c == x
denoteSymbol T{} _ _ = False
denoteSymbol (NT nt) m xs = or (m ! (nt, xs))
example :: CFG
example = CFG "E" [("E", [NT "E", T '+', NT "E"]), ("E", [T 'a'])]
main :: IO ()
main = print =<< fit (mkFitConfig (\n -> denoteCFG example ('a' : concat (replicate (fromIntegral n) "+a"))) (0, 80))
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Low hanging fruit:

  • Replace splits by deterministic mechanism
  • Use better (Int)Map/Vector data structures
  • Use less naive fixed point (lfpFrom)
  • Use Text/ByteString instead of String

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